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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14471916 No.14471916 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a dev, let's make a few things clear about Chainlink.

1. It's not decentralized. There's no way for me to chose a provider except by its KYC, which is centralized by Chainlink itself.

2. The actual decentralized reputation strategies explained in the white paper are completely insufficient. It is fucking outrageous that they do not have exact specification for it 2 years later, let alone have started implementing it.

So basically right now you're investing in centralized oracles, with plans on making it decentralized later, but those "plans" are not described in details anywhere. It's a vague 10 lines in the white paper, and those 10 lines don't actually describe a solution that would not be completely BTFO by sybil attacks.

Also, anyone who knows programming knows that sending centralized data to a smart contract is 5 lines of code. Aggregating centralized data like CL does is 10 lines of codes.

Chainlink is fucking amazing at public relation. They got mentions by Swift and Google, even though like I said, it's not decentralized, and doesn't even have specifications on how to make it decentralized. TWO FUCKING YEARS LATER.

Also for the bag holders reading this, there's no point in replying "weak fud" or "what price did you sell". We all know the pathetic strategies you use to try to distract from the fact that LINK is vaporware.

>> No.14471932

Hey its this LARP Again

>> No.14471941

Thanks very much for this - just sold 100K

>> No.14471962

You cannot refute point #1.

CL is vaporware.

>> No.14472034
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It’s the only way to prevent future Sybil attacks when standing up the network. A smart play for professionals thinking long term. You should really buy more chainlink if this isn’t b8.

>> No.14472081

argumentum ab auctoritate

>> No.14472193

And what specification is there for a transition to a decentralized sybil-attack-resistant reputation system? Handwaving here will not cut it because this is what CL's supposed value proposition is predicated on.

>> No.14472270

Big asses are overrated, but i’d eat her pussy. Kikes!

>> No.14472374

Literally haven't seen a refutation of this

>> No.14472431

how do people wear pants this tight
it looks like it's literally molesting her

>> No.14472451

how do crypto faucets work

>> No.14472497

I'd like to molest her, if ya catch my drift.

>> No.14472554

I dont get it

>> No.14472570

Nobody notices the hooker boots?

>> No.14472575
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>t's not decentralized

>> No.14472590


and have sex incel

>> No.14472596
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>> No.14472607

Yea, good question. Answer this one first: by what metric is “complete” decentralization finished enabling protection from a Sybil attack?

And guess what, it doesn’t fucking matter because security is a never ending battle to improve your systems against potential bad actor attacks and chainlink’s defense in depth approach is the most logical/practical one especially with the tokenomic incentives.

Listen pal, I can’t believe I wasted my time typing this shit out. Do you think morons work in the engineering departments at google and oracle? Is Cornell where fast food gas station attendants go to school? There is no hand waving. This all comes down to probabilities and defense in depth is the best approach imo.

>> No.14472616

weak fud

>> No.14472622

Link reminds me of req
A neat idea on paper with poor execution

>> No.14472627

>how do people wear pants this tight
its probably not even that hard

>> No.14472639

3. 65% of the supply is controlled by one man

>> No.14472644

No, it isn't. Weak defense.

>> No.14472668

>its probably not even that hard
That's where you're wrong. Looking at this pic makes my pants tight af and it's hard, bro.

>> No.14472672

Would like to screech annoyingly into her ear.

>> No.14472677

1. It's good enough. Better enough than others that it's worth using it as a srub until better comes along.

T. Another fucking dev with ghost in the machine years of experience and a commensurate understanding of industry and the people who make decisions in it.

>> No.14472725

Isnt it more like 70%?

>> No.14472751

>wearing pants

>> No.14472755
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how much link for her

>> No.14472757

>Do you think morons work in the engineering departments at google and oracle?
Does boeing crash multiple plains because they hire a 9$/h poo?
Did the android developer hire multiple sex slaves and rented them out?

>> No.14472771

>getting google and oracle(sort of) to buy in is like 5 lines of code.
It doesn't fucking matter. Mindshare matters. Windows 10 happened long after windows 95 and Macintosh. Didn't need to be perfect for investors to kill it and dev's to make their careers. Sometimes intent, first mover advantage, and good enough are good enough.

You are a shit developer if all you can do is code and you lack all understanding of ecosystems. Even if you're the fucking ace of spades you are a useless ace of speds.

>> No.14472784

>muh google
Google isn't using Chainlink, it was literally a blog post by their "developer evangelist" aka a marketer who is paid to try to shill devs into using Google cloud.

Same deal with Oracle.

>> No.14472793

See >>14472784

No evidence that Google has "bought in" and has seriously incorporated CL into their ecosystem, just a marketing blogpost.

>> No.14472801

holy fuck I just sold everything

I'm just glad it made it back to 3.96 so I could

this is ridiculous, this pumped for no reason at all, don't be delusional

>> No.14472810

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons. I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit.

>> No.14472836

Quit shitting up the board and your streets

>> No.14472875
File: 117 KB, 800x800, 6116FA90-09C0-4C8F-A29F-2E7EF660B1A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh blog post
Odd how that’s exactly what all the FUD says.
That’s the sound of reality flying over your head.

