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14544557 No.14544557 [Reply] [Original]

>> I created a tinder
>> I had some matches
>> I arranged a meeting
>> I meet the girl
>> I started talking about chainlink and cryptocurrencys
>>I kissed her
>>Girl said I'm boring and nerdy
>>Why would anyone say that to anyone, my God.
>>I'm 20 years old
>>I came home in the hope of the Vidt pump
>>Vidt dumping
>>Goodbye /biz/

>> No.14544587
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Stick around for the singularity fren

>> No.14544588

Is everyone here an autist

>> No.14544613


>> No.14544623

who let you in? and check those gets!

>> No.14544626

Feels like it lmfao

Who the fuck talks about chainlink and cryptocurrencies to a female? Like what the fuck is wrong with you? You deserve to be khhv

>> No.14544633

Don't be sad. You have to work on yourself. Take up hobbies. Lift. Learn to box and do bjj. Learn a new language and instrument.
You'll make yourself into a chad.
Women care about looks and status.
Up your looks and status my dude.

Also go all in chainlink.

>> No.14544640

lmao hi you must be new here

>> No.14544664

Women are retards.

>> No.14544680

I hate women, what do you even talk about with to them. I like lifting, anime, vidya, sports, and crypto. They like social media and normie tv shit.

>> No.14544700

>>>Why would anyone say that to anyone, my God.
no one fucking talks like this or would be this rude

>> No.14544725

She wanted you to hate fuck her anon

>> No.14544747

>who talks about crypto against a female.
Look at this normie not even realizing his chauvinistic ass stands in the way towards true financial equality across the gender spectrum.

>> No.14544760

My brother has a gf. He talks to her on the phone all the time. But from what I hear they are never actually talking about anything. So I guess to talk to women you need to master the art of talking a lot about nothing

>> No.14544765

> I started talking about chainlink and cryptocurrencys
>Girl said I'm boring and nerdy

>> No.14544801

>dating Seinfeld

>> No.14544805

If you are in chainlink you should try matches with other male linkies

>> No.14544843

I will try Gym

>> No.14544866

Ehh obviously you'll have different main interests, but even saying to some cute gym chick "can you believe it rained today? I shouldnt have done (insert blank)" and based on her reaction you'll see if she's even want to expend any effort. find a bitch that you can blend what you like and what she likes - ie. normie-fuck hiking, kayaking... You don't have to conform to her interests, you just need to make them feel like you care about them and the effort they out forth in talking while also not being a cuck

>> No.14544884


>> No.14544902
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get out of here tranny nigger

>> No.14544955

Do Starting Strength, Greyskull or SL5x5 barbell program.
The sticky on /fit/ has everything you need.
Try to improve yourself in many ways.
I recommend boxing and bjj so you get bros to hang with, it will raise your testosterone and social status along with social skills.
Pic a language you want to learn and torrent the Pimsleur language program for it and also torrent movies and tv in that language.
Also learn to sing or play an instrument /mu/ has learn to play guitar general threads.

The fitter, more muscular, more talented, more interesting and more confident you make yourself... The higher you quality of a mate you will be based on looks and status.

>> No.14544982

Dood, go start at a local BJJ gym, I'm a purple belt but moving to Oregon soon and going to start back at a white belt because thats what you usually do when switching into any good bjj place. The only regret you'll have is being mad you didn't start sooner. You'll have the best years of your life alternating between gym and Bjj 2-3 times a week. Hope you check a class out

>> No.14544995

>>> I created a tinder
>>> I had some matches

youre already better off then 90% of us

>> No.14545003

that girl sounds like a total retard anon. trust me, you just saved yourself an incalculable amount of time, consternation, sanity, and $ by dropping the lady.

>> No.14545014

Sounds gay. Can't I just fuck my bros?

>> No.14545050

Ebin. I wish there were BJJ gyms where I'm at. I can wait for the singularity so I can train BJJ.
I've been told you shouldn't start back at white but instead talk to the boss sensei and explain your situation and offer to not wear it until they think you are ready.
Ayy lmao

>> No.14545077

I mean you can it is just gross and you'll go to hell.

