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File: 370 KB, 674x505, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1455018 No.1455018 [Reply] [Original]

>In today’s human-centered workplace, a new trend is emerging. Large, shared community tables are appearing in office lobbies and reception areas, corporate cafes and open work areas. Teknion’s community table is designed to be in tune with these human needs and modern workstyles. A model of simple, straightforward design, the table’s substantial proportions make it a focal point for any space, an architectural anchor that invites interaction.

What's /biz/'s position on open offices?


>> No.1455020

Overall, they suck. They're popular because it reduces the costs of equipping an office.

>> No.1455021

They are scientifically proven to lower productivity and make work more stressful.

This is what happens when Millennials care more about the appearance of business than the actual work done.

>> No.1455024

>is designed to be in tune with these human needs and modern workstyles

These sort of work arrangements look communal but in fact are done for cost cutting and employee monitoring reasons.

>> No.1455045

>Work at a college
>Literal hot-spot of well educated people
>PhD's are used for toilet paper
>'Dean of workplace culture' or some equally revolting work title pushes through the open-plan office meme
>Literal tears from all workers
>Happens anyway
>'Dean of employee satisfaction' or whatever equally retarded cringe title tries to resolve the shitstorm by making a new employee policy allowing them to work from home several days per week
>Open-plan office is a ghost-town
>Literally no one comes to work
>Student's only chance to talk to their teacher/lecturer/whatever is during a lecture
>The future of college education, everyone

>> No.1455049

those chairs look so uncomfy

>> No.1455052

I thought my place was bad but at least I get my own desk and a real chair.

>> No.1455053

Loud as fuck, completely distracting, definitely a hindrance to progress and actual work.

I used to program at a place that had one of these "open floor plans", and it had a high ceiling. The result is that the noise is fucking cacophony and the loudest bitches in the room talk constantly with people who apparently give a fuck, while everyone else sits there like "um, trying to focus plz". Its fucking terrible. Only the most annoying extroverted people would think its a good idea.

>> No.1455110
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Absolutely terrible, they are a cost cutting exercise for companies, studies have shown they seriously hurt productivity.

>Constant changes in air conditioner (I sit right below it), especially with people from different countries
>Loud people blabbering away in other languages, people talking across my desk
>No privacy, cannot have a 1 to 1 conversation with people everyone can hear
>People leaving their chairs pushed out in the middle of the floor, have to push it back near the desk every time I want to get back to my desk
>Shitty music leaking from peoples headphones, ringtones and people having loud conversations on a phone
>People with incredibly bad breath or body odour who sit near you

As you can tell, I really hate open offices.

>> No.1455184

I would just work from the bathroom 8 hours a day if this happened to my office. All the while trying to find a new job that isn't sucked into this "community!!!!" bullshit.

>> No.1455203

My back and neck are already straining

>> No.1455301

I would hate this. I need my privacy and I'm pretty autistic. I'm sure accountants would hate this as well.

>> No.1455305

I use a standing desk at my office because I like to switch between standing and sitting but since I'm a somewhat tall guy that looks like shit. I don't want to hunch over to work standing up.

>> No.1455312

aka- the managers dont want to make the rounds of cubicles and want to be able to catch someone slacking off for half a minute after 2-3 hours of accounting/work stuff since everyone now works at one table

and this --->>>1455020

>> No.1455314
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As a multimillionaire sweatshop factory owner, I love open offices.

>> No.1455317

>The future of college education, everyone


College is no longer a thing. It's officially become the new scam for states to siphon money from the middle/low income earners via student loans. It's a bigger version of used car sales, the only difference is that you dont get a car out of the deal.

>> No.1455360


>> No.1455374

Where do I store my own stuff?
Where do I hang my feet?

>> No.1455408
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I don't think it would bother me, especially if I had a headset for communication. People can watch me work in awe, I don't care. If someone bothers me while I'm working, I'll let them know. At least now when someone bothers me, I can make an example of them for the rest of our peasant workforce to witness.

>> No.1455414

Headsets are pretty terrible for calls honestly, might just be me though.

