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File: 48 KB, 750x923, 17E8BBF7-82F0-4C2C-9450-312CE17A2EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14536540 No.14536540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This one girl in my class accidentally sent a Snapchat of her flashing her tits while drunk af to our entire class snap group instead of just the girls snap group. I video recorded it (and also the previous snap of another girl pissing in an outside alley) and sent it to 2 friends and it’s still saved in that snap group and I’m the only one in the class that manages to save it. I know kids in that class that are obsessed with her and would unironically pay $100 or more to have that video saved, an I allowed to sell it and buy some stinky linkies? All over 18

>> No.14536578

No you're not allowed to sell it. So just post them here for us Link marines.

>> No.14536604


She's not even hot, wth

>> No.14536605

I don’t believe you

>> No.14536620

but thats illegal

>> No.14536622

>that shit face
just post it for us gentlemen, as >>14536578 says
then you may do what you wish

>> No.14536703
File: 118 KB, 218x602, C6F5724C-3CCC-4827-A255-B93BB7848475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s maybe an 8/10, blurry Snapchat camera from 2am but the chads love her for some reason and are fucking obsessed with trying to bang her I know they’d pay top dollar to spill some seed to this.

>> No.14536765

Once you seen one pair, you've seen them all.
Pretty generic and average, desu

>> No.14536791

I know, there’s something about it being someone you know though and these guys are all trust fund kids who would easily pay that to save this vid.

>> No.14536838

one of the chads might sell you out to get on her good side and actually fuck her IRL so you should consider a pseudonymous approach that wouldn't freak out the buyers if you do this.

>> No.14536853

i kinda wanna see her get blacked

>> No.14536884

use smart contracts

>> No.14536897

That’s what I’m wondering how to do. Or should I just sell it on some website or shit but

>> No.14536969

Like any Chad would understand that shit

>> No.14537172

Fuck it I’ll just jerk off to it myself and cry

>> No.14537235

lmao gay incel
fuck linkies

>> No.14537393
File: 280 KB, 409x446, 1AB3D0E3-52F5-41D6-911C-F718C3B3D18C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14537542
File: 49 KB, 640x640, C9BA25C2-54CD-436C-9469-5F7407641AF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing. A chad by definition can’t obsessed about anything. Chads don’t care about anything. Everything is magnetized to them. Pussy magically appears on their cock. What you’re describing are betas in disguise.

>> No.14537554

She's a 6/10 with zero tits.

>> No.14537583

gonna post em so we can see the value OP

>> No.14537604

Chadlites then. Bunch of frat bros who are obsessed with her

>> No.14537644

I'll give you 1 link for it. It'll be worth over 1k in the future

>> No.14537663

She's hot as fuck, post it here anon

>> No.14537681

Id unironically post it for some Links. $1000 is a lot for a pic

>> No.14537706

Shes also a Packers fan which means shes white trash. Bump that from a 6/10 down to at least 5/10. I dont even want to see her tits my waifus tits are nicer anyway.

>> No.14537717

Dont be retarded. Do not post it

>> No.14537730

She’s from Cali, just went to a packers game with her cunt friend

>> No.14537738

Britbong detected

>> No.14537750

Why would that be retarded

>> No.14537754


>> No.14537760

Don't be a piece of shit. Delete it.

>> No.14537779

basically they want to buy illegal porn (she's underaged) and you want to sell illegal porn (she's underaged) produced by an illegal porn producer (albeit drunk) girl.

what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.14537780

I'm trying everything I can to get you fucked with some revenge porn law.

>> No.14537823

Delete it you gay nigger

>> No.14537824

Whoa whoa whoa lets not forget who pointed a camera at themselves and sent it to people. The only accident was that she sent it to more people than she wanted. Obviously shes got some deeply rooted attention issues likely due to a shit tier dad but at the end of the day she made her bed,. time to lay in it.
You know how fucking easy it is to not take a picture of your own tits?

>> No.14537825

He doesnt have to delete it, just dont post it on 4chan

>> No.14537826

She’s not underage lol

>> No.14537845

Don't be a piece of shit. Delete it

>> No.14537854

How is this revenge? She sent this shit out

>> No.14537876

All these r3ddit white knight newfags

Post it here, im paying 10 link just to spite the whiteknight fags

>> No.14537887

>being this revengeful
anon pls...

>> No.14537918

Thanks for acknowledging this anon. Does she know you're doing this?

Quick google shows us this is the definition of revenge porn
>"Revenge porn or revenge pornography is the >distribution of sexually explicit images or video >of individuals without their permission. The >sexually explicit images or video may be made >by a partner of an intimate relationship with the >knowledge and consent of the subject, or it may >be made without his or her knowledge"

>> No.14537933

There's no way she is old enough, kys you fuckin pedo

>> No.14537955

Reported to the FBI for seepee
Yeah they do follow ups of this shit
Expect a visit OP

>> No.14537958

I guess so. Shame, coulda used some more Linkies.

>> No.14537981

seriously, she looks like an undeveloped wood plank

>> No.14537986

Give her the attention she so desperately seeks. As long as you didnt hack her you are good to go anon. Post tits and an ETH address for tips.

>> No.14537998

She’s 20 lol

>> No.14538010

I'm just making you sweat Anon, I dont really give a fuck. You just gotta stay safe out here, dont do stupid shit.

>> No.14538019

packers fan? where in wi anon, 262 here

>> No.14538040

She’s actually from Cali

>> No.14538066

this is the most pathetic post ive seen on 4chan and ive been here 8 years

>> No.14538078

HOLY SHIT the amount of redditors and moralfags in this board FUCK OFF. WOMEN ARE STUPID

>> No.14538170
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1467430257167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the scare.
Don't do reckless shit like that, you might not be so fortunate in the future

>> No.14538187

Alright, just thought I could make some off some stupid frat bros but don’t wanna go to jail and get fucked by pajeet

>> No.14538252
File: 42 KB, 540x770, 9m9d0i801sb01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that's not a 8/10 retard. at most a fucking 6/10.
pic related is 8+

>> No.14538255

Dude fucking post them here with an ETH address for tips maybe the new poor fag lettitors dont have fuck you crypto but we do. And you wont have to deal with local people who know you. Just post it and make what you can before this thread loses traction. Youl just get scammed P2P, but if you post it with a random ETH address I guarantee you will able to make some ETH. Il be the first dono.