>> No.14545079

Thanks bro. I did not expect to meet anyone like this on /biz/.

>> No.14545098

>you'll go to hell.
Holy dubs confirm homos burn in hell. Sorry I even thought about it.

>> No.14545101

>Do Starting Strength

You wanna know how I know you look like shit ?

>> No.14545106

Probly a nicer more-you oriented life in the long run but if you'd rather your bro than a hot chick you taught to shoot guns with nightvision on and love anal, then you're still a legitimate faggot, guess I'm lucky though... have a good tranny jerk

>> No.14545119

Kek this, i'm not awkward or anything i just don't have anything in common with 99 percent of them. A friend suggested i pick up a hobby that involves some women like hiking or reading

>> No.14545128

Thanks you too, the kill myself was just a meme, but i have failed in every part of my life since i was born. I hope that the things go better.

>> No.14545158

Been calles boring by multiple girls. Gave up dating and focusing on crypto accumulation full time. I'm unironically happier without chasing pussy. Gonna give up drinking too shit is such a waste of time, money, health and energy. All I need are my /biz/bros.

>> No.14545170

If you want a girl to like you, do NOT talk about stuff that interests you. Its not about keeping a conversation going. Anyone can do that, by endlessly talking about your shit ERC20 token. This is how dates end in a polite hug and then she ghosts you.

Focus on HER experiencing feelings and the pussy gets all tingly. Let her talk as much as possible. Its all about getting the emotions flowing.

>> No.14545203

>and love anal
Are you trying to convince me to fuck my buddy or a girl, I can't tell.

>> No.14545206

No problem. Making it and helping my fellow white man make it is what I live for.
If you have any questions or anything let me know and I'll try to help.

Also if you choose to learn a language and if you like video games, steam has a bunch of games in most major languages. For example Skyrim, Payday 2, Fable, Gta V etc are all available in most major languages.
Also if you need motivation, I recommend Eric thomas, Les brown, tony robbins, jihm rohn, Brian Tracy and many others
I listen to motivation compilations like this for my morning run
And if you like anime learning Japanese is super easy too.
You'll meet way more helpful people than I on 2^2chan :)

>> No.14545231

Because I settled for fucking your mother?

>> No.14545282

>This is how dates end in a polite hug and then she ghosts you.

give it a few years anon
there will come a time when that erc10 shittcoin gets bitches drenched

>> No.14545315

>Thanks bro. I did not expect to meet anyone
bjj is gay though, you're grappling and practicing putting your legs around some other dude. it's effective, but gay. replace it with more gym, boxing, biking etc --don't wear a helmet if biking, that's gay too

>> No.14545394

Yeah that's essentially what I'm getting at, 5 minutes into talking to the new dojo guys they usually learn a little about your backstory. Your belt obviously gets mentioned but the essense of learning of bjj is slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Before you know it you'll get to roll with most of the guys in there and they'll quickly see what areas you may lack in and which areas/concepts you've grasped very well. After a week or two it'll be clear whether you are on par with their dojo's belt definitions, which you'd be surprised with their variance depending on how its run and whose teaching. Hope you get really into it! In the case of not having a bjj place near me I had the same problem for a while, I was able to find a good group of guys to roll/learn with that meet twice a week in at my local gym... Older guys but killers and each had decades of different skills and they would meet to continue keeping sharp, one is Ex-cia and traveled the world's MMA/Judo/Bjj masters to develop their modern hand-hand combat training for operatives... Mentioning it because it was probably the coolest way to get into boxing/bjj/mma and learn how to fuck people up so badly and quickly you'd get out of most physical situations in which you're outnumbered.

