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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14547016 No.14547016 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, now much income do you need before your income alone is enough to impress hot chicks?

Assuming your body/face is fairly average, nothing impressive but also not repulsive.

Also assume I live in a medium cost of living city, nothing crazy like NYC.

>> No.14547032

about 10 link

>> No.14547097

Honesty, 1 Million in cash and say you could make 4% of that a year.

40K doing nothing at all would give you a lot of time for leisure.

>> No.14547154

Not even that much dude. The question is how much does it take to court a woman who stays gorgeous throughout life. The answer is not just about money.

>> No.14547174


You'd need to have peacock items though;

1. Nice house/apartment that is fully furnished.
2. Nice car, bitches get wet over Teslas/luxury cars.
3. Boat/plane.
4. Well fitting clothes.

Your best investment at that stage would be yourself though, go full actor-mode and hire a personal trainer and possibly have plastic surgery done on the face.

It's a material world homie.

>> No.14547197

you know I kept seeing these type of posts since i came to biz and I thought it was jokes

no you people legit think money is the only way to get a woman


what shitty highschool/uni experiences yall must of had, and I wasn't even a chad or anything

Shits pretty easy.

Working out and learning an instrument/skill goes a long way, doesnt cost much

women just want someone with skill.

Cause skill = competent = most likely money

>> No.14547201

i'd say about 500k in bank and "travel" a lot. that's it. just because you'll feel considerably more free than 50k in bank.

if you gym regularly, travel, and maybe even work light hours you'll be attractive. nice car, nice clothes etc can all be roughly afforded at that point

>> No.14547238


This is the business board you faggot. We talk about money and money-related things, like whores who fuck for money.

If I wanted advice like "work out" then I would go to the fitness board.

>> No.14547250

for a certain level of woman you do need money though. anyone can go out and pick up some random but nah, you do need money. women dont give a shit about skills if you're broke. it's looks and money. if you have no looks you need a lot of money or power. thats just bsic fact of life

plus money itself improves looks anyway

>> No.14547257

its more about what you own than how much you have. whores just wanna see a fancy rollex and an expensive lambo. yo7 dont actually need money

>> No.14547318

yeah its all about leveraging tbf. poor guys can leverage well and give off the impression they're successful and w.e. which is enough to bag them a hot girl/s.

you can easily leverage a small amount of money to give off the impression you're worth 500k+ to a girl, but whats the point? may as well use that effort to actually make more money. but "normies" do this shit by routine which is why you really have to either play the game by their rules or not play at all

>> No.14547336

>how much income
80k a year post taxes

>> No.14547345

top fucking kek at the dog in the back

>> No.14547375

>500k in bank
Jesus, why? Why would you let that money sit. Should be in relatively low risk assets or real estate

>> No.14547494

yeah maybe not sit in bank acct but i mean 500k free money you don't give that much of a shit about. maybe 1mil net worth, 500k available relatively any time
for me anyway

>> No.14547499

people around here still shilling vanguard for long term low risk?

>> No.14547735

I would say it's enough to have very nice teeth (money), well fitting clothes that are branded (although really rich people dress in sweatpants and without brands), an accessory that is expensive like a watch or a medallion, perfect haircut (get it done once every two weeks), clear skin zero acne, and an expensive shoe (you can wear sneakers as long as it's pristine clean).

From that point, you get their number and then you have to furnish your home without IKEA in-sight. Designer statues and knick-knacks like clocks (I've seen a designer wall clock go for $1400 and a rabbit statue for $2000). Fridge full with drinks, food stored in individual expensive glass/plastic containers from the Container Store, then spill a drink on your tailored button-up shirt and make no fuss about it.

I think this could be done for a one-time investment of $50,000

>> No.14547760

8.5 inches

>> No.14547849

Numchuck skills?

>> No.14547977

you don t need all of that retard. just buy a ferrari or a porsche and you can be ugly as fuck , you will attract infinite number of thirsty whores. being good looking is not a priority when you have shitton of money .

>> No.14548025
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Having money lets you impress women
Having wisdom lets you ignore women

>> No.14548030

This is truth. Incels will say that not all women are like this and say that you should look for ones that like you for you but the fact is women are attracted to competency aka natural fitness and in our modern environment what gauges you natural fitness are looks/health, assertive/charismatic personality, and money.

We live in a cucked matriarchal society and women are in charge of whom they select and this is their criteria. In a normal patriarchal society, where men have balls and don’t play games, we’d simply take away all women freedoms and make them only to be housewife’s. A housewife for each man with the more desirables being paired with the superior men, this is what it was like in the old days before boomers let Jews take control of women.

>> No.14548184

Sadly a 3 year used luxury car is probably the best really effective thing to really attract women cheaply. Or a loud muscle car you or a lifted Jeep. Then a nice sub $300 watch and good shoes and fitting clothes and haircut.

Then you literally just get out of your car and you got them. They cannot control their attraction to symbols of status and “shit togetherness” as I call it.

Women pay attention to things that men couldn’t care less about, like shoes and logos. Nice shoes with nice button down Ralph Lauren shirt.

