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14476041 No.14476041 [Reply] [Original]

Be unluckier than me

>sold link at $1,40
>got scammed via Telegram when i wanted otc
>90% tether portofolio
>talked about my crypto holdings with my ex-girlfriend
>Ex-girlfriend recorded one of our “rape roleplay”
>threatens me to charge me with rape if i do not give her money
>no proof since i deleted all our convo’s and we mostly talked via Facetime
>current girlfriend (niece of ex gf) asked me if i had crypto
>im scared have a feeling they are plotting together
>art major
>high student debt with useless major

>> No.14476057

>rape roleplay


>> No.14476061


fuck off normie

>> No.14476072

You trusted a roastie and will get what you deserve

If only you had listened

>> No.14476091
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 642CEAA7-D7F1-4228-8A3D-C3279AD5D49B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got scammed on Telegram when i wanted otc

Dumb shit. Why would you trust strangers. You are better of buying futures.
OKEx is backing a new futures platform called xFutures. Shit is going to be lit, and be the Bitmex of futures trading

>> No.14476116

Bought ATOM at 0.3 at Dflow futures, sold 0.5.

Went 40x on binance. FML

>> No.14476124
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Tethered is better than liquidated anon. COTI is a good buy right now, look at the volume and chart. Insiders trading and Market maker is preparing a huge pump for the big news that is coming out

>> No.14476141

Do OTC with escrow services anon. If you don't trust OTC chats just stick to futures. Bgogo and Hotbit both offer futures but are questionable exchanges. OKEx is building a futures exchange called Xfutures. The first big exchange building a futures platform for unreleased tokens.

>> No.14476153


>Be unluckier than me

Dude im black living in one of the whitest country of Europe

>> No.14476154

Might as well do away with the roleplay and make it real

>> No.14476174

Much love, anon
everything will be alright in the end, clean your room

>> No.14476187


Feel you bro, discriminating blacks is like a joke in my country. Hope one of my bags is going 10x so I can leave this country

>> No.14476221
File: 508 KB, 1600x1045, cat20121142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My asian gf sucks off my futures every day. She sucks FOR it. At least you dont get fucked when someone sucks your futures.

>> No.14476265
File: 67 KB, 715x800, photo_2019-06-30_11-38-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my coti titties

>> No.14476296

must feel unlucky getting free shit handed to you

>> No.14476314

You could always...leave? Doesnt sound like you think of it as your home anyways

>> No.14476342
File: 408 KB, 3032x2064, A8504EE7-B30A-47D9-89DF-B42D7BCE74F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold link at $1,40

You listened to 4chan call good. COTI is gonna be the better LINK soon. Insiders are buying, its already up 40% in 3 days and the binance listing hasnt even been announced yet

>> No.14476407


Wish that I had a full time hooker like that

>> No.14476424


Imao nigger just take your gains with you back Africa and become a warlord/businessman. Even just $10k USD would make you a powerful man worthy of endless tribal pussy and khat.

>> No.14476623
File: 103 KB, 818x573, DC3E7ACE-9CF0-48DD-AC01-38B8F377D6D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


COTI will moon anon. Being black is gonna be fun when you are rich. Cuck the whites destroy the Asians, open the red sea and believe in the Jews