>> No.14545473

you have to go back

>> No.14545503

Read how to be a 3% man

>> No.14545519

>he doesn’t do SS + GOMAD

>> No.14545521

>> I created a tinder
>> Cute guy I wanted to fuck
>> He couldn't stop talking about bitchain
>> I decided I don't want to fuck after all
>> My night ruined

>> No.14545538
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This. Essentially find some ex-SF/boxerfag/MMA street fight group/gym and get a push knife, ridiculously easy and effect to use If you know how to land a solid strike and block one as well - get that and then you'll be smart enough to realize that you should get your CCW and just put hollow-points into your issues instead of getting 3-on-1'd

>> No.14545573

Drinking is straight retarded, good idea anon

>> No.14545626

Ask yourself if you'd prefer broseph's furry gooch forest to a thick round ass and cuppable tits, then you'll have your answer.

>> No.14545654

t. Internet tough guy.
I don't even train BJJ but shitting on people for getting exercise, learning a skill and making friends just makes you look pathetic.

>> No.14545709

Sounds cool. There is one guy who has trained bjj in the city I live in and one guy who teaches wrestling at a local high school. I plan on asking them to teach me grappling.
Until then I'm stuck on MT

>> No.14545725

>all this shit just to attract a roastie who will divorce and take all your linkies

I'll get a dog instead

>> No.14545740

I see why you don't do bjj fucktard it'd be too much mental exercise, I'm agreeing with you that he can get exercise, learn lifelong skills, and get a great social value and friends from anything besides bjj, was just encouraging him to edge towards finding other bros also wanting to get fit and learn to practically and realistically defend himself at the same time.

>> No.14545768

>>Girl said I'm boring and nerdy
She wasn't worth your time anyway fren
She'll be back begging for you to take her when she hears about $1k Link in the news

>> No.14545821

This. I don't ever mention numbers or concepts more complicated than opinions or feelings when I speak to females.

No need to burden the weaker sex with the heavy stuff

>> No.14545845

>be retarded
>call others retarded
What did you mean by this?

Where do you think mma and sf grappling come from?
BJJ is an easy way for the socially awkward to get bros, fitness and social skills.
And if you could read you would know I don't live in a city with a bjj gym.
What's it like being a nigger?
Don't answer I know it's terrible.
Even if you don't meet a girl, you become more capable and have a good time.
Also the whole point is that you can get a higher quality mate like a qt 16-18 year old white woman.
If you don't make children you're a failure by any metric. Why not just be a homosexual?

>> No.14545847
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gayest thread possible

>> No.14545886

This exactly. OP, you're an idiot if you think that's good first date material, unless you met her in a CS class *maybe*

>> No.14545896

That sounds like a good setup and pretty much the same way I started when I knew absolutely nothing. Hope it goes well, if you stick through it you'll feel really cool inside when you use techniques from different styles during a roll. I think thats the way everyone should get into any mma stuff - relaxed atmosphere thats dynamic and allows for delving into and concentrating on specific things rather than getting a brief sample on 30 moves before you learn the next iterations

>> No.14545938


artificial wombs are coming though. i just see all the downsides to modern women and it has totally made me not want anything to do with them. 50% chance marriage goes to divorce and the judge laughs in your face as he gives all your shit away.

>> No.14546034

She'll probably want to talk to you again in ~6 months.
Don't cherry pick like this. At least he mentionned grey skull.

>> No.14546044

>50% chance marriage goes to divorce
That's not true. That's just like the gender pay gap it doesn't mean what you think it does.

If you marry a roastie with previous marriages or a bunch of slutty history then yes. The reason the rate is so high is because of so many roasties divorcing and remarrying. If you marry a 16-19 year old virgin or a girl with only 1 previous dick and no previous marries... Your chance of divorce is tiny.

I also plan on marrying a young virgin girl in a country that doesn't allow flippant divorces like Russia.

