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14473901 No.14473901 [Reply] [Original]

Link growth has become unsustainable at this point. Buy Quant while it's still affordable, thank me later.

>> No.14474416

I would buy QNT but I have one problem, OP:

All of my money is already in QNT. Wut do?

>> No.14474467


>> No.14474768

Did you know that Quant at this stage have produced nothing and have no clients?

You will tell me about SIA, but they are just exploring. You will Wil tell me about some cloud based bullshit or contacts or people who have had meetings with them .. but reality is no one is using overledger as it should be, in full, using quant tokens.

The "enterprise" treasury is live. But not one client has bought any qnt. Anyone using overledger is doing so for free. Because the token is not actually needed to run overledger.

The whole treasury "dashboard" delay/one day is entirely designed to hide this fact while.coming across to quantards as "transparent".

This team of "experts" so far have been tricked by the qnt community who made appointments with the team pretending to be big businesses to gain some insider info, and then also got scammed trying to get listed on bitmax (and also, there is supposedly another big exchange coming...)

Shilberts CV is supposedly good. I'm not sure why? He just had high powered job titles, and did nothing day to day other than talk a good game. Which is what he is doing now. There is only one demo. And it basically summarises quant as a quick way to pay someone in multiple Cryptocurrencies. And this demo was last year. And it is shit.

The Quant community ignore everything negative, and attack anyone who ask a question, or wants to understand more.

For example this patent? No one can even explain what it is. "Overledger" is patented. Actually patent is published. Very different things.

I am convinced that Quant has produced nothing to date. Most of the "developer" sign ups are the Quant community. Most of mApps are fake, I remember see fake ones posted.

The whole project is held up by a dishonest community and paid shillers hoping they can sell before this sham built of pack of lies and half truths comes tumbling down.

You have all be warned.

>> No.14474807

nice fud pasta will use this myself

>> No.14474878

this is a fucking scam

>> No.14474890

the fud here is so weak

>> No.14474896

as weak as qnt tokenomics

>> No.14474924

SIA aside quant has developed new technology that allows for multiple blockchain interoperability.
How many cryptos bring some new technology to the table?

>> No.14474930

Sure, not a finished product yet, but the whole banking business is currently experimenting with Overledger. Just connect the dots and give the project some time. That's how you make money from crypto.

>> No.14474952

you dont need a chuck and cheese token for that

>> No.14474977

Fuck QUANT and fuck gil he slept with my sister years ago and left her a single parent we cannot track Gilbert down because he doesnt stay anywhere long enough to catch him... he stays in a different hotel every night and uses fake names he is a homeless backpacker with one nice suit that he lives in

>> No.14474984

Keep stacking ;)

>> No.14475003

Also this is spot on

>> No.14475027

Typical Quant bullshit. Siachain are not using overledger. Learn to fucking read.

Next Quant bullshit reply about "connecting the dots" will anothe rmention of either shilbert CV or we are going to coinbase because of cool benders award

>> No.14475108

Here you have it my friend:

''The partnership agreement aims to integrate the SIAchain infrastructure into Quant
Network’s blockchain operating system Overledger to develop and implement
blockchain and DLT based applications spanning different technologies''


Now quit spreading bullshit.

>> No.14475131
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It's as easy as going all in. What are you waiting for?

>> No.14475189

I support both Quant and link coin but I ownly own Link because the economics make way more sense. They're are only 17 trillion Link in circulation and once their gone, there gone; no more decentralized oracles ever. There's also is a halfening process every year in which the supply of chain link gets cut by .05 percent causing a deflationary stimulus gap. So fill up while you can.

>> No.14475197

Read the fucking title


"Aims" does not mean they will. If it turns out that it's shit or there is something better, then they will not use overledger.

You fuckers are so damn stupid. Or so fucking dishonest.

>> No.14475214

Read the fucking content.

>> No.14475269

Conclusion: Do NOT buy Quant

>> No.14475322


>> No.14475337

sia partnership isn't a real partnership they are just looking at blockchain interoperability. Also quant has 1000 fake partnerhips under "nda". And why has there been a tier 1 exchange under nda for a year now, is it possible that it never existed?

>> No.14475354

scam coin.
going to zero very soon. good luck

>> No.14475470
File: 286 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_20190630-123454__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me highlight the key points in this hype based press release most likely written by Quant. Why a siachain press release needs to explain who siachain are, I do not know...

I know you guys aren't used to this type of critique due to constant censorship of anything that questions the project in the slightest. But the facts speak the truth. Quant is a misleading scam. Where Gilbert spends everyday talking a good game but producing nothing.

>> No.14475651

The next Link is still Link. You think that was it ? The memes are 1000 eoy. We'll get there. But the true eoy for now is 80. Still x20.

>> No.14475653

You can tell a project is seriously good when the scenarios explained in the FUD are still far better than what 99.99% of crypto projects have achieved, including many in the top 20.