>> No.1455435
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lmaoing @ this video trying to make a fucking table seem like some new innovation

>> No.1455441


Sounds more like you have a poojet problem than an open office problem

>> No.1455446

>You don't like cubicles?
>Here, try working at a prison cafeteria table instead!
>all better.

I wouldn't complain, next they'll have people working while leaning over ropes strung across the room at armpit height.

>> No.1455450

but u need a degree.

>> No.1455466

It's been a while since I've actually used one, but I Iike having my hands free. There's got to be a few high quality headsets available out there.

>> No.1455501

A while here too, but standard operating where I was working, due to the nature of the problems, either required me to actually look at something in depth so basically I either had to jot down some quick notes or tell them to send me an email.

>> No.1455522

you dont
thats the point
its to take away what little individualism you have

>> No.1455625

It's just some rapacious BS. The "modern design" of simplistic patterns and empty space originated because of people being cheap. The second reason is to make it easier to catch anyone who isn't in perpetual work-slave mode.

Realistically, it's counterintuitive for virtually all work other than something like a trading related operation (people next to you could give you help more easily when they can just turn their head toward your screen).

>> No.1455633


Businesses have caught on to the fact that the 40 hour work week is bullshit and the overwhelming majority of that time is wasted by everyone from the top down.

The solution to this was to essentially create a Chinese sweat shop that prevents anyone from not working non stop.

Now you get over 100% productivity without increasing pay.

Naturally, you can easily sell it to Millennials if you make it look hipster enough.

>> No.1455635

This is not a new idea.

See Japan.

>> No.1455716

Damn I hate that shit, when you work your ass off and suddenly as soon as you take 5 minutes to yourself after marketing for the past 3 hours your boss comes by and fucks your day up.

>> No.1455729

I'm sure you're well into your highschool career, if you haven't yet dropped out. Not everyone has student loans, many degrees are important to the functioning and advancement of society, people still learn shit from college despite the fact you think you won't learn anything without having ever even tried college, etc. You're worse than millennials who go to college and think they know everything, because instead you're shitposting on 4chan and won't even give community college a shot because you think your retail job is better than what anyone else could get with a degree.

>> No.1455757

We have to deal with this on audits. When the client puts us at a tiny desk all together just to make us uncomfortable and to get out of there ASAP.

We are used to it desu, also why i hate audit. If you get a gossipy boss like I did on my audits, its over.

>> No.1455767

Fucking hate open offices. Don't wanna hear kther peoples phone calls and conversations, I dont want to have a fucking "hot desk" that I have to set up and take down every day, I dont want to smell your food and farts or see you wearing open toed shoes or no shoes at all for some reason at work, i sure as fuck dont want to catch your disease from across the room when you cough and good god I do not want you looking over my shoulder while I try to work.

Anyone that thinks they are a good idea, and not just a cost cutting device, is fully retarded.

>> No.1455773

I bet employees in these places go to tbe toilet a lot. As an introverted person I'd definitely be leaving frequently just to get some alone time

>> No.1455795

which would be noted by the manager

>ANON! why was your seat unoccupied for 3 hours yesterday? "cracks the whip" get back to WORK!

>> No.1455796
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I would quit.

>> No.1456020

This. My team leader sits right at the front of the office room by the door. Every time you have to go in or out you have to go pass him. You are being watched all the time, everyone can see your desktop

>> No.1456133

Conensus ITT seems to be it's a cost-cutting measure, but when I think of the cost of office space and equipment compared to staff, surely it must be obvious to even the biggest mongoloid that this shit isn't worth it if it leads to even a few percent drop in productivity?

>> No.1456143

kek. passable as a meeting table, ok for quick lunch or coffee but working 8 hours on this?
like other anon said, it's only for short term cost reducing (think about employee having chronic back pain after a year or two) and monitoring and overall being a hipster faggot

>> No.1456147

that sounds as if you are still in preschool find a new profession or kill yourself.

