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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, nkn10x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14512354 No.14512354 [Reply] [Original]

such a disappointing release
I'm selling

>> No.14512427

>Hey we're releasing the mainnet
>Exactly the same as the testnet, can't even swap tokens, no usecase

>> No.14512433

I'm surprised it didn't dump. Must be a Korean exchange coming.

>> No.14512545

given how stable the price is following the launch i'm assuming this is going to moon again in the coming days and OP will be a meme again

>> No.14512837
File: 105 KB, 258x544, 1536512783052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do it. I want to see your sweet tears while this is taking off 10x in a matter of weeks.

>> No.14512955

It's just gonna resume dumping now that there's nothing to look forward to

>> No.14513032

I don't know about that. Coins usually dump hard at mainnet and this is holding steady. I'd bet there is news and exchanges coming shortly.

>> No.14513051

there is loads to look forward to you retard. yanbo was in korea meeting with local exchanges, meaning bitthumb and upbit KRW are likely. the CDN will be launching and the tier 1 video streaming client revealed. staking details/gas token will be revealed. they have a new marketing team in bejing.

the mainnet has just been out for like 12 hours. the lack of significant dump means this is as cheap as its going to get.

>> No.14513087

Stop shilling, NKN is a scam tier project with a shady team. It doesn't even have an actual usecase and the mainnet release flopped. This shit isn't pumping anytime soon, if ever

>> No.14513115
File: 435 KB, 1600x801, nkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14513134

It's not working guys this team is such amateur hour that they can't do anything but fuck it all up

>> No.14513183

you must be retarded, they are literally fixing an exploit with the naming service as we speak.

>> No.14513267

Mainnet and still have exploits? Yikes.

>> No.14513283

>amateur hour
Yanbo literally coded most of NEO and ONT himself. If you think these guys don't have connections that could pump this into the stratosphere I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.14513318

Have you ever used this? Absolute shit
I don't even know what this does, if anything. Seems like a literal scam

>> No.14513430

> Doesn't have a use case.
> Has some of the widest range of uses of any project

KK bro.

>> No.14513443
File: 209 KB, 638x1000, 1541355363727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your baits were good until this post.

>> No.14513466

You deserve to stay poor lol

>> No.14513469

Show me someone actually using this shit. The mainnet launch was supposed to include two "flagship apps" but those are nowhere to be seen

>> No.14513500

They're being worked on? nCDN is one of them and looks fantastic.

>> No.14513527

Why lie about them being part of the mainnet release? I doubt they even exist

>> No.14513555

> pumps 25% in a day pre-release.
> 'dumps' 8% after launch.

Yea no we're golden lads.

>> No.14513680

I agree NEO is shit and I know nothing about ONT but look at the market caps

>> No.14513715

Hard dump coming soon

>> No.14513756

When did they say that? I've only heard "these are coming with the mainnet" which is true. Not the team's fault you decided that meant on the same fuckin day.

kk will buy more.

>> No.14513766

You were doing regular until here... But well, here's your (You) anyways.

>> No.14513798

>We're releasing two flagship apps with mainnet!
>We meant two years after mainnet fuck you

>> No.14513950
File: 2.05 MB, 1715x1137, 2019-06-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Just providing a platform or foundation is not enough, so we built two flagship products: New Kind of CDN (nCDN) and Decentralized Pub/Sub and messaging. We are running these value added micro services on existing NKN mining nodes, and have begun to trial commercial traffic with tier-1 enterprise customers.

Cope more.

>> No.14514650

bump for Whitfield

>> No.14514706

I smell organized FUD, fuck off you fourchanners

>> No.14514733

Scam coin cope

>> No.14515512

and bump for Stephen

>> No.14515564

what are you bumping for? sell it if you want or just hold and wait for some new exchanges and announcements