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File: 74 KB, 932x621, craig-wright-admitted-in-court-that-he-was-ashamed-for-the-creation-of-bitcoin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14512932 No.14512932 [Reply] [Original]

of getting access to the Satoshi coins to the end of December 2020 (i.e when everyone is predicting the next Bitcoin all time high).

He also stated that he may not be able to get access to them as it relies upon Kleiman having given the codes to a trusted third party that will post them to him so they arrive December 2020.

How legit do you think this is lol? To me it looks like he is trying to steal Bitcoin's thunder, like he is trying to get BSV to pump when Bitcoin is going to. I reckon it's all bullshit, the whole story is ridiculous if you look into it.

>> No.14512997

He's an obvious fraud. I have no idea why people listen to con men like this.

>> No.14513013

ppl still buying this fagotry?

>> No.14513124

I think the date where he's supposed to get access to the so called "Tulip trust" was January 2020...

>> No.14513133


I know lmao. The story he is saying is hilarious and the motive of timing etc seems so clear.

He says that he mined into a trust in a tax haven when Bitcoin began. Then he was going to delete the private keys and Kleiman convinced him not. Then he set it up so that Kleiman would be trusted with giving over the codes needed for accessing the coins to a third party courier that would post them to Craigh in Janua.... Oh I mean December 2020! And oh yeah, Kleiman might not have fulfilled his task so when December 2020 comes by, if I don't get access to the coins it is the fault of the dead guy.

Gotta love how he tactically uses dead people as key characters in his story.

>> No.14513136

>Jan 1st 2020 - 'pushing forward' = Today
>Jan 1st 2020 -> 'end of December 2020, maybe' = going backwards
backwards as in, anyone STILL falling for this ridiculous cunts BS, must be

>> No.14513180


Its been updated to December 2020 https://twitter.com/thatcryptoguyyy/status/1145739466822340608

Also he said that he might not even be able to access them as this all relies upon the now deceased Kleiman to have passed over the codes to a courier that would post them to Craig in 2020.


'He said it’s possible he may never be able to access the coins. Which is just fine by him.

“My wife and I consider it’s too much money," Wright said. "I’ve got enough now… and we worry what that amount of money would do to the kids." '

>> No.14513208


Ha, and the 'maybe'! This guy is a master of hedging/casting away inconvenient prior 'evidence'/statements.

>> No.14513236

Kys greg. I know craig absolutely seethes you but try to control that anger, its not good for your blood pressure

>> No.14513257
File: 990 KB, 807x699, gregs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I'm greg ?

>> No.14513321


BSV shill my man, I have enough crypto so that I also hold enough BSV not to be effected either way.. And who knows you guys might be able to pump this coin on bullshit. But I truly believe you should be honest with yourself, for your own sake. We both know this story is ridiculous.

>> No.14513327
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is its is year 2025 and bsv is still here....

Scw tells storys koreans chinks and other retards fomo to chance hes satoshi and wheel goes on...

Fucking bitcoin gold got 500 mil mc still... btc fork with conman in chardge just wont die...ever...

>> No.14513336

I don't envy his lawyers. Probably a tough job to cover up so much bs.

>> No.14513346

>I-it's not like I really wanted that money, baka

>> No.14513351


I could see it reaching similar heights to Bcash possibly, and Bcash did pretty good. New Bcash for the next bull run maybe.

>> No.14513432


A lot of money behind him for lawyers etc right. Still, even with the best lawyers going. It would surprise me if remains legally unscathed by all of this.

I know that Craig had cancer in his 20's, he has probably been through a rough life. I think he is in a bad way and a self destructive path. There is something cut throat about him.

>> No.14513449

Hey fat boy i dont give a shit either ive cashed out 4x my initial and playing with house money but if you are honest with yourself which one wants to grow vs stay stagnant and have noobs come in and buy bags?