How you appear is what matters to them, not your account balance. Never appear cheap or desperate.

>> No.14548266

this is incelcope. Did you know the Weeknd was homeless and would sleep at thots houses cause they liked him anyways?

>> No.14548285

They won’t teach you how to get real girls.

>> No.14548336

>If I wanted advice like "work out" then I would go to the fitness board.
oddly, the only advice you'll get here is "have sex"

>> No.14548436
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You can see where she injected the fortify ass spell to stimulate porch monkey genetics.

>> No.14548453

I’m married thank you.
Degenerate whores and other druggies sleep with homeless people.
These are not the women any self respecting man should entertain, but Infuess you don’t have many options if you’re homeless.

Every female is influenced strongly by displays of status, power, and authority both in behavior and in appearance.

>> No.14548466

Money alone will never imprsss young thots, only gold diggers. You can’t wave cash in a thots face and expect her vaj to tingle

You need “game” to peacock, flaunt in, act confident and the part, etc etc

>> No.14548495

Some might be able to resist cash, but can they resist a boat?

>> No.14548499

This. With enough “game” and looks you can unironically get laid while you’re homeless. Has happened to many guys who say they actually got laid the most when they were most fukt/cared the least

Women don’t respond to wealth really, money won’t get you laid in the west. You need all the other things that go along with it: time looks roids etc etc etc

>> No.14548523


>How you appear is what matters to them, not your account balance.

This. This. This.

Women really don't give a shit if you've got 300k or 500k in the bank.

What they care about is outward SOCIAL displays of wealth.

Just goes to show why they are such good consumers desu. Women are the niggers of the genders.

>> No.14548535

Why do you think gangbangers do so well with women?

>> No.14548547

>owning a plane
>owning a boat
>well fitting clothes
Look, I'm not saying rich people don't have planes or boats, and that they don't impress girls, but they shouldn't be in the same category as taking your clothes to a fucking tailor or owning a nice place to live.

Also, teslas are overrated as fuck but I'm assuming you mentioned them because girls like them

>> No.14548567

Yeah, but if you’re ugly (and unkept) and not autistic or delusional, you will be able to tell the women are repulsed by you and only want you for your money. Might as well get a prostitute, because a girlfriend or sugar baby will want you to have a nice car AND give them an allowance.

>> No.14548598

Are that kind of shallow women really what you want?

>> No.14548646

wrong wrong wrong

what matters is how much money you spend on them

>> No.14548647
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holy fuck am I really sharing this board with a bunch of ugly virgins?

>> No.14548794
File: 25 KB, 342x338, 51HhjHR-r0L._SX342_QL70_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider the following:
1. 4chan has always had a higher percentage of virgins than most communities
2. the current generation of young men has the highest percentage of virgins out of any recorded generation
3. 4chan is primarily used by young men

even though 4chan is completely mainstream and probably a top 5 social media site now it is still a majority virgin site

>> No.14548826

That’s deep fren

>> No.14548894


Nah, it's about the POTENTIAL money you could spend on them.

Women are attuned to three things when selecting a mate;

1. Wealth accumulation. What the man owns, fashion, what he does for a living, etc etc.

2. Social standing. His friends, family, how people approach him in public, what her friends think of him.

3. Displays of physical prowess. Muscles that make her 'gina tingle.

>> No.14548906

>even though 4chan is completely mainstream and probably a top 5 social media site now
by imageboard standards, sure. but the average person doesn't know what the fuck a 4chan is. the alexa rank has plummeted since 2016 election

>> No.14548907

LOL. Yeah if you want to be her beta cuck. If you want to be alpha then you spend it on yourself

>> No.14548951

Porn is hard to stop, but porn saved me from dating and spending money to entertain puss or support children I likely would have had by now. I may die a virgin, but I have more money for crypto and avoided STDs, unwanted children, divorced or crazy females. Cuts both ways, fren.

>> No.14549077



We're the beautiful ones.

>> No.14549228

My mom thinks so.

>> No.14549564

I like how the dog is judging them.

>> No.14549662

The amount of income doesn't matter as much as the amount of income she can "experience". If you're worth millions but all of it is squirreled away into investments she doesn't know/care about, it's the same as being woefully average. That's why status symbols like designer clothes, sports cars, etc. work despite how retarded it seems.

>> No.14549688

This thread is full of retards.

>> No.14549731

>2. Nice car, bitches get wet over Teslas/luxury cars.
This works great if you are trying to get men, women just want a clean car.

>> No.14549786

just because it makes you feel better to think that this board is full of autist incels, doesn't mean thats the case.
Myself, and probably a fair amount of people on /biz/ are well adjusted people with girlfriends and wives, and good social lives

Be better. Take care of yourself. Work out. Eat healthier. Learn new skills.
These will help you. Not being a whiny fucking bitch

>> No.14549808

Checked and heiled. A normal thread then.

>> No.14549820

I have a girlfriend and a job. I'm still 100% correct. This board is absolutely full of autistic incels, as is the site at large.