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File: 86 KB, 1151x645, roubini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14552274 No.14552274 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit this interview is a goldmine!

>> No.14552286

00:00-19:00 Recession coming, China will kick the bucket

After 19:00 starts talking about crypto...
19:40 “Cryptocurrencies are not even currencies, is a joke...“ mentions BTC and every other crypto as shitcoins
20:00 “Nobody, not even this blockchain conference accepts Bitcoin for payment, because you can do only 5 tx/sec“ lmao, he is a bcashie
21:10 “Its been around for 10 years... no killer apps only Cryptokitties and ponzi games... a lot of centralizes exchanges with no liquidity“

Arthur Hayes clip 22:40 “Roubini is a hater, a nocoiner, someone who has been watching the price rocket in his face over the last few years.“

Roubinis retort 23:00 “BitMex is worse than drug pushers who give you crack cocaine for free“ HAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.14552335

Not watching all of that shit dude

>> No.14552362

But everything he said is true

>> No.14552428

Just watch from 19:00 for crypto stuff

I dont care if you think it is true or not. Its just funny that fucking Roubini himself is out talking about shitcoins/cryptokitties/killer apps/BitMex being a crack dealer... He really hates crypto with all his guts.

>> No.14552464

>He really hates crypto with all his guts.

>(((nouriel roubini)))

gee, i wonder why...

>> No.14552551

lol this guy is hilarious and lets face it, hes spot on about crypto

>> No.14552586

he is a retard

>> No.14552594

no it's not you fucking moron. it just works on people with no critical thinking skills. kill yourself retard

>> No.14552622

literally everything he said about crypto is true
>nobody uses it for goods and services
>no killer app
>even blockchain conventions dont accept it as payment
>rife with manipulation, wash trading, etc.
>bitmex is for degenerate gamblers and has ruined countless people
>arthur hayes is a scammer and drug pusher

>> No.14552636
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1517349676427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh killer app

>> No.14552649

prove him wrong faggot
literally the most used app right now is a weather app on BSV lmao
this entire "industry" is a big fat joke

>> No.14552653

>wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nobody uses canvas and wood airplanes held in the air by lawn mower engines prayers and the holy spirit for mass transportation it's all pointless!!

>> No.14552669

why do you waste your time about one unimportant faggot hating crypto.

it’s his opinion nothing else. he is a nobody. billions of $ are in crypto and it’s the only hedge the world has when the infinite money printing will crash it all. and this day will come

>> No.14552680

>a-a-adoption is totally coming anon
>we've only had 10 years of no progress
>just wait another 10 years
lmao butthurt shitcoiner detected

>> No.14552692

he's a fucking jew, he's mad he can't take a total control over any coin

>> No.14552693

can't be fucked quite frankly anon, i don't have the time to waste explaining to you how roubini is a brainlet on this Malaysian pottery forum

>> No.14552701

you faggots literally cant refute the man or any of his arguments
>b-b-but theres lots of money in it
lol 95% of crypto volume is fake and the rest is propped up by tether. this is a complete shitshow
>b-b-but muh hedge
lmao Im sure nation states will start buying buttcorn when SHTF. not like theyre stacking gold as a real hedge or something hahahahha you absolutely deluded crypto faggots

>> No.14552708

vidt is used by amspec


with crypto you can pay for services which is way more secure than credit card details

don’t even know the weather app lol

>> No.14552720

>I could totally BTFO every single one of his points
>but I choose not to
lol sure

>> No.14552738

the fucking people will hedge in crypto you piece of dumb shit

gold they will use to hedge but they will take it from you first. crypto they can’t

>> No.14552739

soon bitcoins Stock to flow will be higher than gold. That's when you'll see the real flippening

>> No.14552746

>a literal pdf verifyer
>i-i-its gonna change the world
you faggots are so desperate hahahahha

>> No.14552790

>the people" dont give a shit about crypto. the only reason people buy into this ponzi scheme is because muh price go up grug will be rich. nobody usees this shit and if SHTF this will be the last place people put their money.

>> No.14552797

it’s used you retarded piece of shit.

that was the whole argument

now you retarded brain can’t cope and says it will change the world

btc already did that.

>> No.14552806

>nobody uses it for goods and services
absolute bullshit
>no killer app
lol sure
>even blockchain conventions dont accept it as payment
>rife with manipulation, wash trading, etc.
>bitmex is for degenerate gamblers and has ruined countless people
>arthur hayes is a scammer and drug pusher
couldn't say for certain but if you're certain - okay

>> No.14552821

lmao strong points anon

>> No.14552833
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>> No.14552844

are you fully fucked in the head mate i told you i didn't have time to explain to you how roubini is a brainlet and so i gave you a quick summary

>> No.14552848

>im too busy for this shit
>keeps making nonsensical posts

>> No.14552851

ikr? Imagine actually basing financial decisions on these kinds of arguments

>> No.14552855

and yet your fagott ass spends his whole time here telling everyone crypto is bad.

you life must be shitty boring

you probably even have nothing invested in crypto or stocks or anything else except the rent for you shitty hating central command basement

>> No.14552857


>> No.14552874

>b-b-but you suck!
HAHAHAH ultimate level of butthurt and no arguments reached
>b-b-but muh venezuela
lul I knew this was gonna come. yeah some desperate third world monkeys will push this shitshow to global adoption

>> No.14552903

You want an example of it being used and I gave you one. Not good enough? Not my fucking problem you dolt. The more countries that delve into hyperinflation the more counties that will use it. Suck my cock :^).