>> No.14513454

>“My wife and I consider it’s too much money," Wright said. "I’ve got enough now… and we worry what that amount of money would do to the kids."
This is it, peak cope.

>> No.14513507



Bcash is shit but had some true believers..
This coin got acually like sub 80 IQ following...chinks, koreans, tech illiterate retards etc...

I have Seul friend who says they are buying tons of it because "maybe hes satoshi" thats fucking all..lol...
Considering bitcoin forks just refuse to die it could pump alot..
It will SWING alot that I am sure of.

Than again csw could slip hard (like "because I wrote it" but harder) and plumet it to ground.

Or he just ends up with bullet in head after some time.

>> No.14513536

Please post proof of your bsv position and il post mine. I would bet u dont have any or very insignificant position

>> No.14513563

>we worry what that amount of money would do to the kids
worrabout all them hungry africuns then creg ?
you JUST promised all the mooney to the starvin bleedin africuns, now, you DGAF about it ? shamefur

>> No.14513656

Arguing the positves and negatives of a coin is seperate to probably untrue claims of being Satoshi Nakamot.

Its hilarious, but it is likely just a get out for when nothing happens as the whole story is untrue.

True actually, a lot of the original Bitcoin people (Ancaps, New Hampshire people etc) are into Bcash so it has that going for it. These are people that actually use crypto in every day life to buy things etc.

Yeah there are real people buying into it for various reasons.

In terms of a pump, for me it seems that Craig has extended the coins life span to December 2020 (unless he messes up bigly in the meantime).. But who knows, he moved the dealine forward once, he could pull something out of the bag to keep it going on.

He is making a lot of enemies no doubt!

To me he looks like a human in crisis, he is lost.

>> No.14513697


I have a higher number of BSV than I do BTC (not in terms of USD value but actual number of coins). It makes up a few percentage of my portfolio.


I swear he was bankrupt in 2011 or something also.

>> No.14513701

No, I'm Greg. You can tell by how I capitalize my name.

>> No.14513775

>I have a higher number of BSV than I do BTC (not in terms of USD value but actual number of coins
Then stfu and let him pump this shit. Once it reaches 1500 2000 im out

>> No.14513801

how much is bitcoin market cap in 2025?

>> No.14513812

How much of a psychopath is Wright?

>> No.14513818

From all shit out there why would you stay in timebomb of bsv in hope of 7-10x it could but so much better bets

>> No.14513828


No can do my friend, I invested big in Bitcoin. Bitcoins path to ridiculous high is inevitable, Craig is trying to tarnish it with FUD so that he can pump his coin. Ideal scenario for me, Bitcoin pumps and BSV pumps like Bcash did last bull run.

>> No.14513838

Cause i got in early and im not using binance. Too risky

>> No.14513839

Not at all one, he's just a poor asperger's guy that some "cool guy" is taking advantage of. It's actually a bit sad to watch, it should be Calvin who has to fight the courts and go through all this shit not Craig.

>> No.14513871

I think the real Craig is lost almost completely. He needs help. I read somewhere he had cancer in his 20's, I am sure there are other things too that put a lot of pain in his heart.

>> No.14513875


>He is making a lot of enemies no doubt!

Fun fact if something happens to him bsv would be immortalized and csw=martyr

>> No.14513886

Who has pushed forward what date?

>> No.14513898


Relevant for sure also.

>> No.14513941


Craig initially stated he would get the codes required to access the Satoshi coins in January 2020, now he is saying December 2020. Oh yeah, also he might never get them because Kleiman may not have set up courier with the codes to post them to him.

>> No.14513943
File: 11 KB, 248x187, keeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny thing is its is year 2025 and bsv is still here
still there, bleeding satoshis

>> No.14513944

I remember hearing about some grant fraud scheme involving CSW and the Australian government, which also explained why he started larping, but this is hearsay by far, I haven't seen the docs. Lopp has done a stunning research, though.

>> No.14513963


desu I would prob be into it to. The fact he is Australian also helps cement his place as a future crypto meme.