>> No.1456155

or find a new self and kill your profession

>> No.1456175

>Conensus ITT seems to be it's a cost-cutting measure

It is. Human resources love to frame these type of things as being for the benefit of employees when they are nothing of the sort.

Kind of how temp agencies frame their shitty hours as being 'flexible'.

>but when I think of the cost of office space and equipment compared to staff, surely it must be obvious to even the biggest mongoloid that this shit isn't worth it if it leads to even a few percent drop in productivity?

Depends on what the job is.

Sure for anything requiring deep work these things are terrible. But for low level work where employees are interchangeable then the cost savings are worth it.

In an actual working environment they will be jamming these tables together as close as possible. Giving each worker the minimum legally required amount of space.

By doing this they can cut office space required by 70% which is a massive saving.

>> No.1456179

Only for creative jobs like fashion and advertising. And also only for the types that like chaos. As a creative myself I prefer to work alone for some time and then expose the ideas to others, then go back to the drawing board, rinse & repeat.

Unfortunately the open office is ubiquitous now. I think companies, especially startups and tech companies bought into a meme and suffer from it without knowing it. That said it's a cheap way to get work done in the starting phases of a company when you are too much of a beggar to afford real offices.

Forbes had a nice article criticizing this setup. I'm too lazy to search that one for you, though. Sorry.

>> No.1456192

>not being able to answer the phone
>no privacy for confidential infos
>not being able to fart
>not being able to bang that sicc gfunk while answering mails
>having a mouthbreathing manager on your shoulder watching your screen

>> No.1456200

>invites interaction
What about uninvited interaction?

I have an incredible disdain for people who try to coax others into doing things instead of straight up telling them. Sometimes you need to interact, sometimes you don't. They should create a "space" that allows people to choose either.

>> No.1456213


most people do not work better surrounded by distractions, no matter what some middle management weenie thinks

>> No.1456221

As an introvert this pusses me off

I like to focus on my work alone and collaborate through email.

I don't see the point of an open office other than working your employees like slaves and ensuring that, god forbid, they don't get any leisure time under your watchful gaze

>> No.1456265
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ITT: People who have never worked in an open/community project.

They're fantastic for productivity during high speed runs and projects, especially when you have a multitude of skills. Especially true in digital industries, but also applies to fashion/etc sometimes.

There're countless examples of fuck ups and people implementing open offices in place of offices rather than in addition to, which invariably lowers productivity and isolates some team members, but those are from companies who don't know what they're doing in the first place. Valve and Google are great examples of companies using "open" offices and project sharing to their fullest.

>> No.1456299

>hurr i love management dick in my ass

>> No.1456306

>Hurr management is a requirement in my industry & office
Get a better job kid

>> No.1456341

>> find a new profession or kill yourself.
>or find a new self and kill your profession

that's deep, anon

>> No.1456429

>picture of female doing yoga
>productive work environment
>laying on your ass "tee hee yoga! guys will do my share of the work"
yeah, you're a cuck philogynist

>> No.1456449


I don't want to talk to people ever.

>> No.1456477


Workplaces aren't logical. Read The Peter Principle. Promotion to incompetence is an inevitable feature of Late Capitalism.

The bigger a corporation, the shitter it becomes for everyone.

>> No.1456541


Look at this fuckin' pissed off college professor trying to justify college.

I've learned more on the internet than any fuckin' cuckhold Indigenous Studies lecture I've been forced to attend for "mandatory credit requirements."

College is a fuckin' breeding ground of hipsters, social justice warriors, and cuckholds. The institution itself is literally just there to make money, and you're pushed through like cattle to a slaughter factory.

"B-but we have mascots and projectors; they do care about us, and our overall education."

Haha, I swear you're fuckin' brainwashed into thinking getting a degree is still a privilege. They have them online now, for fucks sake. Anyone can get a degree (as long as you throw money at it).

Stay woke, nigger.