> muh SIA isn't using Overledger yet, just aiming to integrate it.

Okay, so if what you're saying is true, then the backbone of the European financial system is "only" aiming to integrate Overledger at this stage. Apparently that's FUD?

>> No.14475713

>You can tell a project is seriously good when the scenarios explained in the FUD are still far better than what 99.99% of crypto projects have achieved, including many in the top 20.

kek, this. Even the worst-case fud scenario for Quant means it belongs in the top 20.

>> No.14475722

This. If this is not enough for people to at least grab a small stack, then you shouldn't be involved in crypto at all.

>> No.14475765
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My fucking sides at the sheer level of desperate cope


Yeah man this high-level institutional company let Quant write the press release to put on their own site.

> Muh Siachain described their own business in their own press release. That's suspicious.

Gentle reminder that all the fudders avoiding Quant with hilarious argument attempts have missed out on easy QNT gains and the far greater QNT gains that are obviously on their way. But when you're a bedroom dwelling incel I guess trying to impress people on an anonymous message board with fud is more important than making money. There's should be no surprise at all why so many people on Biz remain as poor as they always have been.

>> No.14475786


Damn son, nice comeback

>> No.14475788

Worst case scenario is that this is the peak. And everything is down from here.

As people start to realise what Quant is, and that it is not special like some like to claim. Just wait. The hype is real. The quality is not.

>> No.14475935


Hmm wonder who's opinion I should trust.

> SIA - The backbone of the European financial system
> AUCloud - The provider of the Australian government's cloud infrastructure
> Crowdz - Partner of Barclays

OR you, the Biz autist who is completely obsessed with hating Quant and determined to spin any possible shred of news to make it seem more negative than it really is.

Tough one.

>> No.14476210

Do not buy quant it is a SCAM. Why does it need a token?!?! Gilbert also fucked my sister too and left her with a baby and we can’t track him down. Siacoin is a joke like seriously? Lose your money, go ahead.

>> No.14476256

Trust yourself. Believe all the tedious links, and connecting the dots. Why no talk about INATBa, the big Q1 hype about banks :)

QNT community quickly forgets and works hard for bag pumps.

Who to trust

A shill or someone who criticises

The choice is yours.

I have seen no valid come back, only acceptance that siachain is not a certainty or guaranteed :)

And "so much fud, must be people trying to get in cheap" no it is people who hate how every chat on tg is getting overrun by qnt lies.

I am glad I am opening eyes

>> No.14476292

Imagine posting this as fud, it just demonstrates QNT is already the most successful banking coin.

>> No.14476345
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>> No.14476353

Imagine starting every attempt at an ironic post with "imagine"

Imagine thinking qnt is legit, and partnership to test some shit out makes it the biggest banking coin

Just imagine. imagine. Imagine the rage someone realises when they lose thousands of pounds.

>> No.14476360
File: 20 KB, 400x400, gilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's laugh to chainlink killers



>> No.14476383

You can still gain if you buy now, there is no need to be upset.

>> No.14476403


>> No.14476458

No thanks, I do not want any quant, and definately not at the top

I am glad the quamfy lounge is listening. I see you all going. It is probs people fudding who want cheap, think siachain is siacoin, someone with aion.

You guys are hilarious. Why do people believe this stuff. None of you have the ability to think critically. Just lots of back patting and congratulating each other on still holding.

It is the craziest most cult coin I have ever stumbled across. You will all get rekt together in the end.

>> No.14476483


Uhh instead of those two options I'll choose the multi million/billion dollar tech companies that will have obviously had numerous technical meetings with Quant, and therefore know more about Quant than any of us do, and have decided they're seriously interested enough to announce public partnerships.

It's simple. You lose.

>> No.14476499

Lol, wow this is insanely bullish

>> No.14476513

the website is also trash

>> No.14476531

Siachain is also working with IBM on blockchain. Get rekt


>> No.14476732


So Quant's work with Sia could potentially bring Quant into collaboration with IBM as well?

Thanks for the shill, anon.

>> No.14476904

Quant fud is ripe baby ripe as the fruit of my loins

>> No.14477078

I used to think LINK would bring upon the singularity but now I think Quant is the one to do it. I say this only because the FUD and the SHILL are the same lol.

FUD: 570 banks are aiming to integrate overledger

SHILL: 570 banks are aiming to integrate overledger

Very interesting I must say lol

>> No.14477240

QNT has more potential than most of the top 20 projects.

>> No.14477969

“Hey. I took a look at quant network. I like the design for how they want to deal with blockchain interoperability from an organizational and application developer perspective but they completely leave out the security that is the reason why blockchains exist in the first place. Blockchain technologies were decentralized to run across thousands of servers so that hackers would need to hack more than half of them to break the system. These systems are very vulnerable and centralized to their servers and your blockchain data is completely at risk when going through this platform. A hacker could take over these systems and completely disrupt or destroy the blockchain data sent between different blockchains. I would not trust my data to go through this system and I don’t think knowledgeable blockchain developers would either.”

