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14478396 No.14478396 [Reply] [Original]

Think about the world population. The civilized society is shrinking in population, while the developing and the third world countries are increasing. None of these countries are interested in crypto and merely less than 1% of them knew about it. People living in developing and third world countries are being marginalized and segregated by this NWO internet money. Indeed, there are other cryptos that are made for these poor and destitute people, however they all failed because nobody was interested in it. This is how IOTA has failed in the long run. People of color are being segregated and pushed out of crypto, saying they're dumbfucks who can't even think. Nobody will ever use crypto except BTC and even BTC has a bigger chance of going to 0.

>> No.14478404

her smoking sure isnt

>> No.14478416

> fiat is sustainable
being such a brainlet to post this in public

>> No.14478418

Who cares about niggers

>> No.14478469

NANO is sustainable and scalable. checkmate atheists.

>> No.14478575

We need to go back to the gold standard.

>> No.14478589

Fiat is made in such a way that it will be sustainable in the long run. If a fiat system isn't sustainable, it is the people who has the problem not the fiat. Fiat also prevents hyperinflation, while crypto invites hyperinflation. Sounds dumb doesn't it? For crypto, it is.

>> No.14478609

>it is the people who has the problem not the fiat
ok when we get a system with no ppl, sounds perfect

>> No.14478630

fiat is not sustainable and causes hyperinflation because jews always print too much of it
crypto prevents jews from doing this

>> No.14478647
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keep coping

i'm sure your fiat will get you into the citadel

>> No.14478667

Fiat is just as inherently worthless as crypto is, my dude. the only actual backed currency is the petrodollar, that's what is keeping most of the other fiat stable.

>> No.14478688

The weak will be left behind

>> No.14478841
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3rd worlds are a significant factor in why crypto is doing so well. Every 3rd world has an internet connection and a tech savvy youth with phones. It's been shown that when hyperinflation happens in places like Venezuela or Pakistan, smart young people can still access the world markets with a globally backed currency, or develop a standardized local black market.
>civilized society is shrinking

>> No.14478992

Anon look everything you said there is stupid and pedantic and I can tell you I can make more off crypto as a minority and I have made a couple of people 85% more richer in the third world country then this board ever had so you better get a wife a house and a few children and make your dreams come true or else you're a faggot.

>> No.14479038


Why does op ignore facebooks libra project - currency basket backed stablecoin, perfect for venuezela and shieeeet

>> No.14479057

This board is filled with autists who think countries should go back to the gold standard.
Don't take anyone here seriously.

>> No.14479065

>printing money is bad
New assets are made everyday. Land ownership, houses, apartments, are being built everyday. Let's say that a bottle of water is backed by Ξ0.00645195, if ETH value goes down, then the price of that bottled water goes dow, value goes up 3x then the value of that bottled water also goes up three times. Now, you have a hyperinflation of bottled water at a cost of $6 per bottle. This hyperinflation is solved by printing money. Also, money can be lost so printing is necessary, not because those who hold the system want to be rich. Printing money out of nothing is a myth.

>"It's always the Jews' fault of my life's disposition, not me!"
You should leave your safespace and I suggest talking it out to a psychiatrist anon.

>3rd worlds are a significant factor in why crypto is doing so well. Every 3rd world has an internet connection and a tech savvy youth with phones. It's been shown that when hyperinflation happens in places like Venezuela or Pakistan, smart young people can still access the world markets with a globally backed currency, or develop a standardized local black market.
They can't buy anything if they have nothing. Farm goods can't also be exchanged with crypto.

>> No.14479089

LIbra is aiming for world reserve currency and to verify every single use. This makes credit cards obsolete.

>> No.14479122

>People of color are being segregated and pushed out of crypto
Weak hands

>> No.14479126

This is one of the dumbest posts I've seen in my life

>> No.14479151
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>> No.14479728

>they can't buy anything if they have nothing
don't be a child anon. Let me run the scenario for you. Say you're a 3rd world brownie and, thanks to dictators and glowniggers, a loaf of bread costs what we would consider to be $1,000 in nog dollars. So it takes $1K nog dollars to buy bread. Ahh but the World Bank and civilized nations recognize your nog currency valued at $500 nog dollars per loaf of bread, as these are true global prices and not your shitty street prices in your shitty favela. Well, you get on a computer and you buy BTC and Link, 500 nog dollars worth. Immediately your 500 nog street dollars become 1000 nog global dollars, and now you have access to global markets where the price of bread is only 150 nog dollars. Get the homies in on it, have dystopian LAN parties, and all of a sudden you run your village. Not only that, but the crypto currently APPRECIATES, it actually deflates the way a healthy currency would, unlike our credit-founded fiat that relies on inflation for long term growth. In this moment, learning crypto and general tech is one of the best things a village poor could do for his village. and they're on it, whether you like it or not. be part of the global revolution or be bitter you didn't see it coming

>> No.14479775


Crypto was never meant for humans

>> No.14479806


Name a fiat that survived unchanged for more than 45 years

>> No.14479918

Directly into my cringe compiliation

>> No.14480159
File: 99 KB, 1055x1055, makifes11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shift + 4

>> No.14480207

This , any good look at localbitcoin statistics show that adoption is growing in third world countries faster than in the first world.