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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1449712 No.1449712 [Reply] [Original]

PSA: Debt is literally the worse bros, please never fall into the jew debt trap. In some ways I'd rather be living in the streets debt-free than dealing with the shit I have to deal with now.

>> No.1449719

>tfw $30K of debt at 3.6%

Hopefully inflation solves my problem, because I'm making minimum payments atm and I will not pay it off for 20+ years likely.

>> No.1449721
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>sign a contract
>actually have to abide by it

wtf I hate loans now

>> No.1449722

I'm going to go into debt in the next 2-3 years, can you explain your dilemma in detail so I have some knowledge embarking?

>> No.1449723
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good goys

>> No.1449729

>minimum payments
Good fucking lord man

How's your credit?
>Apply for a new CC with 0% interest for 15-24 months
>Live off said CC for 12 months making minimum payments
>Meanwhile, put ALL your money into the loan

Just don't get into so much CC debt that you can't service that either... just use it to give you some breathing room to pay down a debt with actual interest accruing

>> No.1449739
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>pay your debt by going deeper into debt

>> No.1449765

Do you not understand or something? Bleh

>> No.1449935

If used properly, debt can make you rich

>> No.1449956

what kind of debt? only debts i have are mortgage and auto and i don't feel jewed

>> No.1449968

I nor anyone in my family has ever been in debt for any period of time unless you count a relatively small mortgage.

Stay poor, poorfag :^)

>> No.1450080

Most people have neither the courage nor discipline to effectively leverage their debt.

3.6% is like nothing. I have about that much with 4.6% and it's no problem at all to pay off on a 10-year plan making 40k. How poor are you?