>> No.14478078

How many to make it?

>> No.14478149

Shill your scam somewhere else.
No one is going to fall for this shit.

>> No.14478177

Just buy VIDT. It will have much better ROI from here. Thank me later anon.

>> No.14478598


Enterprise doesn't give a shit. It uses centralised solutions for pretty much everything so far, and risks hacks etc already. Not an issue.

Obsession with everything being decentralised (which it isn't, anyway) is a huge red herring and something QNT have got absolutely right.

I also wouldn't be surprised if whatever servers Quant uses are actually more decentralised that your next favourite interop/fintech shitcoin that has two or three nodes and no users.

>> No.14478634

Idk but I hope it's 40.

>> No.14478638

100 to make it 50 act as suicide stack

>> No.14478660

How many daily threads you gonna make about QNT?
Seriously, this is one insane guy spamming the catalog day-after-day with idiotic QNT shill threads

>> No.14479296


This. What's giving Quant the massive edge is that while so many projects have made it x100 more difficult for themselves (or even impossible) by trying to decentralize every little detail, Gilbert (with his CISO experience) understands that centralized/decentralized hybrid systems are the future. That's enabled to him to get a head start into the market and guess what? He's right. Enterprises are seriously interested in this.

In fact, full decentralization is a myth. Centralized systems will always need to connect to decentralized systems, and even if you decentralized the connection between the two, vulnerabilities would still exist in the centralized inputs and outputs. A fully trustless system is an impossible dream, and serious global adoption won't happen until more project teams wake up to this fact.

>> No.14480018

I don’t think it’s 1 guys there’s a lot of quant peeps on here it seems

>> No.14480051

It's the most obvious investment in the space.

>> No.14480349

I actually own a pretty decent amount of quant to be honest. I have BTC, ETH, LINK, QNT, and some LTC and that’s it. I got in on ETH at $20 and LINK around $.25 cents.... not saying I know everything but I feel like the writing is on the wall wit Quant I got it around $1.80

>> No.14480386


What's your total portf size, if I might ask?

>> No.14480578

CHECKED. Even onboarding SIA proves thats its 1000x better than LINK and 100s of other shitcoins

>> No.14480606

Hmm wonder who's opinion I should trust.

> SIA - The backbone of the European financial system
> AUCloud - The provider of the Australian government's cloud infrastructure
> Crowdz - Partner of Barclays

OR you, the Biz autist who is completely obsessed with hating Quant and determined to spin any possible shred of news to make it seem more negative than it really is.

Tough one.

>> No.14480666

I'm trying to find out if QNT is pretending to be a great solution for enterprises or that it is all vaporware. There won't be a dashboard anytime soon. We cannot verify if anyone is using their tech. For now it looks like it are all empty promises.

>> No.14480902

QNT actually has a lack of threads.

>> No.14480963

Why has a multi million tech company a sketchy wordpress site? This is ridiculous....


>> No.14481100

It’s 6 figures but not as close to a million as it should be... I’ve made some bad moves too

>> No.14481152

You consider 10 threads a day for a project ranked #93 a "lack"

>> No.14481239


>> No.14481316

You're a fucking retard

The QNT token is regulated by FINMA as a utility token which are intended to provide digital access to an application or service. Access to the Overledger Operating System is only possible through the use of QUANT (QNT) tokens, i.e. QNT tokens must be provided to Quant Network in exchange for an annual licence or platform fee. The price of the access will be a fixed FIAT amount and the number of tokens needed will vary depending on the price of the token at the time of purchase.

>> No.14481565

The price will not be the same all customers. Smoke and mirrors. Treasury gonna make all the money, not traders.

Dear HSBC. Your licence to use overledger $100k. Send us $100k. Here is your licence, have a nice day.

Quant treasury assignes 0.1 QNT and their licence.

Meanwhile, market price is still $5

You see the problem??????

>> No.14481637


He's explained numerous times. The QNT token is required for all licensing and usage, and it's also used to help sign and verify data transfers via blockchain as part of the security system.

The token is often used as FUD but unironically it's one of the very few tokens in crypto that is a genuine utility token with a genuine technical use.

>> No.14481816

considering that certain other coins have half a dozen threads active at any give time, yeah

>> No.14481906

Dude, he was joking lol

>> No.14481928

Honestly there’s barely any threads about quant (which I prefer) on here compared to LINK, VIDT, etc.

The fact that some people are so butthurt is just because they’ve missed out on this x10+ so far.... I can’t imagine the melts once it goes to $25

>> No.14482020

The more fud people bring to QNT the more I will buy

>> No.14482062


Except that's not how it works. Licence funds are used to market-buy QNT at the going rate.