>> No.14513966

>of getting access to the Satoshi coins to the end of December 2020
How can that happen when it's an automated courier?

>> No.14513986

>How legit do you think this is lol?
Not at all! Have you not seen what happened on Friday?
I only kept reading as I thought it was a funny larp...Just to find out OP is a drooling retard

>> No.14513993


Yeah he has had a lot of financial troubles since 2011 at least it seems.

>> No.14514027

fairly classic sociopath (lying, no regard for consequences, etc). tldr consensus version of the difference to yir actual psychopath would be maybe, tendency towards violent acts. But you don't see creg sperging out in public and throwing stuff around when confronted with something that doesn't fit his worldview (a document he presented in the first place), No, Sir. So, sociopath it is

>> No.14514050

Am automated courier that the now deceased Kleiman may/may not have given the codes.

It's all so real isn't it.


It's all ridiculous I know. I am just trying to speak about it in a way that is open to other arguments. Having said this, it is getting increasingly hard to spin all of this positive!

>> No.14514094


Have you guys seen that post from Craig where he says that he fakes emotions with ease and that nobody has seen his real emoitions or something to that effect?

>> No.14514120

The only thing that doesnt seem real is the date being brought forward all of a sudden

>> No.14514169


Apart from that he mined into a trust in a tax haven when Bitcoin began, then he was going to delete the private keys and Kleiman convinced him not to, then he set it up so that Kleiman would be trusted with giving over the codes needed for accessing the coins to a third party courier that would post them to him, that Kleiman may have/may have not done?

>> No.14514180
File: 128 KB, 783x711, 1518518449056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the slack bullshit.
Where are the coins coming from please creg?

>> No.14514194


And oh yeah Kleiman is dead so no way of verifying all of this.

>> No.14514249

At least that makes logical sense, unlike the date suddenly being brought forward outta nowhere

>> No.14514273


>> No.14514276

be delivered per Uber sometime in 2020, dependant upon whether you're going backwards or forwards. You DID 'member book the Uber before dying, didn't you, Dave ? Dave ???

>> No.14514282

well I'm glad I sold my BSV. fuck cryin' craig.

>> No.14514307


Ok I see, yes it is a coherent story until the date moving for sure. It is up to people to decide how plausible they think the story is to begin with.

>> No.14514338

The only real question is when Craig says his time machine is broken and that's why he can't deliver the keys

>> No.14514364

That would be January 2021 I believe.

>> No.14514616

The trust document itself states that CSW gets everything a few months afterwards if Dave dies, which he did.

If Dave didn't make arrangements for that clause to occur postmortem, then it is also very unlikely that he made arrangements for the 2020 turnover to happen automatically postmortem.

But then he was supposedly the brains behind the "Satoshi persona", and Satoshi was the type to have all his bases covered.
Just looking at bitcoin's design...with concepts like difficulty and halving, to automatically adjust to varying mining power and to induce economic demand via scarcity...

He even had OPSEC so solid, nobody ever discovered who he was. That's something not even most black market operators can pull off.

It's just not believable that someone who liked to cover all his bases would forget to make arrangements for the automatic turnover of everything that was stipulated to occur months after his death.

And who even guaranteed that such an arrangement was made? It's all CSW assuming it, even after he didn't get anything months after Dave died (assuming the trust is real), why would be think the 2020 deadline had "automatic arrangements" if the other clause didn't?

>> No.14514790

There are multiple trusts

>> No.14514887

Does he come up with them on the fly?

>> No.14515047

Really keen to read all the excuses.
The payjeet army will never surrender

>> No.14515255

It's the biggest fraud i've ever fucking seen. The whole story about the shamir shares and the bonded courier is the most elaborate scheme i've heard in a while. completely unbelieveable.

For starters shamir shares are not secure. if one member lost their key everyone else in the trust if fucked too. that's the first red flag right there. and secondly the bonded courier is hilarious. you can't use a courier as a makeshift escrow agent lol.

this shit is too funny.

