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14475518 No.14475518 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to doubt LINK. It pumped up to here and it's not dropping or pumping. Why? I think 1000 eoy was just a meme and us gullible retards got baited. I really needed the 1k eoy to be true to make it. FUCK. Is there any hope? I'm losing my enthusiasm. I just keep reading more and more bad things about link. Serious answers would be appreciated.

>> No.14475539
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I mean look at this. It's looking bad.

>> No.14475567
File: 120 KB, 1044x914, nubiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, looks terrible

>> No.14475568

I would sell right now desu, sergey could exit scam at any moment and Sybil attack’s are unpreventable

>> No.14475606
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It's the recent trend that matters and it looks bad to me.

>> No.14475726

fucking newfag tripniggers all over the place ever since links little pump

>> No.14475926
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Sell now before it dumps. 4 dollars is the top.

>> No.14476992
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>5 minute charts "It's the recent trend that matters and it looks bad to me"

Just sell and get the fuck out of crypto you absolute faggot.

>> No.14477005 [DELETED] 

Oh wait, wait I get it.. A bit slow on the uptake me.
haha, fucking perfect. Of course they'll come here.

>> No.14477020

then stop whining and sell faggot

>> No.14477025

I'm getting singularity vibes

>> No.14477062

You are smart don’t listen to link holding incel. They’ll tell you that you are wrong an their coin is th best and will keep going up. Oh how wrong they are. The dump is about to happen and so many people are going to get rekted.

Sell now, take profits buy back at $2-$1.

>> No.14477217

Learn to speak English infidel.