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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14505188 No.14505188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I like the frog memes and saying "based" but the racism rubs me the wrong way. Please be more considerate, thanks y'all.

>> No.14505496

Fuck off niggerfaggot kike chink ass roodypoo ass poo in loo goblin.

>> No.14505535

It’s all ironic satire. I am myself a nigger, nigger.

>> No.14505551

slight racism is the way of the /biz/raelis

deal with it or go to /r/bitcoin

>> No.14505556
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imagine coming to a racist mongolian basket weaving forum and asking them to not be racist
>muh racist
>fuck off plebbit

>> No.14505568

Why don't you go back to rebbit you fucking nigger

>> No.14505567

How bout no nigger

>> No.14505596

i second this

>> No.14505621


>> No.14505760
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>> No.14505788

because i hate niggers/spics/kikes/trannies/arabs/pajeets

>> No.14505800

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.14505808

Stop being such a cuck.

>> No.14505833
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>those digits

>> No.14505836
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>> No.14505847

Kys faggot nigger kike

>> No.14505868

Because all of 4chan is full of autistic spast who are mentally stuck at 17.

>> No.14505881
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>> No.14505887
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because we know that Jews > Whites > every other race > Niggers

>> No.14505890
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Based and redpilled

>> No.14505900

im black but likely more wealthy than 90% of the whities and lightskins here

just deal with it and mog them in your own way lol but seriously i dont care if i get called a dindu

>> No.14505911
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have sex

>> No.14505970

kek this is hilarious, I'm the anon who started this bait pasta. OP be careful because all of these threads have been deleted by jannies and we were given temp bans for offtopic threads

>> No.14505971


>> No.14505980
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>> No.14505983

Not false, jews dominate in the metric that matters, money, but whites still dominate by number. But if a nigger has more money than me like Arthur Hayes, I consider that pretty based. I believe /biz/ should only discriminate based on amount of money

>> No.14505996

nice misued fedora faggot

>> No.14505997

green ID confirms me as the second nig billionaire after jay z

deal w/ it whitoids

>> No.14506002

no u

>> No.14506070
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>t. chink

>> No.14506111


>> No.14506123

based nig

>> No.14506137


>> No.14506144


grow one, dilator

>> No.14506152

have kids

>> No.14506157

I hate them too. Those sneaky rats always manage to escape my radar.

>> No.14506159

Lao YANG is based

>> No.14506184


based and redpilled

>> No.14506217

nobody wants to do biznus with a guy who gets butthurt this easily

>> No.14506227
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>> No.14506231

Go back.

>> No.14506246
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>> No.14506758

Checked. Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks too.

>> No.14507009

Fuck off plebbit nigger cuck, fuck faggots niggers kikes zipperhead gooks spics. Trump will win 2020 and you're a pathetic so.y boy

>> No.14507024

Me too honestly...

>> No.14507327

Fucking yourself you subhuman nigger.

>> No.14507339
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Is that true?

>> No.14507427
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>> No.14507460
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My man

>> No.14507485
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>> No.14507487

Love the racism and also these concern trolls about racism. Keep up the hard work.

>> No.14507517
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what even is racism?

>> No.14507569

/biz/ is a nigger selling board

>> No.14507686

That's how it was founded. Don't allow the culture to be subverted.

>> No.14507778

OP’s unironically correct
I’m 6 foot 3, half-caste African American and am built like a tank

The racist losers on this board think they’re so tough just cause they can type it anonymously online - if we were to meet in person, they’d stutter and bow at my very presence

I am a mountain compared to you

>> No.14507903
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>> No.14507927

what? are you a retard victim?
virtue signalling?
too much s.o.y ?
too much reddit?


>> No.14507951

most people graduated from poltard to bizraeli

>> No.14507961

larp fail.


>> No.14507996

I'm 6'4 and a literal tank.

Always bigger fish. Don't boast

>> No.14508024

Don't have sex

>> No.14508060

black person threatening people, pretty based and expected

>> No.14508127
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I unironically dislike non whites on average. Of course not everyone is bad or good but I don't fucking want them in my country. Especially fucking savage sandniggers that are 1000 years behind in evolution.

>> No.14508135

This board is a black ethnostate, and we all know black people can't be racist you dumb nigger faggot

>> No.14508204

6’5 here and built like a an aircraft carrier. Don’t boast.

>> No.14508209

20% real angry/bitter racists
15% are being ironic
65% are just NPCs who say it because other people say it <—— this is my category

>> No.14508232

get gassed kike

>> No.14508245

It's not racist when it's fun

>> No.14508261

>redditors think they're welcome

>> No.14508287

still a nigger.

>> No.14508324 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14508378

I love all races and people should be judged on an individual basis

That doesn't mean all cultures are equal value

European culture is superior (especially in technology, science, philosophy and art) but fascism was its ugliest chapter so far

Just because some people are part of a lesser culture doesn't mean that

a. We should genocide them
b. They cannot develop to be on our level

Developing happens faster than at any point due to internet. This board is full of non-white people (I'm white European though).

Also migration should be restricted to higher educated people who are willing to learn the language, but the people who are already here should not be sent back.

Most of the racism here is memes or frustation and there is a minority who take it seriously (majority on /pol/ though)

>> No.14508416

it’s necessary to keep away redditards, normies and roasties, especially when you need to accumulate gems
actually i’m not racist at all but may gipsy and bsv shillers rot in hell

>> No.14508439

If they come to a land that has a better culture than them, and try and change the superior country to be more like the third world shithole, then yes. They do in fact deserve to be genocided.

>> No.14508446
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Find love emcel

>> No.14508459

Case in point, I lifted a new personal best today and made it through to the next process towards a possible promotion, what have you done?

>> No.14508488

you have to go back

>> No.14508491

Your mom was busy

>> No.14508531

Portfolio hit a new all time high. Money that we'll go towards eliminating your kind when cashed out.

>> No.14508719
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>> No.14508776

6'6 here and literally a galactic federation starship, don't boast

>> No.14508827

>ironic satire

>> No.14508841

gay and semenpilled

>> No.14508864
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>> No.14508903
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Checked. I'm not racist I only hate Jews.

>> No.14508914

what white man would marry a negress

>> No.14508915


>> No.14509009
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>> No.14509091

>if we were to meet in person, they’d stutter and bow at my very presence
Says the guy who's getting upset and insecure over some anonymous posts on a Norwegian basket weaving forum.

>> No.14509137
File: 295 KB, 500x3640, albert-einstein-teaching-a-physics-class-at-lincoln-university-hbcu-14086745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of the smartest humans, responsible for special and general relativity that allows much of the 21st century to function.

>> No.14509219

he's a jew, that's what jews do

>> No.14509303

go back on plebbit soiboy

>> No.14509369

>In January 1946, Einstein published an essay, “The Negro Question” in Pageant magazine in which he called them America’s “worst disease.”
absolutely based