>> No.14515313

>December 2020
>there is none

>> No.14515364

That's not a source.

>> No.14515452

This is surely the end of Satoshs campaign.

>> No.14515491

He is bitcoins creator. Don't let him fool you with the access thing. He has access he said this for the courtroom. Remember satoshi had a illness also???

>> No.14515500

Why would anyone have a bsv "position" when its a complete scamcoin run by a bunch of hucksters?

>> No.14515552

Yeah sure, logical sense. Slave away alone coding your own cypherpunk utopian dream currency and then 12 hours into it finally running for the first time you start mining all the coins directly into a boomer financial instrument like a trust with extremely convoluted terms, which isn't redeemable for another 11 years? You kidding?

>> No.14515575

OP is right.

he claims to be satoshi because he knows satoshi will never be revealed. it's the end of crypto. C.W. is the anticrypt.

>> No.14515603

Bonded courier sounds like some made up shit out of Skyrim or something. Wtf even is that?

>> No.14515919

Craig has watched too many movies

>> No.14516199

Got a message I'm suppose to deliver. Your eyes only.

Well that's it, until next time.

"Speak to the Jarl of nChain"

>> No.14516358


>> No.14516416

It's feasible yeah. But what literally isn't is the sudden date change. Explain that or fuck off and stop diverting.

>> No.14516593
File: 30 KB, 562x481, 1513977603451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COINTELPRO is a larp

>> No.14516610


>> No.14516622


>> No.14516771

i think this is the plot from back to the future 3

>> No.14516780

_unwriter gonna reveal himself and start a company building on SV
MOON inc when it's linus torvalds

>> No.14516834

The problem is if Craig is found to be a fraud BSV will take a hit it likely won't survive from. Which is too bad because it really is Bitcoin and this stunt fucking ruined everything if so.

>> No.14516959

>_unwriter gonna reveal himself
he'll get put on a register
>linus torvalds
muh bsv ? its not linus fucking torvalds, nor richard stallman
should have taken into consideration the sloppy state of the fucking pile of shit they were building their bsv sandcastle on in the first place. muh '_unwriter will save us instead! an actual competent!' - yeah, nah. Go get fucked Calvin, your flush is bust

>> No.14517000

well the whole market is potentially fucked anyway because btc is finished
so might as well go all in bsv for the final last chance

>> No.14517109

Idk what I'll do. Can't go back to anything else. I just want Bitcoin.

>> No.14517271

courtroom: what will you do with 10B?
anon: spend 1M a year and burn the rest
craig: give most of it away, ive no need for that much
who is logically sound here?

>> No.14517329
File: 70 KB, 640x851, questionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that BSV is still bitcoin even if Craig is full of shit.

Honestly I don't know why he took this Satoshi thing to the court if all he have is "please give me more time, your Honor".

>> No.14517427

The endless Craig fud makes me laugh. I hope none of u faggots are larping and secretly holding bsv, because you don't deserve it. If Craig was such a clear as fucking day liar as you all say, why would all of these successful/intelligent people like Calvin, nchain team, fucking unwriter put all this effort and money into bsv? Why hasn't the price tanked? Why hasn't their been any solid PROOF of fraud that has come to light?

Fellow bsv-nauts, do not listen to these complete core cuck retards. They are all just protecting their investment and are threatened by us bc we're STIFF as fuck and bsv is the only coin that will make it.

>> No.14517467

Same boat as you fampai. This shit is inconceivably stupid if he doesn't deliver on something and Bitcoin will suffer because of it.

