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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14530973 No.14530973 [Reply] [Original]

This token will soon be known as the one that caused a mass neet suicide

>> No.14530986


>> No.14530988

Good, shakes off the impatient ones

>> No.14531001

Because they couldn't afford any

>> No.14531017

Swinglinkers will regret what they did for the rest of their short, miserable lives.

>> No.14531031

Stinktards are too dumb to take profit. They will all larp after it crashes as having made it. In reality few will have cashed out when they should have. This is the fate of shitcoin cultists.

>> No.14531038

Not really, there's probably like only 5-10 shills in here that really believe their posts actually make any impact.

>> No.14531057

I put in 10k. Now it's worth 400k. I'll feel bad but if it dumps to 0 I didn't lose too much.

>> No.14531059

Yup, because poor neets need to swing to up their stack and they'll lose everything when it moons.

>> No.14531096


>> No.14531132

If it was so easy why does google and oracle shill link.
You lost, you missed out on an amazing chance to change your life for the better but you still fud like a little brat.

>> No.14531412

In a good way or bad? I’m hoping good.

1000 eoy

>> No.14531432
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>> No.14531433

20 minutes.......jeez thats a quality token if you ask me;)

>> No.14531435
File: 245 KB, 1482x1000, Bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they were paid you maroon

>> No.14531442

It must be a pretty stinky shitcoing for hitting too 15.

>> No.14531443
File: 61 KB, 1300x760, linkannouncementbanner_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14531466

So their tokens will be forever burned from the market? Sounds good.

>> No.14531703

literally who?

>> No.14531726

Is this fud? Its barely fear.

>> No.14531920

So bullish on this kiddie fud.

>> No.14532450

Nope, no NEETs actually bought at these levels. It was just redditfags. NEETS will still be in the green when this dumps back to $2.

>> No.14532557

Sad excuse for a human being go back to discord tranny