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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14502739 No.14502739 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14502755

When announcement!?!? :(

>> No.14502780

My link isn't smelling so bad anymore.

>> No.14502782

HUmans have no right existst

>> No.14502784

FUUUUUUUUCK!!! I'm gonna miss it :(

>> No.14502803
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Super stinky marines

>> No.14502806

Who conjured up this ridiculous notion that there would be an announcement today? It's just gonna get people seething when nothing happens.
Everyone relax, sit back, and ride the linktrain until EOY. Good things are coming.

>> No.14502813

Trannies really want it to dump hard I guess. You had two fucking years just let it go now for fucks sake

>> No.14502827

If you believe the retarded linkies that post shit here, it was about 3 days ago. Autists.

>> No.14502828


>> No.14502840
File: 924 KB, 1200x938, 1559887586838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST ORDERED BIC MACS!!! cant wait! Tonight!!!

>> No.14502861

Don't tell me how to behave, sodomite.

>> No.14502871
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>> No.14503157

Isn't this just a partnership between Truffle and Microsoft?

>> No.14503171

LINKtards will argue that Truffle is using chainlink

>> No.14503197

Trufflecon is in AUGUST

>> No.14503206

It was fun while it lasted

>> No.14503226

They are.

>> No.14503234

Can't wait for this day to end without any announcement so we can have another dump and that we can buy more

>> No.14503258

Go to the Trufflecon persons of interest list and see if anything sticks out

>> No.14503371

You're dealing with newfags; I bet they still miss it even though it is literally spelt out for them.

>> No.14503405

holy fuck you are delusional, no one is using link. they are just appeasing investors by "affiliating" with crypto companies you stupid fucking nigger lmao

enjoy your slow bleed back to sub 1 dollar, you have no use case and no one uses link. oh they do? pro tip you

>> No.14503429

please prove to me top companies are using this nigger coin, pro tip, you


can not

>> No.14503440

What's going on here??

>> No.14503444
File: 5 KB, 200x222, f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for the pamp

>> No.14503457


you are 100 % correct

this chainlink ponzi scam is so transparent

its a fuckin worthless ERC20 token with zero use case

>> No.14503476
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>> No.14503503
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Fuck off pajeet

>> No.14503507

Only sensible guy in this thread.

>> No.14503515

sir-gayass faggot should not still be attending public conferences.
hes still shopping around his philosophies. if he actually had product, he would have no need to show up to these faggot conventions because he would be busy at work with real investors.

he has no use case and no real partnerships.

he is a philosopher, not a shot caller

>> No.14503572

Take a nap.

>> No.14503585

Im calling it boys, the epic pamp will happen around 3:00 PM EST today, we will be rich men.

>> No.14503594

Why would it dump harder? Are brainlets really expecting an announcement? Guess the nulinkers aren't aware of the daily larps

>> No.14503687

The next person to FUD gets bogged out of the pump.

Choose your words wisely.

>> No.14503710

Based Boomer Bill

>> No.14503759

I was masturbating with my foot yesterday then I noticed blue cubes dripping out of my penis, I took one in my hand and tasted it, while I was feeling the soft and warm texture of the spermy cube inside my mouth I spit a small naked Sergey on the table, he was gooey and wet and as he opened his eyes, he ran across the table and dove head first into an old bigmac I left there, while he was eating I saw his naked miniature anus and I fell asleep.
I had weird dreams that night, I dreamt I was a neet and I held an iron key to open the treasure room, suddenly I woke up to the taste of sweat in my mouth, that miniature sergey had grown big and he was face fucking me, I enjoyed it and sucked on his veiny penis for 10 minutes then when he came I let his sperm drip from my lips and acted mad because I'm neither gay nor muslim.
As we laid on the bed cuddling in our post coitus swear I put my finger in my anus and draw the symbol to summon Nietzsche on the wall, I must have mistyped on the wall because the door opened and a green frog walked in, I looked at Sergey and he disappeared, I was shocked but I soon remembered I suffer from hallucinations and I needed to take my medication.
After I swallowed the 2 pills, I got out of bed, turned my laptop on and proceeded to shitpost on /biz/.

>> No.14503787

Thank you anon, very cool. Your dream confirms the epic pamp. I predict at least $10 EOD, and $1K End of September.

>> No.14503791
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No sane company will ever 'use' an existing coin
If anything they might copy someone's infrastructure and pay some royalty so one project could moon temporarily until it was forgotten about. I hate crypto. You kids need to get jobs

>> No.14503805

Never gonna make it.

>> No.14503815

>implying that was the dream and this is real life
sure thing bub

>> No.14503899
File: 10 KB, 352x143, SMINEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not feel like real life, but it is. We're all going to make it anon.

>> No.14503905

How much further is it going to drop? Are we going to fall below $3?

>> No.14503948
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, Linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are going to drop below $2 and then catapult all the way to 10$ by EOD. Buy when it drops to maximize profits.

>> No.14504114

5 Hours till pamp fellas, how are you preparing to celebrate?

>> No.14504133

There wont be any pump retards, its a rumor started by discord trannys

>> No.14504140

Nolinkie angry