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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1448972 No.1448972 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite /biz/ films

Bonus points if they're realistic/based on a real story

>> No.1448974

Booty Call: The Director's Cut

>> No.1448978
File: 62 KB, 500x365, wolf-of-wall-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gunna get this one outta the way

>> No.1448979

Michael Clayton

>> No.1448993
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Great film

>> No.1449192
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Essentially 'Anon runs guns for the Pentagon' IRL

>> No.1449239

fav movie desu

>> No.1450391

Loved that movie. Steve Carrel's best by far.

Going to be fucking awesome, watching it next weekend with an irl /biz/ mate hopefully

>> No.1450735

This was a surprisingly good movie, when I saw the title I thought it was going to be another stupid teenage movie, but no, I was really good tbqh.

>> No.1450740
File: 38 KB, 300x439, Trading-Places-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not trading frozen orange juice concentrate

it's like you want to be poor, /biz/.

>> No.1450759
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This should be /biz/ hero

>> No.1450780

Im about to make a killing on Pork Belly futures

>> No.1450792


Hopefully it's like Lord of War without the seemingly-obligatory whining

>> No.1450797

fails to address the real problem (the government)
god tier

>> No.1450855

the big short addresses the real problem; fraudulent system, including the government

>> No.1450857

rogue trader is also pretty good

>> No.1450880
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The Ides of March (2011)
with Ryan Gosling, George Clooney & Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Rated 7.1/10 on IMDb

>> No.1450881

is Lord of War /biz/ approved?

>> No.1450891
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Other Peoples money

>> No.1450901

I honestly thing this is a real life rag to riches story, the guys autistic ways made him very focus and he as obssessed about his sucess, the way it should be, underrated business film

>> No.1450921

>"we're losing all the money!"
>"don't worry, I'll borrow more to make it all back!"
>"ok, you're so hot, let's have an affair."

lol that movie sucks

>> No.1450926


skip watching the movie

here is the GOAT speech he makes at the end


>> No.1451006


I think they tried to stay apolitical, anyone who does research after watching the movie quickly realizes the government was a part of the problem.

>> No.1451022

Will watch only because thats the same guy from Wolf.

will watch cause that guy was on Big Short

>> No.1451665
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>> No.1451671
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>> No.1451820
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They Live!

>> No.1451987

> Ctrl + F no Margin Call

/Biz/ plz...

>> No.1451995

It's a shit movie. The dialogue is awkward. The casting is so bad, they refer to the 45 year old main character as "kid".

>> No.1452070

Loved this film. Coming to America is the next one to watch in the mini series.

>> No.1452098

Inside job & smartest guys in the room are not shitty pedowood flicks and they're both great

>> No.1452417
File: 1.68 MB, 2765x4096, Entourage_film_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great /biz/ movie if you only watch the Ari parts

>> No.1452794

I don't know why I thought I could possibly be the first to post this.

>> No.1452795
File: 33 KB, 355x500, duplicity-dvd-2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit lovey dovey, but otherwise good points about big business.

Duplicity (2009)

>> No.1452829

>will watch cause that guy was on Big Short

Ryan Gosling is godtier. Also watch Drive.

>> No.1452838

What about thank you for smoking? The protagonist is a marketing genius working for a tobacco holding.

>> No.1452862

Agreed anon, great movie and highly under apreciated

>> No.1453317

To be fair, they got caught in real life. Basically were tech retards so they wrote about all their illegal activities in emails. If they'd just communicated in person about that shit, or even over the phone, they'd have gotten away with a good chunk of it.

So I'd expect a bit of preaching about muh greed catching up to you in the end, but same as Wolf, probably not much

>> No.1453371

Lord of War

>> No.1453375

God dammit, you're right. I just want a movie where pure bred capitalism is portrayed in any manner other than moral hazard.

Like, the closest movie I can think of that portrays capitalism and ingenuity as positive is fucking Iron Man, and even that movie has the obligatory ~my company is so bad~ spiel.

>> No.1454676

There was a movie that describes what you want.... Wasnt very good, but kind of 'fun' about two poor kids selling porn (illegal) in Ireland in 1990s, immoral reprocussions except maybe mob...

>> No.1454834 [DELETED] 

The one and only choice
I wish I could work with Lou

>> No.1454837

I wish I could work with Louise Bloom

>> No.1454858
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Wall Street 1987
Great fucking movie.

>> No.1454890
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Chasing Madoff

>> No.1454893

That's my fave movie... and your pic related is my fave character of all time.

>> No.1455638

I just finished this and holy shit.

This was really fucking good.

>2 chads and a pajeet get cucked out of billions.


>> No.1455649
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>> No.1455658

didn't like this one

dope movie

maybe i will see dis when it comes out on internet

the epitome of /biz/

>> No.1455669
File: 31 KB, 435x425, a0047c7a23499ac173bb87aab5fd0de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money pile scene in Wolf of Wall Street encouraged me to /biz more than anything else I've ever seen. I WANT that pile of money for myself too, and I'll stop at nothing to get it!

>> No.1455675


>> No.1456073

you're a fucking retard

>> No.1456130

It was alright I think. 3,5/5

Fart comedy, fairly entertaining but wouldn't watch again. 2/5

Just watched this yesterday with a friend, the plot wasn't perfect but still a really entertaining jew movie. 4/5

The most /biz/ movie ever. Could imagine the main character shitposting on here all day before his business idea.

Shitty 90s classic 3/5

All time favourite and the best finance themed movie ever. 5/5

>> No.1456157

A Good Year

>> No.1457632

More like Glen and Gary suck Ross's throbbing cock and put their hairy balls in his mouth

>> No.1457770

Nah, its good but to get to that level in int arms dealing you'd have to get some good kneepads and make mr Shekelstien happy

>> No.1457773

Its fake

>> No.1457782

If you haven't watched the Wolf of Wall Street then you should. It's basically mandatory.

>> No.1457783

What the fuck is wrong with that jew on the right? I hate him.

>> No.1457787

based. I've seen it about 20 times

>> No.1457788

Absolutely great film thanks in no small part to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.

>> No.1457837
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>> No.1457905

Just watched nightcrawler and man fuck rick for trying to exert his buying power like that tsk tsk.

>> No.1458592

Kill yourself

>> No.1458606
File: 538 KB, 590x800, not-a-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1458721

I fucking hate that smug tiny mouth motherfucker. Unwatchable show because of him. They ruined a good idea with that fucking smug faggot face.

>> No.1458895

Goddamn, it seems I'm watching Kevin O'Leary in Shark Tank. Love that guy and I'm gonna watch this movie ASAP.

>> No.1458921

I'll be honest but this has to be one of the better ones here, because it kind of gets you motivated to do something and is still somewhat valuable to watch.

Someone should start up an info graphic for /biz/ movies?

>> No.1458922


Neck yourself mate.

>> No.1458927

GOAT tier.

>> No.1458938


Ridiculously underrated post.

>> No.1458949

no office space?
I am shocked and disappointed


>> No.1459090

>tfw you will never make 2.5 mil a year and be able to spend $75000 on hookers

Why even live /biz/