>> No.1456546


>By doing this they can cut office space required by 70% which is a massive saving

the other option for saving heaps on rent is DONT HAVE YOUR OFFICE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN CITY

speaking as someone who lives in an overcrowded shithole with some of the works parking and public transport in the (first) world, it still defies belief that this... dinosaur idea that "successful companies have to be in the CBD" still exists.

if you didnt have a 20 million dollar rent as part of your overheads, and your employees didnt spend 2 hours a day commuting to work (either by can or broken down train/bus) maybe the workplace would be a little more tolerable

>> No.1456561

the office building i work in is essentially a large open floor with waist high 'cubicles' arranged in a large grid pattern

the only things separating you from other people's sightlines are the computer monitors on your desk

only like 6 people out of 150+ have private offices

>> No.1456562


Still not denying the fact that he doesn't like management dick in his ass...

When did you start liking this feeling of dick in your ass? Do you think it was hereditary, or something you learned through your bullshit "open office" environment cuck-table?

>> No.1456567


wanting to be in an open plan office is subconsciously acknowledging that youre still a child and want to be in a classroom environment with an adult supervising you at all times

management wanting to put you in an open plan office is an overt way of saying that they see you as a child who must be supervised by an adult at all times

>> No.1456569

So since you have such a strong aversion to colleges and college educated professionals I suppose for your next dental appointment you'll be visiting a guy with pliers at the Chinese market?

>> No.1456570


Right, that's entirely how I perceived it.

Management getting fuckin' hard-ons every time they catch you "... not utilizing work time appropriately."

I got the job done ahead of schedule, and with proficient quality... Leave the me the fuck alone.

>> No.1456571

I agree with this so much.

I have no damn idea why people are so obsessed with working in the city. I'd rather have the space, give employees their own office, etc.

>> No.1456581


"... college educated professionals ..."

Hahaha, honestly, what the fuck is that?

> Hurrr, I got a degree so I'm definitely a professional now.
> Im a pro womyns studier, hurrr!

Oh nice, I didn't know your alcoholic nigger step-dad moved to the Chinese market? My appointment for Tuesday at 3:30 PM is still good, right?

>> No.1456588

and let me just say that the constant movement is sometimes too much

often in a down moment i will open my ears up and just listen to the amalgamation of the noise produced by hundreds of people doing stuff all at once. i wonder how it is that i don't notice it the rest of the time. like my brain weeds it out as white noise even though i can pick out every single phone ring or key press

not to mention the fact that the work space IS the hallway. people who are moving to do anything are moving through a communal work space. the path to the bathroom or the printer is someone else's 'private' desk.

>> No.1456594

Gee, I sure hope my doctor/surgeon/dentist/nurse/financial advisor/tax guy/attorney/judge/pharmacist/power company electrician/gas company tech/veterinarian/etc. have some form of formal education and aren't just "internet taught" retards like you seem to be. How's it feel making $11 an hour?

>> No.1456597

So I guess you don't want a college educated dentist or doctor taking care of you then? Surely you can read WebMD, so you can do a better job right?

All these self-taught internet warriors with PHDs in googling and yet almost none of them are millionaires. I wonder why that is?

>> No.1456599



They are 100% pop-office meme, and they drop productivity.

>> No.1456606

You're projecting a little too hard there kiddo

>> No.1456610


yeah but whats the point of wearing your kony 2012 shirt to work on casual fridays, if nobody's going to be able to see it?

to be honest, if i was a 55 year old CEO and saw a bunch of nu-males show up to work in my office one day, i'd be making arrangements to keep those morons under supervision too

>what if paying customers see this bunch of faggots?

>> No.1456615

You're ignoring what I said. If you feel like a child being supervised then you have bigger problems than worrying about an open office. Like I said, if you're crying about managers then get a better job where you don't have any.

>> No.1456616

learn what a definition is "human"

>> No.1456617


Don't you think there's a much more proficient (and affordable way) of teaching and mentoring people to becoming your doctor, surgeon, dentist, nurse, financial adviser, public accountant, attorney, pharmacist, etc.?

The college experience (especially focusing on when reaching for a bachelors degree) is peachy and perfect... The fuck it is.

Don't be a fuckin' nigger denying the fact that these individuals didn't learn more during their actual internship, shadowing, etc.

