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14542430 No.14542430 [Reply] [Original]

Hi I have been holding Chainlink since it was listed on Coinbase. I have almost 300 Link that I picked up for $1000. When will this project do another 10x? Are you guys serious if you say it will be more than $1000 by 2020? If that's true than I will have $300,000

>> No.14542447


$10 EOM September
$100 EOY
$1000 EOY 2020

These are conservative estimates.

>> No.14542449

time will tell....

>> No.14542452

link will go either $10 or $1 so good luck nigger

>> No.14542464

sell now the devs are exit scamming, and its not even a real product just a 32bit json parser

>> No.14542470

oh please god be true so i can accum more
t. nulinker

>> No.14542478

you forgot to minus the %25 tax anon.

>> No.14542483


> he thinks link is going to $37.50 aka 10x

Homie, link is up 1500% this year, what more do you want? This is the top fren. You’re in for 2 years of holding like we did.

>> No.14542505

Should I sell?

>> No.14542515


>2 more years to accumulate the 4th industrial revolution token that will generate enough wealth to last several hundred lifetimes..

please let this be true

>> No.14542520

promise me anon and everyone in here, never forget where we started from. rising out of the ashes no longer branded as neets due to a broken social system, but in our hearts we will always be neets...waking up at 2pm, eating ramen,tendies and maccy d's shitposting and playing vidya games all day.

>> No.14542531

Link is like a stock now.
Just hold and be patience, you will be rewarded.

>> No.14542535

i also got in on the ground floor of chainlink for only 4$ per link. we are savvy investors indeed.

>> No.14542584

Fuck off and lurk moar

>> No.14542600

What's a json parser?

>> No.14542616

I've only heard of Chainlink a few times on reddit but every time it was mentioned people said it was a scam. I regret not getting in at .30c when I could have. If the team communicated more I would probably have a 10k Link stack.

>> No.14542631

Would you have been happy buying Amazon stocks at 4 bucks?
You've done a great thing for your family

>> No.14542645

The team communicated plenty, you just didn't pay attention because you're lazy and you need people to hype things up for you. Go an buy VeChain instead, they have an exciting sci fi video on their website for you to watch.

>> No.14542859

simple javascript applet

>> No.14542934


I've never met you anon but I know that we are one and the same.

>> No.14542994

You should sell, you were given good advice on the superior site Reddit. Link is a scam manipulated by notorious PnD groups lead by Jason Parser. You unironically fomod into the top of a scam that you knew was a scam since the scam was .30c.

The team doesn't communicate because they are incapable. ScamLINK was originally a two man team lead by a philosophy grad so they didn't have time to communicate. Unfortunately, their marketing director Adelyn Zhou is illiterate and barely speaks english so they outsource their coms through the dozens of shitcoin teams they "partner" with.

Get out with profit while you still can or you will never forgive yourself.

>> No.14543033
File: 37 KB, 422x680, 1559002290560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this poster is actually Jason Parser trying to FUD you from buying more link - Jason Parser is a notorious crypto prankster who takes people's gains away

take a loan and buy link
and never sell

>> No.14543059

he meant Jason Parser

He founded the chainlink with Sergey Nazarov

They had somekind of fallout or something

>> No.14543105

Of course the JPIDF (Jason Parser Internet Defense Force) is here within minutes. I guess I shouldn't have used the name "Jason Parser" as I know your ilk uses bots and crawlers to be notified immediately.

OP don't be fooled by Jason's goons, they are an highly sophisticated group of internet tricksters who have been planning this heist for years. There have been many crypto machinations experts over the years who have PROVEN that link is a complete scam manipulated by savvy internet gangsters to reallocate your hard earned money.

Be careful and try not to get burned OP.

>> No.14543135
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next link...

>> No.14543143
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1519167413518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this poster is actually Jason Parser trying to FUD you from buying more link - Jason Parser is a notorious crypto prankster who takes people's gains away

take a loan and buy link
and never sell

>> No.14543219

Caught red handed Jason. Your bot might be malfunctioning. OP if you are still here and capable of reasoning this should prove to you that these linkies are up to no good.

They are very skilled and this mistake is very rare indeed. If you want to take the risk and hold you might be able to ride Jason's next pump, but be wary as it's much more likely they will dump on you.

If you are still uncertain just check what happened with some of Jason's other pump and dumps: Request Network (REQ) and Digibyte (DGB). They even called themselves the "Digimarines". Sound familiar?

Be careful OP and other newfags, Jason is a very smooth operator.

>> No.14543265
File: 539 KB, 720x408, 1561165773919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jason Parser will go to $1000 end of year, trust me
