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14486700 No.14486700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14486722


>> No.14486724

This will shake the weak hands, for sure. Sell you retards. I'm waiting to buy.

>> No.14487088

Nulinker scum, 99% of this board bought sub, .30 cents.

>> No.14487175

why would anyone pay a dollar to check the price of eth

>> No.14487204

Or for a fuckin Chainlink alarm clock lmao

>> No.14487214

We are just shaking out the faggots who brought high, that’s all

>> No.14487276

LMAO imagine having bought this piece of shit. Two years and the only significant gains were to Sergeys waistline.

>> No.14487286


Yes. That’s it! Nothing to worry about!

Wait until Reddit unveils the truth about the google “partnership” lmao. Everybody “partnering” with LINK is simply cut and pasting 1 line of code into their platform, this is what integration means. It’s literally nothing. Fucking kek.

>> No.14487376
File: 60 KB, 1280x446, iuyoiuyui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

information was there, whales selling

>> No.14487442

"Racist incel forum destroys promising crypto startup" will be the headline. Well done retards you fucked it all up. Just couldn't keep your damn mouths shut. It's all over. Cat is out of the bag. Advisers and team members leaving, major partners dropping out. You ruined it. ETH never had such a toxic community. Dumped every LINK and all in on ETH. This middleware shitcoin will never pull a 1000x. Fucking losers.

>> No.14487456

I don't see why you're laughing at link.

It went x10 in such a small period of time and is now maintaining that level.
We all know coins are volitile so these small rise and falls are of no surprise to anyone with a clue about the market.
Unless this shit goes sub $2.00, which won't happen, then you can laugh, but for now we're seeing a positive future for holders of link.
Those who laugh now are simply jealous they didn't get in on 0.15/0.30.

>> No.14487457
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hahahahah look at op he is a piece of shit hahahahahahahah

>> No.14487471

Boy do i feel dumb only being up a quarter million.

>> No.14487485

theyre probably waiting for 10

>> No.14487504
File: 548 KB, 500x500, 1550197997198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep pretending to be retarded and you'll get stuck that way.

>> No.14487529

Lmao, thanks anon, my sides needed that.

>> No.14487572


>> No.14487591

.... so you bought the top, huh?

>> No.14487650

oh no it pulled back 10% after doubling in a week. game over guys its all over. imagine being such an emotional faggot you're basically a woman OP. change your name from Anon to Sally right now.

>> No.14487731


>> No.14487976


The thing is, even when it goes bellow $2 you are not gonna sell. You are gonna ride it all the way to the ground. So it's as if you are locking in a sinking ship.

>> No.14488030


And not that it's funny. It's actually really sad. But you can't expect any sympathy from anyone when you keep acting like everything is fine.

>> No.14488052

>tfw bought at 11 cents
comfy as can be

>> No.14488072
File: 274 KB, 1280x1754, dn8ut4s5dut21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you faggets are never buying at sub $2

>> No.14488111

A person that bought at 40 cents, sold at $1 in Dec 2017, then bought back in at 20 cents a few months ago is much comfier than you.

>> No.14488140
File: 955 KB, 1050x1418, 1557854036211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone let's point and laugh at this crypto that did 3000% and just dropped 10% after

>> No.14489087

oh fug :DDDDDDD

>> No.14489130

Salty fucking redditors in this thread.

>> No.14489160

Chink hustle the coin

>> No.14489170


Ive only 10x'd my money in the past 2 months.....


>> No.14489265

this is last chance to buy the dip

>> No.14489266

Oh fug :DDDDDD

>> No.14489283
File: 54 KB, 498x617, 94A6D8FF-C11A-4325-AE0A-D571EF642939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah bro I’m still only up 40 Grand what an absolute faggot I am! Better sell and pay half in (((taxes))) like a good got, I wouldn’t know what to do with millions anyway right? Hahaha

Fuckin tards. Let’s check back here again in 24 hours. LINK is never going sub $3 EVER AGAIN.

>> No.14489336


>> No.14489412

The beautiful thing about this Link pump is all of the absolute agony it's going to cause now that it's dumping, and as the dump gets worse (we are only at the TIPPY TOP of the dump, panic hasn't even started yet).

Link was not in a position before to hurt people the way that it can now. Before, it was just hopes and dreams, that even Linktards didn't really believe, deep down.

But now you have people with ACTUAL six-figure paper gains that they could be cashing in, but their delusion is going to keep them from doing so, and they're about to lose it all back to the market.

The dump that has begun is going to be LEGENDARY.

I am so happy and excited right now!!!!

>> No.14489504

>link at $1
its going back to 20c
>link at $1.45
its going back to 60c
>link at $2
its going back to $1.20
>link at $2.25
its going back to $1.60
>link at $3.80
its going back to under $2 HAHAHHAAHAHHA
do you see the pattern?

>> No.14489537

dirty swinger. it's never going below $3 again.

>> No.14489542

Can someone actually debunk this stinky meme? Im too retarded to do it myself.

t. Not redditor just low iq channer

>> No.14489596
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