College (in America) is fucked. Getting your degree is literally just showing that you have the tolerance to sacrifice a lot, and to put up with bullshit for about 4 straight years.

>> No.1456623

isn't it ironic how the "humans" pushing for open offices want to sit in their little cuckshed manager cubicle

>> No.1456624

The only "nigger" here is you, and the tragedy is you don't realize it yet, if ever.

>> No.1456628

The problem being that the reason the 40 hour work week is bullshit is because people that aren't working literally to survive won't tolerate that shit. This might work for a short period of time, but you're going to be hiring new people constantly as workers quick en masse. It'll work out until you have a brand new guy training everyone else on the particulars.

>> No.1456629


I get what you're saying, but you're not understanding the fact that a lot of managers are on power trips.

I've had a couple good bosses in my time, but I can just see some fuck cuck-ring ran "community table" being fuckin' hawked by some smart-ass 22 year-old manager that was hired by his dad (because he got his degree in Business Management), and having no clue what the fuck he's actually doing.

Oh, also, it was the 22 year-old's idea of this open space community table, too. So it does no justice to assume that the community table is "... for the staff."

>> No.1456631

Okay, just remember that when you apply for a job that requires a degree. I also learned more in college than in my internships, though my degree field is abysmal and pathetic anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.1456635

>what are exams
>what are certifications
the actual lectures do not need to be orally delivered by some mouth breathing mongoloid

If you are competent enough to demonstrate your skill in examinations I'm perfectly fine with you servicing me. You don't need to go to indigenous studies and other useless GEs to become "college educated".

>> No.1456640


> Back in 3rd grade.
> "No, YOU'RE the poop-head!"

Nice, you really got me there, Anon.

>> No.1456644

God forbid a manager doesn't follow Putt's law for a change.

>> No.1456653


It feels like every job requires a degree... Even the custodians need to have taken some sort of Microbiology degree program now.

All jokes and bullshit aside, what's your degree field? Why do you think it's abysmal and pathetic?

>> No.1456662


"Technology is dominated by two types of people: Those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand."

>> No.1456666

Genuinely interested, do you have a source for this that's particularly powerful?

>> No.1456667

Because I had pursued it before everything around us started going to shit and riots started happening everywhere. It's criminal justice, and I used it to advance my career field as a police officer into something bigger and better than retiring as sergeant. If I got to lieutenant for example I'd make over 100k/yr. I wanted to get into the administration and high-end part of police work, and instead ended up going federal. Unless I get my master's, I won't make it past GS 12. If I got my master's and sucked plenty of dick throughout my career, I'd most likely end up capping at GS 13. It just feels like I hit a stalemate where my career simply cannot advance anywhere further.

>> No.1456674

black lives matters bruh

>> No.1456675


> Supervision

never in the history of business has this been a successful strategy. You can either trust an employee of you can't. And if you can't, show them the door.

>> No.1456696


Federal is the way to go, honestly.

I was truly looking into Criminal Justice and Criminology, but was immediately warned by many from law enforcement background (everyone from a typical baby-blue Recruit to Commanders and Chiefs) that it was a cucked future that I should immediately avoid.

I'm doing a Business Administration and Management / Information Systems degree plan, which I'm relatively pleased with, but I'm just frustrated with all the "other" bullshit classes I'm forced to take in conjunction of my actual focuses. The other classes are entirely non-related to my interest and focuses, but I need it for my degree plan.

Hey, but you do know that in the more populated and regarded police departments, Sergeants can collect over $100,000.00+ a year... Most times without any substantial overtime or off-duty, at that.

I did an internship for a Chief of Police office (won't specify which location, but it's a substantially well-known department), and I'll let you know now, the administration side is not worth it. Work the streets, be a Sergeant or a Captain (at most), and retire happy and rich.