>> No.14546180

Dood I'm a purple belt who got into Bjj because I wanted the background to the bits and pieces of sf grappling I learned from rolling with that old cia fuck, you called bjj gay because you don't like the idea of a dude being on top of you, I was saying even if he cant afford bjj classes or show up 3 times a week he could still find plenty of bros who want the same /fit/ life and learn to at least defend themselves...

t. not a nigger but 5 years in Africa definelty took double that of my life expectancy

>> No.14546209

Friend of mine from Russia married a guy from China. Lived in Germany (he is a PhD fellow). I wasn't sure about their kid's ability to be considered a Chinese citizen, but in order to be considered a Russian citizen, the kid needed to be born in Russia.

>> No.14546218

OP you have to realize girls get endless amounts of attention every day.
Like 5 minutes of any random day for them is more attention, compliments, love and admiration than you will probably receive in your entire life.
So basically they dont have to care about what they say to anyone because they'll have endless praise and validation from whoever's next.
But seriously, chainlink probably not a great topic. Girl's brains are very small and they focus on very shallow things.

>> No.14546305

>you called bjj gay because you don't like the idea of a dude being on top of you
No I didn't that was another guy.

>5 years in Africa
0_0 anon, what were you doing in niggerville?
Well the kid got German citizenship probably.
If both parents are Russian, the kid gets Russian citizenship. I plan on getting Russian citizenship and having my children in a west European country so my kids have usa, rf and eu citizenships.
We the jews now.

>> No.14546560

it was a shit test
>youre boring and nerdy
you; unfazed;
>you're nerdy _comment about her interests _

>> No.14546637

You're just beta. I brag and bs about crypto all the time. I even go into the technicalities, similar to how Patrick Bateman talks about music in American psycho. She just said that as an excuse.

>> No.14546644

That's a pretty neat international plan, just make sure you do your tax structuring to the same extent,

Had the coolest / most retarded upbringing living in shithole countries for my dads job setting up gold mining operations in remote islands / shithole countries.... spent 1-20 years old between the fucking jungles and literal africa... Made a shitload more money than stateside but fuck it wasn't fun almost dying of dysentry and shit and having to go steal your own IV bags at a circus of a hospital at 15.... thanks for bringing up the good memories,

How many link you got? Only 1.2k here but I'm debating when to throw in another $1000

>> No.14546989

The kid ended up getting Russian citizen as she flew back to give birth to the kid. It can be had to had dual let alone tri citizenships.

I had one as I was born in Spain on a US military base. Had to give that up on 18 and in living in the US. Another friend lives in Germany and has dual citizenship due to a technicality in German law.

Hoping that whatever route you takes turns out well.

>> No.14548102

u guys are stupid fucking beta nerd, girls are 99% the same as u except they have vaginas. get over urselves.

t. chad

>> No.14548202

I wish you the best too fren. You might be able to get that Spanish citizenship back.
I plan to hold so long I only have to pay 15% capital gains tax.
I'm almost at sergeant. I'm hoping to make it to 4k by the singularity.

>> No.14548700

No need to ree over the guys in here.

I agree with you that women and men are a lot closer in common than man people think - we're human after all.

Thanks fren! Might work on that - Should probably get my US passport renewed again first. Necesito practicar mi espanol primero.

I also hold no LINK - hope y'all do well. Good luck, marine!

>> No.14548712

Nice larp faggot

>> No.14548747

>create tinder
>match with college qt
>talk about crypto
>she's interested
>talk about how FED is fucked and fuck china
>she doesn't like that
>this leads to politics
>I reveal my powerlevel
>eventually she said she hopes I have a daughter and she gets raped

>> No.14548749

That poor father hiding his conscience behind that fake grin.

>> No.14549071

Torrent pimsleur Spanish unit 1-5.
And torrent avatar the last airbender in spanish(you might have to search for audio latino) you can download English subtitle srt files.

You can also find plenty of entertaining movies, anime and cartoons in Spanish.
Most games on steam have a Spanish option and basically every dvd and bluray in the usa has Spanish sub and dub and eng sub.

You can watch movies and tv in Spanish with English subs on vlc media player at 70-90% speed to make it easier to understand.

Good luck kiddo and buy link.

>> No.14549108
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females really only care: how much is it worth, and is it going up?
Thats it.