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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 139 KB, 616x521, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14471785 No.14471785 [Reply] [Original]

r8 my ta /biz/

>> No.14472263

these are lines on a chart. it doesnt affect price

>> No.14472284

>what are support and resistance
>what's mass psychology
>what's snowball effect
>what are self-fullfilling prophecies
>what are harmonic patterns

>> No.14472304

I want to give it the benefit of the doubt but high end firm use bots, not people with charts that seem akin to astrology.

>> No.14472331

>implying bots don't use the same meme patterns

>> No.14472355

Not enough memelines.

>> No.14472360

>what are support and resistance
Arbitrary lines you drew
>what's mass psychology
Arbitrary lines you drew
>what's snowball effect
Arbitrary lines you drew
>what are self-fullfilling prophecies
Arbitrary lines you drew
>what are harmonic patterns
Arbitrary lines you drew

People that rely on TA are simply brainlets who can't program.

There's literally nothing your lines can predict about me pulling out 1000 BTC from cold storage and dumping on you.

>> No.14472373

All bullshit when
>print tether
>let’s fuck with all those shirts

>> No.14472376

fucking retard

>> No.14472387

>Arbitrary lines that smart money draw and use to trade

>People that rely on TA are simply brainlets who can't program.
those memelines are literally programmed, it's the trendlines script, kek

>There's literally nothing your lines can predict about me pulling out 1000 BTC from cold storage and dumping on you.
uhm, there is, they will get absorbed or it will dump and correct soon after

leveraged shorts are a thing now, you can print tether and use it to short now

>t. TAlet

>> No.14472400

>smart money uses TA
Hahaha you are in for a world of hurt my friend.

>> No.14472455

Good job anon, pretty funky.
I would just change the colors to more pastel ones and this would be perfect for my study room.

>> No.14472489

finally a patrician. i'll change it to random colors to get the chroma/rainbow effect

>> No.14472549
File: 74 KB, 557x351, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-it's just a meme bros, 100k eoy!!!

>> No.14472559

>no circle lines

>> No.14472586
File: 177 KB, 617x519, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about now?

>> No.14472593
File: 174 KB, 616x521, ta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14472609

text-book "thicc-dicc" pattern

>> No.14472629

how right were you in the past?

>> No.14472653

you'll see in a week

>> No.14472681
File: 66 KB, 500x533, mmmm-grayons-31350775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14472752

Now it's acceptable wall art. 6.3/10.

>> No.14472795


That is not how bull markets work

>> No.14472814
File: 205 KB, 1349x1459, 1529247523482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i'll do better next time.

>he didn't get the memo

>> No.14472847

if that's true, we'll never see another ATH

>> No.14472860

that's literally the definition of a healthy correction, 20k eoy

>> No.14473069
File: 138 KB, 615x523, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added some support, we bull now

>> No.14473106
File: 998 B, 81x62, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof im not larping

>> No.14473298
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x820, cheat sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we just need to cool off before the next rally

>> No.14473370


>> No.14473376

>this rally will fail like others

>> No.14473510
File: 123 KB, 909x642, biztrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna talk about timeframes? look at this chart.
dude, I been in this rally since 4k, when you faggots were laughing at me for calling the bottom.
I'm telling you that if we dip below 10k, it's time to start filling out job applications.

>> No.14473540

>dude, I been in this rally since 4k, when you faggots were laughing at me for calling the bottom.
>I'm telling you that if we dip below 10k, it's time to start filling out job applications.
that's literally the target of the image in the op tho

>> No.14473562

10600 is likely yes almost expected the market is inanely bullish tho they will lap it up and push for $14k

>> No.14473573

fyi 2018 was one giant bear trap

>> No.14473633

fuck OP, and smug evangellion too.
that's what I was hoping for.

>> No.14473667
File: 176 KB, 615x523, 1561881594548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14473692

the turkish poop-holder pattern?

>> No.14473704

Yes, how did you tell?

>> No.14473886

Pajeet Chart

>> No.14473894

i thought $6k as the bottom and this would be the short bear not the long bear and thus pretty much bought with all my spare cash every dip in the $6k range.

then it dropped to $3k something and i failed to trade it down gracefully frankly i was paralyzed as i watched it go red like a tsunami. i was like oh this has to be a scam wick it will go right back up and then maybe go down slowly... well i was fucked. then i took out some loan because i saw signs the bear is ending, and just before it got wired and i could start buying the price went parabolic. so now i have cash, but i don't like the price action...

i'm just fucked.

>> No.14473967

i wish it would re-test 4k again, but i don't really see it going below 9k

which also means that it will probably break 3k, lmao

>> No.14474018

now i try to find a good dca strategy 100ema on the daily for example looks solid. combined with hedging on bitmex in case it dips below.

>> No.14474048

and 5.6k would be my ideal target if it dips below it 2020 is fucked.

>> No.14474092

based, it's happening in september

>> No.14474209

yeah before this rally i had september pegged as the pre halving ramp up stealth phase.

fucking retards fucked that up.

>> No.14474745

what about september?