>> No.1456709

>be computational biologist
>be part of tiny computational biology group (just me, another postdoc and our boss, plus some grad students)
>part of biology department but work exclusively on computers
>all our equipment is in a different building than the biology department because the latter didn't the space/infrastructure for a server room
>we also all have private offices in the other building adjoining the server room
>the rest of the biology department have had an open plan office for the past three years
>pretty much everyone in the department is salty about this and they keep petitioning the head of the department to have us moved to the open plan in the biology building

So far we've avoided a move because my boss flatly refused the head of school requests unless we can move the equipment as well. The head of school agreed to that but has been unable to arrange for a server room in his building for three years now. The topic comes back every couple of months though.

>> No.1456710

Only reason the administration side isn't worth it is because of all the social justice black lives matter crap going on. Honestly, if you say or do the wrong thing you can undermine your entire career, because liberals will make you a target to get you fired for no reason. Federal is still somewhat safe for now, I really wanted to get into administration though. I didn't realize how much ass kissing I'd be doing when I was younger.

>> No.1456723


You're exactly right.

Have a good day, Anon. Maybe our paths may meet again one day... Best of luck!

>> No.1456730
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Working in a tech-company with open office. It's terrible. However, my hipster boss thinks it's so perfect because everyone can share their work, no "cages", you can see your employees all time, we can share music with the speakers (fuck that!), we have a cool relaxing couch (but dare you, if you take a nap there), etc.

The really worst is that I can't fart. Have to go to toilet everytime otherwise I'm sitting at home in the evening with a hurting stomach.

>> No.1456733

it's amazing that you think you can just causally throw the n-word into a sentence and expect people to care what you have to say

>> No.1456750
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>we can share music with the speakers

>> No.1456753

>the n-word

How did you end up on /biz/?

>> No.1456766

The 40 hour week is lower standard in Germany. 35 hours for few office jobs, 45 hours for most jobs.

Is 40 hours actually considered inhumane elsewhere?

I, too, think that productivity after 8 hours of work is probably very low. 6 seems to be most efficient, making it 30 hour weeks (they are called part-time here :')).

>> No.1456767

>reduce productivity

Okay, that may be true, but they encourage the employees to socialize and relieve stress. They can talk to someone at any point, to they create bonds with each other and the company as well.

tl;dr slight drop in productivity, huge boost to work atmosphere.

>> No.1456779
File: 120 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_o8ezeep0SL1t6h7l0_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work in Japan for a while. 60-80 hours were not uncommon. Now working in Germany again I notice, that with a 40h week we get so much more shit done. Motivation is the key for efficiency. I would really welcome a 30 hours week.

>> No.1456808

Gas yourself you normalfag fuck

>> No.1456809


shut up faggot, do you have any idea where you are? fuck you

>> No.1456815

>he actually believes this

>> No.1456830
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>to socialize and relieve stress
Both at the same time?

>> No.1456836


These are the kind of people who like the concept of the open office

>> No.1456849

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.1456852

>relieve stress
>create bonds

These are things you do when speaking to people in private or small groups that you choose. This open floor plan has the entire workforce overhearing you, you do not get to be yourself. You do not form real bonds. You do not relieve stress.

>> No.1456856

>triggered by any racial insult like it's somehow worse than a normal insult
Hey white anon, how's life

>> No.1456857

Yeah, some people care about work and some fields require teamwork and the faster it's performed the better. You know you get a substantial upgrade in employee satisfaction just by not making an effort to look as corporate as possible.

>> No.1456861
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>tfw recently got an office slave job
>open office
>the 'managers' are all hip and young people who keep trying to introduce 'fun' concepts
>every day it seems we have a new 'theme'
>last thursday was 'stuck food slamdown'
>basically any 2 people who got food stuck in the vending machine had to have a wrestling match and the loser would have to pay for treats for the other person
>vending machine worked perfectly luckily
>2 weeks ago we had 'PIZZA PIZZA PRODUCTIVITY' which was everyone who hit their target being given a slice of pizza
>obese woman who sits opposite me literally sat at her desk the whole day staring at the screen so I guess it worked
>our HR department is called 'The Office Funsters'
>have an office filled with board games
>if you want something from HR you have to play a quick round of Monopoly or something
>tfw it is depressing
>we have fruit bowls in the break room and bouncy balls


>> No.1456867

>playing a zero sum solved game just to talk to HR...

