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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14490578 No.14490578 [Reply] [Original]

So I know basically nothing. I have some money in BTC, Stellar Lumens, and ETH

I was thinking about buying some Ripple if it fell bellow 40 cents.

is this advisable? Also, general ripple thread?

>> No.14490591

around here we call it cripple

>> No.14490608

This whole board despises XRP because they are a bunch of dumb cryptocucks who buy into animal themed ERC tokens.

>> No.14490965

So I'm reading "stay away from that gay shit"
did I get that right?

>> No.14490971

I finally caved and bought some at .39. It’s kinda weird at its lack of pump among other coins that have risen. Especially with all the partnerships that developed over the years.

>> No.14490998

Always do opposite of what biz says. Except chainlink, they were right.

>> No.14491027

It looks like we're bottomed out in sat value.. probably not a bad pickup. My money is on ETH though.

>> No.14491071

It's about as shit as shitcoin gets. I wouldn't buy in more than $20 @ 5¢/xrp

>> No.14491073

Actually I just looked at the chart again, I take that back. We were below 2k sats in late 2017 before the run, we can easily go back there. Chart is insanely bearish with nearly no support right now.

>> No.14491172

ripple fucked up its moonshot by going to war with Corda, even if they pretend it is all sunshine now with the swift poc, it stays a piece of shit coin with a retard as CEO

>> No.14491583
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Listen up you little faggot, I'm going to spoodfeed you. The XRP token is to used as a bridge currency to provide near instant conversion of one currency into another. It is the token used by ripple for their xrapid corridor, which is the way ripple will get banks and other institutions to use the xrp token because it saves banks and other financial institutions incredible amounts of money (moneygram). Right now there are two different corridors for money exchange through ripple, xrapid and xcurrent. Xcurrent is still much, much faster, cheaper, and more accurate than swift or any other money transfer alternative, but it does not use the xrp token. The idea behind the xcurrent corridor is to get banks in a postition where if they decide to, they can save an additional 60%ish percent by chosing to use the xrapid corridor which can be switched over instantly the minute ripple has the okay. By using the xrapid corridor, the banks and other financial institutions also free themselves up from needing to use nostro and vostro accounts to exchange local currencies, which results in an additional gain of trillions of dollars.
Less than 4 second transactions. No miners that have to sell to pay electricity bills. 200+ full time world-class employees. Offices all over the world. 200+ signed (public) partnerships with major financial institutions. New verticals in gaming, music, micro payment streaming, cross-platform payments. Investments from the absolute top-tier of venture-funds. Partnerships with the Gates foundation, American Express, Bank of England, PNC, Santander, SBI, etc... Working with the IMF, Fed faster payments, Bank of England, Bank of America, Western Union. If you all don't see the writing on the wall with this one it's unreal.

>> No.14491656
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Is this intentional misinformation? r3 develops and maintains corda, and is partnered with ripple and xrp dumb dumb.

>> No.14491710

Sell these shit coins. Buy 40/40/20 btc/eth/shit coin pnd of the week.

>> No.14491736

LINK partnering with SWIFT makes XRP useless you mongoloid.
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, who's headquartered im Belgium, who's been around since the '70s, who's the mechanism of how the (((ELITE))) move their money around from one country to another, isn't going to let some low power-level (((cretins))) like Ripple fuck them.

>> No.14491781

Premined shitcoin.

>> No.14491795

off by 1 and you're wrong
link was a meme

>> No.14492024
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In what way? How does link partnering with swift solve the nostro vostro problem? Are you aware of ripples connections with central banks and the IMF? no, probably not. Youre probably just like dog who barks at shadows on the wall because hes too dumb to see the source of it. Or like a little kid who hates something because his mommy tells him to. Oracle solutions have an important place in the world but its not a catch all. XRP will be huge, and I honestly dont give a fuck it you take the time to figure that out or not.

>> No.14492038

niave, immature idealist

>> No.14492075

Lol yeah, I'm the problem. Not your centralized premined shitcoin. You seriously haven't de-risked yet, Anon?

>> No.14492128
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>LINK partnering with SWIFT

>> No.14492151
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you're really not saying anything or making point. How many other phrases from this board can you parrot up? If you want to be an idealist, why dont you go build huts in africa... thats right because you pick and choose. and now you want to point the finger and feel holier than thou

>> No.14492200
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>>rippled controls 4% of all network nodes
you sir are the most pajeet assmuncher I have ever seen. XRP is the native currency of their network, but the whole fucking point of the interledger is that it bridges currencies (and cryptos). Ripple is building the infrastructure much like I.P's role is in the internet. If Ripple went bankrupt tomorrow, the network would still run without them. It's open source, and they don't even control the fucking network you pleb. Pls lern2read.


>> No.14492217

Banks don't like ripple, they mistrust corda. It is a menage a trois with xrp being cucked and pegged at the same time. supposing they come out of the poc with anything more than link ripple will be thrown over board asap

>> No.14492307

and this is a xrp shill article.
I don't say there will be no pump, but xrp is a dead fish in the water that only still exists because of a court settlement and R3 not yet being able to get rid of it

>> No.14492343

I swear you people are all retarded. I literally already typed this out, I'm done saying it.
>over 200+ banks and financial insitutions will use ripplenet in 2019. These include american express, bank of england, PNC, Santander, SBI, etc... They are working with the IMF, Fed faster payments, bank of england, bank of america, western union.

>> No.14492356

>idealist building huts for niggers


All xrp that exists came from the devs. You idiots gave them Bitcoin or Fiat in exchange for tokens the literally just created from nothing. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.14492389

>banks will use ripplenet to settle transactions
>ripple will moon
pick one, banks don't want to pay accountants/tax lawyers/auditors to verify the price of a shitcoin when they settle a transaction

>> No.14492412

actually a good article, thanks anon.

>> No.14492448

Except banks have not used xrp in their transactions and they won't.
And even if they did the token would be converted into fiat right away which defeats the purpose.

>> No.14492528

what is the token used for? who is compensated by the use of the token? why do they need a token if most of their customers use the other network?

>> No.14492538

I wish I made 20x off that meme. From now on, I'm buying whatever has the best memes. Link had a solid year of great memes before it exploded. I don't care if there is no such thing as the "oracle problem," the memes produced results.

>> No.14492550

swift chose corda tho

>> No.14492575
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the one thing this article doesn't account for is the nostro vostro problem and ripple/xrp's ability to save customers more in their exchanges than they would with swift via the xrapid corridor. Even if swift starts using Any input on these points?

>> No.14492633

can i also buy my way into a mobile Libra captcha-controlled mining station. i too have a large amount of weight to transport and might as well earn some hard money libra while i'm on my way to kfc.

>> No.14492663

Link is on a league of its own
first came bitcoin
then ethreum
now link
Watch to see what happens next year