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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 171x266, nickland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14497313 No.14497313 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ tourist here, what does /biz/ think of pic related?

>> No.14498181

His bitcoin essay is good

>> No.14498191

what coin is this

>> No.14498209

amphetamine psychosis

>> No.14498228

Hey you fucking business board faggots, your boy just cashed in a quarter bitcoin to pay for another night of Thai ladyboys – the good kind. Oh, you think neoChina is for the likes of you? Come on pal, how many times have you read Fanged Noumena? Once? Twice? That book is for faggots you fucking faggots read Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk and Moldbugs latest blog post, maybe you can break a speed limit for once in your life. I've been living on the Outside for nearly 4 years, I've attended over 200 EDM festivals (seen Aphex Twin twice), gone through 7 speed plugs (buying in qp's now), and oh yeah, did I mention the ladyboys? I bet you faggots haven't snorted so much as Ritalin off an erect feminine penis let alone the sort of designer amphetamines I'm snorting tonight, and Sheba is hard as diamonds right now so you know what my plans are. I saw a homeless guy last night begging for cash so I made him try and read A zIIgothIc–==X=coDA==–(CookIng–lobsteRs– wIth–jAke–AnD–DInos) and when he can't do it me and my friends called him a slow-slug and threw ammonia on him then called him a stupid faggot. That's the kind of shit I get off on. I like going fast, and this fucking board is slow, which is why I you LARPERS will never achieve levels of speed like this; I've taken to slicking my hair back to help emphasize the momentum. Me and Nick Land discuss important political issues on twitter REGULARLY. I can hear you whining already, but there's no need in replying, I've already left this shit backwater board. Hit me up on soundcloud if you want a cheap hookup on speed, bitcoin or chainlink only. Speed it up already. Posted from my google glasses by the way, I'm a big fan of those crazy memes, takes a little while to type but it's a small price to pay to make Gnon happy.

>> No.14498237

Retarded, Ted K was right about everything

>> No.14498260

more specifically, his definition of the private key as the purest definition of private property ever devised--both an object AND its value in the one thing, the private key

>> No.14498275
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 354353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Moldbug's financial plan scanned remarkably well with Bitcoin, and was published within weeks of Bitcoin going online.


>> No.14498299

Reminder: BItconnect is back-- visit bitconnect.io fo rfree airdrop

>> No.14498318

Fascinating. There was a twitter thread maybe six months ago speculating whether Yarvin/Thiel/associates could have been Satoshi. Apparently Yarvin had distributed ledgers running at Urbit before the bitcoin whitepaper.

>> No.14498327

Fucking kek. Thanks.

>> No.14498338


>> No.14498368

Wagner on Xenosystems

>> No.14498383


>> No.14498411
File: 69 KB, 232x254, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14498417
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 1553059931454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ /fit/ /lit/ master race with a dash of /tv/ for the memes
Everything else beyond hobby microboards are trash.

>> No.14498461

>no /int/
81 iq

>> No.14498497

Land is the reason I ended up buying bitcoin tbqh

I'm glad that accelerationists are going to form a large contingent of the new financial elite post hyperbitcoinization.

>> No.14498522


Kino post

>> No.14498565

link pls (not begging for LINK btw)

>> No.14498569

If you've read Land and hold bitcoin I'll follow you on twitter btw


>> No.14498597

This is Land's bitcoin book for the uninitiated. It's still being serialized.


>> No.14498661

He's the reason I got into crypto. Xenosystems was the best website of the 2010s.

>> No.14498698

this is the strangest but best thread i've ever seen on /biz/, i need to read nick land and moldbug now

>> No.14498756

>I'm glad that accelerationists are going to form a large contingent of the new financial elite post hyperbitcoinization.
based if true. I'm convinced all the LGBTQ stuff the past decade is an attempt to get rich techies back into egalitarian normiedom.

>> No.14498785

This post links to the essay

>> No.14498826

Thanks anon