I'd rather flip burgers

>Day at the office is all about hitting targets.

I'd rather serve coffee at starbucks.

I sincerely hope you're at least paid adequately Anon.

>> No.1456917
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This is what happens when you have an entire generation of humans raised by school until their 20's

>> No.1456928

I work in the finance dept of an insurance company with an open plan office it's been like that for years though so noone seems to have a problem with it, every office I've worked in was like this as well.

>> No.1456954

this, less hours means you focus on getting crucial things done with more efficiency

>> No.1456959

Yea in my "relaxed public accounting firm" we did 60 hour weeks, so 6, 10 hour days a week and it felt pretty brutal.

The last hour at work I always reserved as my "wikipedia hour" where I would just read about what history I wanted to learn about that day.

Working 10 hours a day for months straight was just painful and nobody tried to get anything done quickly.

>> No.1456962

they had the 'olympic games' at my office

which essentially meant that all the slacker fucks could ignore their duties and that the break room was unusable for actual breaks unless you wanted to participate in the 'fun'

>> No.1457004

those chairs look like theyd kill your back

>> No.1457040

>>2 weeks ago we had 'PIZZA PIZZA PRODUCTIVITY' which was everyone who hit their target being given a slice of pizza
>>obese woman who sits opposite me literally sat at her desk the whole day staring at the screen so I guess it worked
top kek

i guess if i ever start my own company i'll hire fat fucks and offer them food for working hard.

>> No.1457711

>socialize and relieve stress
Happy hour at the bar seems like a whole lot better place for that.

>> No.1457713


And we're supposed to take you seriously.

>> No.1457749

As an introvert, I'd probably just end up killing myself.

>> No.1457762

>80 hours
That doesn't even leave you 8 hours sleep a night, wtf I hate the Japs now. I did that in factory for some rush rework job for a couple weeks when I was young, and even with the overtime, never fucking again.

>> No.1457766

>>if you want something from HR you have to play a quick round of Monopoly or something

This is how you make a man snap.
I'd leave before someone brings a gun to the office.

>> No.1457778



>> No.1457780

God, I hate this hippy go lucky hipster faggot autism concept so much.

Just be serious and get to /biz/ness.

China would fucking laugh in your face for a workplace like that.

>> No.1457799

"Organised fun" is the fucking devil. HR can spend all day fucking around because nothing they do matters. The rest of us have actually grown-up work to do.

>> No.1457805
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 9136625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1458047

sounds like hell.

>> No.1458317

thread is gold, more stories please

>work at san francisco start-up
>"free" lunches and snacks
>BUT YOU GOTTA WORK 70 hour weeks
>overly team centric attitudes means noone takes personal initiative to streamline operations and get things done sooner, fucking around, feels and kumbiya spirit abound. loss of job security and confidence eroded spirited effort.
>self-fulfilling prophecy of 60-70 hour weeks
>it's somehow against the cultural norm to care about increasing revenues and taking responsibility for one's work
>SJW and SanFranCis millenial aged thought police patrol the spaces and fucking hate white cis males who just want to get shit done and not socialize all the fucking time
>many of the people there understood their predicament but couldn't do anything about it since the conditioning and social pressure is so extreme.
>fucking Eric Schmidt shows up for fireside chat with his beady little eyes talking about it being a warcrime to bomb the middle east for some fucking reason.
>shit you not
>quit that shit and moving to most redneck state possible and never looking back.

San Francisco Tech culture is fucking cancer

>> No.1458654

realize this poster is a woman

>> No.1458702

sounds like my friend who worked at a healthcare startup last summer
Dude is obsessed with trying to become Rust from True Detective now because he hates the tech industry so much

>> No.1459166

Works for a business like buzzfeed i bet, but this is the type of shit that makes a professional, with a professional job WANT a cubicle. This is a step AWAY from a personal office. No one who isn't a fag wants that.