>> No.14517512
File: 213 KB, 640x359, basedlinus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna be linus
based libertarian and not afraid to give the finger like craig
just buy bsv, the one true bitcoin and it's gonna go up again soon
memelines bro, soon as unwriter announces it's gonna be the catalyst

>> No.14517559

I think you'll find it was actually:
>courtroom: how much are these Bitcoins, the ownership of which is in dispute, worth then ?
>creg: I dunno because I cant access them but I'm going to spend all $10b on the africuns honest
>courtroom: mr creg, we are attempting to ascertain exactly how much you have stolen here, do you understand ?
>creg: yes, Both I and My wife agree, its quite a sum I'll end up giving to my kids. And that bastard there is A FRAUD btw (throws paper across court, bursts into tears)
creg did not take any 'Satoshi thing' to court. He is before a court as he, creg s. wright, is being sued for defrauding the estate of Dave Kleiman. Glad I could clear that up for you

>> No.14517662

its not real until he proves something, like with concrete.

im not all gay as fuck and into this shit as some of you are but to my knowledge hes been invited to prove himself on multiple platforms and never came through.

its not rock and science, hes delayed this for years and im glad hes finally going to court in america so this judge can serve his kangaroo cock sucking ass lmao

>> No.14517667

you guys know he's the defendant right? he was summoned to defend himself against someone else's accusation (kleiman)

>> No.14517706

I would think that a bonded courier would be a person, not automated

>> No.14517759

Yeah, I do. What's your point?

>> No.14517761

he's already signed for andreson the bbc and the reporter dude ain't it enough yet?

>> No.14517804
File: 3.96 MB, 337x263, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget, one of the trustees was a business he owned, Tulip Trading I think is the name. He claims that the company was made a trustee in 2012. The company wasn't even owned or a thing though until 2014.

>> No.14517806
File: 222 KB, 1287x766, ups-ebike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your key Mr Creg.

>> No.14517932

Fuck that shit. I'm sticking with BCH and LTC. Fuck calvin, craig, jimmy, shadders and unwriter

>> No.14517939

>ups has a package containing $10b for you
>we will attempt to deliver sometime between 1st January and 31st December
>If you are not in, would you like us to leave it with a neighbor, or underneath the porch ?

>> No.14517949

They all make millions working for calvin and nchain. They know craig is a fraud

>> No.14517975

>BCH and LTC.
I don't understand how someone could have been smart enough to go with bch but also hold LTC. Same reason you never switched to bsv I suppose.

>> No.14518039

If lightning network wins, then no need for btc since it's now just following ltc's roadmap. If big blocks are the way, then bch has a better chance then bsv based on the legal problems alone.

>> No.14518058

Do you even have reading comprehension skills you fucking idiot? Obviously I think Craig is completely full of shit, I'm not defending or diverting anything, I don't give a flying fuck about his non existent trust or his fake dates

>> No.14518074

if only he had read this, he would still have his coins!

>> No.14518118


What kind of stupid fucking bastard will knowingly work with/for a fraud? The utter state of this Nazi dumb fuck board is amazing. You stupid racist poor bastards are all going to lose your $10-$200 investments and it's gonna be delicious.

>> No.14518147

Bch has more legal issues than bsv. Not talking about creg.

>> No.14518200
File: 35 KB, 519x509, 1561868042233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in and comfy af

>> No.14518257

Well obviously they work for a fraud and this court hearing proved it. So I guess they're all stupid fucking bastards

>> No.14518288

"Legal issues" are a meme. No cryptocurrency is fully FATF-compliant, and will never be. You'd have to disintegrate crypto completely and force everyone to switch to something like Interledger if you wanted to comply. That being said, law makers will probably just have to deal with crypto being beyond their direct control, and "law compliance" of BSV is simply a PR move.

>> No.14518317

Wrong. This is just the beginning for craig and calvin's legal troubles. There are now share holders who calvin will have to explain himself to. This shit is just beginning. Did you guys not see that post on here from like a month ago warning of all the things happening?

>> No.14518330

>No cryptocurrency is fully FATF-compliant
Not saying you're wrong, but in what way?

>> No.14518365

>This is just the beginning for craig and calvin's legal troubles
Yeah and if you read my previous posts, I've been asking why pull this stunt? Doesn't add up. They arent retarded, so why turn to fraud when theyd very easily be exposed?