>> No.14552904

you have no arguments to even consider. you just make it the way you want it to be.

not buthhurt at all but you are obviously lol

>> No.14552910

BTC is already at 70k USD in Zimbabwe

>> No.14552919

he has no arguments. he is just following some nerds on financial sites or twitter and repeating their bs.

>> No.14552941

lmao venezuela has a gdp of $80 billion. bill gates could buy this entire shit country and would still have plenty left over. it plays no role whatsoever on the global economic scale and if thats the best example you faggots can come up with for muh adoption muh hedge then it only proves Mr. Roubinis arguments.

>> No.14552969
File: 41 KB, 800x450, oogaboogaaa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitrock good because price go up
>grug very smart

>> No.14552984

bitcoin is already adopted. you can pay with it, trade it and use it as a store of value in countries where inflation is high.

in first world countries it will be just a small equivalent to the stock market until the monetary system resets. debt is so high, money is printed everyday, people have so much money and nothing to invest in except bloated stocks.

>> No.14552999

If governments had to use cryptos they'd essentially be the largest miners and thus centralize the system. Then they'd have the power to take it from you or just outright shut you out of the system

>> No.14553005

cool let me go to the store and buy some groceries with bitcorn
oh wait, you cant.

>> No.14553026

He's just part of the reserve telegram group shilling here today.

>> No.14553031

not yet. so we are in the beginning for adoption?

because you can use it on multiple websites thanks to bitpay

>> No.14553049

There are apps that can essentially convert your crypto to fiat on the fly so that it's similar to paying in crypto.

>> No.14553068

Wow I can’t use euros to pay at my local grocery store, euros must be worthless


>> No.14553071

china has most of the mining facilities and they can’t take it from you. there are also other crypto’s which could replace btc or litecoin or whatever in such a case. and try to take a private key from someone.

>> No.14553087

yea like various crypto credit cards. you load them up with the btc you received from a free airdrop and buy your toilet paper

>> No.14553306
File: 111 KB, 888x650, wash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wash trading

The only coin I own is wash traded like crazy everyday. It's so obvious but nobody says anything.
The owner, or some insider is buying and selling to themselves over and over to create fake volume so that it is listed on coinmarketcap or some shit.
Makes me want to sell and get out of this fake bullshit.
You can bet this happens on big coins like bitcoin but they use much more sophisticated wash trading bots that hide and obfuscate their presence.
You can't trust this shit, if this was a regulated market people would be going to jail for this manipulation and fraud.

>> No.14553622

you can bet your ass its going on with bitcoin
watch these shills fall over themselves talking about muh crypto credit card muh bitpay. fact is nobody uses this crap for anything, everybody is sitting on it hoping to get rich. exchange owners pump and dump coins in a completely unregulated market. and then anons are so deluded to think we will get bitcoin ETFs and big institutional money is coming. big players wont touch this circus with a ten foot pole. the only question is why government regulators allow it to happen. the hammer has to come down at some point.

>> No.14553689

>Unironically using shitcoin with your face being filmed
>Multiple times
Boomers are scared, they know we are gone literally kill them, unironically

>> No.14553763

holy shit he's seething when asked about crypto
also why does he sound like a dweeb version of arnold schwarznigger

>> No.14553986

>> crypto has worse adoption than the internet
yes, it's a shame that there is no crypto that streams loads of porn
>> no killer app
I think smart contracts are good for trustless trade between US and China

>> No.14554021

we will see, i'm fine with either adoption or speculation. meanwhile nocoiner cucks like you will cry themselves to sleep at night for the next hundred years.

>> No.14554052

smart contracts are only good so long they can execute trustless that means crypto assets exchanged period. for real goods and services it's almost meaningless.

>> No.14554128

Based Kantian Trump actually doing it. The madman is actually raising Thule and completing the system of German idealism.

>> No.14554233

Well, I've heard there are people trying to make smart contracts meaningful. Maybe it works maybe it doesn't.

>> No.14554753

To set up crypto payments as a merchant is ridiculously easy. The world is just unaware how easy it is to use crypto. He's full of shit.

>> No.14554771
File: 79 KB, 717x796, 1562146179324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this guy and his stance on (((accredited investors)))

>> No.14554784
File: 36 KB, 1129x173, roubini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave the complex machinations of the financial system to us goy, you're not an accredited investor, you're too stupid to understand all this numbers stuff :)
Literally every fucking time.

>> No.14554817

Dr. Doom is based T B H.