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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14511698 No.14511698 [Reply] [Original]

>tell my buddy who works in cloud computing about ChainLink
>his whole workplace is getting FOMO
>he wants the CEO to hire me to help them setup and manage a LINK node farm with their existing physical infrastructure and enterprise access to Oracle blockchain tech
what the fuck timeline is this?

>> No.14511728
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The best one.

>> No.14511737

Lol if a “tech” company can’t figure out how to run their own chainlink node they’re retarded. Literally basic Unix skills.

>> No.14511751

>access to Oracle blockchain
So your linkies have no value there.

>> No.14511778

Faked and gaypilled.

>> No.14511782

nice fake shilling bro

nothings gonna stop this dump

>> No.14511790

Take your meds anon, make sure not to reproduce

>> No.14511809

I ironically did this over the weekend

>> No.14511820
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>mfw the node FUD has literally ended because everyone is rushing to make one
>mfw eoy we'll have countless nodes

>> No.14511840

then why won't create yourself faggy boy. I know that this thread is larp but shitposting like (you)s is just stupid. If it's so easy to create chainlink then do it yourself and grab 32 milions on your ico tranny sucker.

>> No.14511841
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>> No.14511872
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>mfw 50 startups running chainlink nodes through oracle

>> No.14511875
File: 235 KB, 1176x1110, 1561825823610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope your ducks are in a row anon, you have no clue what's around the corner.

>> No.14511962

Getting employees to do it is how companies "figure it out" you dumbass.

>> No.14511996

starting now

>> No.14512050

I work in IT, you'd be surprised

>> No.14512051

how many chainlinks do you need to run a node?

>> No.14512067

>can’t figure out how
person with unlimited free time detected

>> No.14512152

I mean I’m a Software Engineer it just surprises me there are devs out there that can’t even ssh into a web server. Following some instructions and running a few command line utilities is all that’s needed to start a chainlink node.

>> No.14512182

>what the fuck timeline is this?
The timeline for lying gay nigger plebbitors infesting /our/ board. GTFO and never return.

>> No.14512224
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>we've been waiting 2 years for mainnet
>now that it's released it's unbelievable to you that companies would actually want to use it

>> No.14512283
File: 209 KB, 1089x1500, Cheesy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one fucking uses crypto. No one WANTS to use crypto.
We're all just here to get rich. If Chainlink, one of the most hyped projects ever that gets talked about by companies by Google, can't even PnD to $10 then crypto is over.

>> No.14512352
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>> No.14512409
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>its been two years and he still doesn't understand
I assure you, companies do want to make more money.

>> No.14512505

Jesus christ, I could write better larps without even trying, dude. I'm not even kidding, you should genuinely be ashamed of yourself for thinking this was a passable quality shitpost. The fact that you ran this idea through your thick head, worked on faking this tweet, and went all the way to /bizzreddit/ to post said trash, and it didn't ONCE occur to you how retarded and unsubtle this fucking pile of pathetic dogshit was then there is literally and unironically no hope for you as a fucking human being. You absolute street-shitting, dog-fellating, child-touching, rock-smashing, career-failing blob of embarrassing grotesque shit. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Get help.

>> No.14512514

At most tech companies the executives are not tech people, they are like used cars sales people. They pump the shit out of tech they knowing about using hypes buzz words. They then go hire people much much smarter than them to make it happen. Then they get told that what they want is literally retarded and are presented with a superior solution by their employees. Beholden to their Dunning-Kruger and believing their ideas are the best ideas (they are higher up so obviously smarter in their mind) they force their employees to make their stupid ideas.

90% of companies work this way.

Companies with actually smart executives that listen to smart ideas become Apple, Microsft, Amazon....

>> No.14512537

Money is fake and made by the fed. Companies already make plenty more money by laying people off and squeezing workers for unpaid hours. Why the fuck would they trust some Russian niggers with a Json parser they could write themselves to make them more money, especially when it poses the risk of making some goyim Soros-tier rich while they're at it?

>> No.14512577

No reason, it's a scam. Bye now.