>> No.14518391

it's called a diversion
while people focus on the clown dancing and lying every 10 seconds you launder money under the table
nChain and BSV is a front for narco money, why do you think they went personally, the whole crew to Colombia, just to have Calvin fuck hookers and post it on his twitter?

>> No.14518409

I didn't say you were defending anything brainlet, try working on your own reading comprehension skills. I said you're diverting because you literally just keep talking about everything surrounding the narrative except the point I'm asking about. Stupid cunt.

>> No.14518413

FATF requirements are absolutely crazy and were created by boomers. They literally demand complete identity verification at every transaction, which is not what crypto is about. No cryptocurrency can comply and petty details like transaction ordering or POW don't matter.

>> No.14518428

Dude, people commit white collar crime all the god damn time. Especially when there is all kinds of money flowing from cheap interest rates.

>> No.14518586

Gas the boomers.

Calvin had already made it, by a lot. Just seems like a massively retarded move for a guy who doesn't need to assume unnecessary risks. He could have just bought Squire and mined BTC instead.

>> No.14518695

Yeah, and I'm sure bernie madof "made it" before he pulled the shit he pulled. Usually it isn't something that they just want to do, but more or less them trying to hide the fuck ups they've made and it just progresses into the shit we see. Many people get sucked in slowly which is what is most likely happening to people such as steve shadders and them

>> No.14518761


Why would they even need to create a diversion using the father of bitcoin, the man behind bsv? why would they want even a bit of attention on themselves having Craigs asperger ass being the Chad you always wished you could be running that courtroom. Do you know how risky and retarded that sounds?

Anon, you might be the dumbest person on this low iq basket weaving board.

>> No.14518808

Its possible. Theres probably a much easier way to pull off a scam than all of this though.

>> No.14518840

he is calvins bitch boy and calvin thinks its a good idea to pay neets and pajeets money to shill bsv on biz of all places

>> No.14519173
File: 236 KB, 1024x768, parasite media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig has been talking about proving that he is Satoshi in court for a long time now, in various videos. this one springs to mind as an example (at 48:48)
doesn't matter that he is the defendant, maybe i've misunderstood his intent but it seems like he's been wanting to prove at least something in court

>> No.14519197

also check out the Roger Ver look-a-like in the top right of that image, i just noticed

>> No.14519199

God I wish Calvin would pay me.

>> No.14519252

Oh I didn't realize its my mission to reply to whatever you were asking about like its my fucking job to please you or something. Its a forum you idiot you just click on a post thats vaguely related to what you want to say and then you add your own thoughts on it. I don't give a shit whether you want me to explain why the changing date is not logical, that wasn't what I wanted to say in my post. I know this is biz and all but just how fucking autistic are you? Have you ever interacted before?

>> No.14519259

Dude, just get on twitter, make a name for yourself even if in a small way and BSVers will all start offering to send you money through handcash

>> No.14519349

That's a bit different. Those people are just trying to get people exposed to bsv. I don't want to exploit them, but I would happily take money from Calvin to shill bsv since I already do it for free.

>> No.14519371

>Oh I didn't realize its my mission to reply to whatever you were asking
Then fuck off retard.

>> No.14519407
File: 1.16 MB, 495x1605, 3423452334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the real satoshi



>> No.14519465

Does he support bsv?

>> No.14519542
File: 1.11 MB, 2847x4096, IMG_20190701_205154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem like it. Read last sentence of his letter to court

>> No.14519582

yep the real satoshi went from perfect English to typing like a pajeet.

>> No.14519595

If you think clowns like RXC and others are doing the shit they do for free then you're an idiot. Calvin pays anyone that will help push his agenda

>> No.14519603

Well I guess that's that.

>> No.14519654

He really should have typed this.

You got Calvin's number? About to call that MF and get my shilling bux.