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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 250x250, ftm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14530941 No.14530941 [Reply] [Original]

Is this piece of shit going to go anywhere?
>inb4 muh next Ethernet 2.0 Dubai smart street shitter

>> No.14531180
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>> No.14531217

you well sell before the moon mission and kys eoy

>> No.14531235

fotm shitcoin.
We've all moved on to vidt now.

>> No.14531274

why will fantom beat holochain?

>> No.14531282

It won’t

>> No.14531297

not for a while, its a solid project with a good team covered in dumb pajeet tier shilling like the pastebin pasta in which almost everything is incorrect and contradicts Conje himself.

>> No.14531342

because the project isn't run by sjw basedboys and wimin

>> No.14531447

Does this even have an official wallet?

>> No.14531463
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>> No.14531485
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can I make it guys?

>> No.14531503

Don't underestimate how important this is. Diversity quotas are a modern forced meme.

>> No.14531520

i will laugh so hard at you if you honestly miss HOT because you bought fucking FTM. HOT is a tech paradigm shift and revolutionary for crypto while FTM is the biz pnd shitcoin we shilled in April/May. all the shills left the FTM ship and moved to QNT and VITD
weak FUD, HOT did 30x in ETH with this team

>> No.14531544
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>> No.14531559
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>muh HOT
right on time

>> No.14531587

when the software is ready in 3-6 months

>> No.14531593

So like Twitter and Google and Facebook?

You just ironically shilled it you pajeet. Sounds like a moon mission to me.

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.14531613

It hasn't even launched yet, why do you idiots always expect everything to moon to $500 within a month or it's a flop?

>> No.14531626

ftm looking pretty solid, moon mission seems inevitable but whennnn

>> No.14531643

Can you explain the pastebin being wrong?


I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.14531650
File: 460 KB, 400x1202, 1531544056741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because biz is full of drooling mongos with caved in frontal lobes

>> No.14531682

fuck no

>> No.14531687

MAINNET will come in Q3, and Andre said: The first mainnet will be another companies dApp.

So a working project with mainnet to be released anytime soon. You should be buying like crazy this shit, it's the perfect time to buy.

>> No.14531744

most of it Conje debunks himself in the Oh Hey Matty interview, that should be the first thing you watch if you're interested in FTM. He mentions smart cities is one of three ways to generate revenue and theyre trying to focus on the other two. States that the initial team mismanaged the project a bit, he was brought on to bridge what was left into actually executing their ideas. Now that he's done that hes staying on to research the tech and advise, as of May he was hands off development. The initial team the project started with is not who they have now and Conje states that probably 90% of the people on the website are not actually there anymore, but that the new team is extremely talented. anyways watch the interview its got good information not just on Fantom.

>> No.14531876

thx just bought 1k

>> No.14532253


>> No.14532324

>Its the perfect time to buy
You probably have a sell order up hoping it gets filled, don't you? The FTM shilling is one of the most dishonest campaigns I have ever seen in biz.

>> No.14532349

i really dont know why anyone would still hold this, it already had its binance listing and there is nothing more that is interesting which is coming out for this coin

>> No.14532363

Just market sold 100k

>> No.14532420

Except fucking main net in Q3?

>> No.14532448

after main net is when theyre planning on starting their hard marketing campaign

>> No.14532457

It hasn't fucking launched, you dumb ass.

>> No.14532480

Fuck it if it drops below 220, I'm selling everything as that's my stop loss. Price is just collapsing right now.

>> No.14532505

ur a faggot

>> No.14532523

Just went to 219. Probably goes much lower.
People don't want to buy token that have a catalyst in Q3, they buy stuff that is currently pumping.
Thats also why ETH is so low right now. People want gains today and not tomorrow, but most get rekt this way.

>> No.14532561

I'm out. I learnt from the last bear not to hodl, I sold my whole stack. Fuck this.

>> No.14532595

nobody cares about mainnet faggot you will never see ATH again

>> No.14532674

>The initial team the project started with is not who they have now and Conje states that probably 90% of the people on the website are not actually there anymore, but that the new team is extremely talented.
I saw that snippet of the interview and the people on the github page that were credited as developers have been removed from the website. I don't know how long ago it was, but they aren't on the website anymore.

>> No.14532723

discord trannies going full retard FUD today??? everyone but reddit newfags bought FTM for $0.005 and is still 500% in profit. nice try trannies, nice try

>> No.14533581

Just sold and am taking shelter in Link. Will buy back maybe at 150 sats

>> No.14533657

What's with the FUD in this thread? It's down a few % today. Chill the fuck out

>> No.14533658


anyone here ever been to dubai?

>> No.14533692

>They sold?

>> No.14533715

biz fudding
buy signal

>> No.14534294


>> No.14534358

FUD is in full force today out of nowhere and for absolutely no reason, wonder why

>> No.14534455
File: 285 KB, 1280x757, FUDbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14534831

>smart cities is one of three ways to generate revenue
how will they get revenue from smart cities? ahahahahah

>> No.14534962

ty, just sold 200k

>> No.14535044

I sold at 220 but its going up again so bought in again at 240. To the moon bitches.

>> No.14535167


>> No.14535177

buy high sell low