>> No.14472906

>Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit.
Yea it will go higher, kek

>> No.14472911

Why bother arguing? These autists are clearly going to hold until it's worth nothing or the team exit scams. The idea of $1000eoy is so ridiculous and yet half of them actually believe it.

>> No.14472923
File: 115 KB, 716x709, 1453D433-3C49-4510-B945-0A9812BBCAA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Responding to pasta
Biz is dead.

>> No.14472925


and best part is that chainlink even hasnt own blockchain, its just erc-20 token, like rest of hundreds of shitcoins

there are tens of cryptocoins that have even own blockchain, these coins are all ahead of chainlink

this all just shows how childish these markets are, people buying just coin because heavy shilling and memes

nobody cant explain what chainlink actually do, what chainlink offer to cryptoworld

chainlink is classic ponzi scam

>> No.14472938

Please explain how a "Developer Advocate" (aka an evangelist) telling people that "yeah you can develop your shitcoin dapps on Google Cloud Services if you pay for compute time" is in any way indicative of Google integrating chainlink into their infrastructure at any level.

You can't because you are non-technical dumb money and you don't even understand the blogpost you cite as evidence.

>> No.14472940

Chainlink is going to $1,000 EOY! Screencap this.

>> No.14472945

Is this b8 m8?

>> No.14472954

Are you trolling me? Are you fresh off the boat from reddit?

>> No.14472961


congrats linkies. this is the peak.

this is it. as big as it's going to get.

was it really worth a x15 gain? to destroy this board and soak up as much attention as possible?

to make some fat russian scammer rich? who owns the mass majority of tokens and undercuts and cheats every which way?

was it really worth it? all the drama. the memes. the poison you all are. the x15 gain since ico? congrats.

that's huge. beats wallstreet over a hundred times. big time. but not worth it and not comparable.

it's not chainlink that's the miracle. it's the board itself. it's the people behind it. not the company or fraudster

>> No.14472963

>Biz not /biz/
>unironically posting discord Dotard Blumpfs.

>> No.14472972

i have seen this fud pasta last week.

>> No.14472980

Tell me what core Google infra is using Chainlink then.

>> No.14472985

We will be fine, you dont need to buy something that your low IQ do not understand.

You can leave biz and go back to plebbit.

>> No.14472987

Do Linkies actually understand what "pasta" means?

As in, something that gets copied and pasted, and not an original post?

Where is this in the archives?

>> No.14472992

>LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will
Both are still undervalued. I personally like ETH more than LINK but money is money.

>> No.14473003

So you can't refute it.0

>> No.14473014
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 1000eoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oragles are going live

>> No.14473070

>core google infrastructure
Ahhhhh and the goalposts move. No one ever said it was “core google infrastructure” faggot, that doesn’t even make sense with what chainlink does. Nigger, the tweet and partnership are confirmed that google is hooking their bigdata machine up to chainlink which means their big query data can be used in smart contracts. That’s a pretty big deal no? ESPECIALLY considering the chainlink network and thus its usage and subsequently token price will rise proportionally to demand? Do you think people won’t need secure data for their smart contracts to execute or no?

>> No.14473086

Who makes the pasta?

>> No.14473105

Your reddit spacing is a nice touch. Thanks for the Kek

>> No.14473123

>I need a centralized Oracle that calls itself decentralized to aggregate data from a trusted source into a smart contract

Link is fake and gay.

>> No.14473133

I've been posting on 4chan for eight years and have never been on Reddit, yet for the past few months I've been getting these "Reddit spacing" replies for the way I've always written my posts. Nice job outing where you come from.

>> No.14473158

This is probably ignored because you are here to trolling us but here are some tips.

- Google as a cloud provider has customers who want to deploy their own Blockchain.

- These Blockchain need to receive external data for their interoperability.

- One of these external data is from Google Bigquery service.

- the only reliable solution currently for data delivery between Blockchain and external APIs is Chainlink.

- Google engineers have developed a specific integration between Bigquery and Chainlink nodes (has been confirmed by Chainlink team).

>> No.14473160

>hooking their bigdata machine up to chainlink
1) That would require some form of integration into their core infrastructure. Google doesn't even use BigQuery internally so there goes your argument.
2) No evidence they're actually doing that, otherwise there would be more evidence than literally just a blogpost that says "you can develop dapps on Google Cloud if you pay." There's even a "free trial" button next to the post!

>> No.14473188

Sweet vishnu! Who dis biche?

>> No.14473255

Sell all LINK and buy XRP that will pump likewise within two months.
Thank me later.

>> No.14473269

I spend too much time on biz as it is. I can’t tell if biz is trolling or just brainlets anymore with this reddit influx. Biz is dead.

>> No.14473273

those riding boots are doing things to me.

>> No.14473300

>All theses seething tribal cultists

>> No.14473356

>And guess what, it doesn’t fucking matter because security is a never ending battle to improve your systems against potential bad actor
No. That is not true in decentralized systems. Look at bitcoin, it has PoW to protect it against Sybil. It's not playing cat and mouse with attackers. It is simply secure and decentralized by design. Playing cat and mouse only works in centralized systems (it's also a retarded way to plan your security kek).

>> No.14473395

See, this is where you need to learn some programming my friend. ALL softwares can use BigQuery. There's no "hooking their bigdata machine up to chainlink". My app that I made in my basement is just as "hooked up with their bigdata" as chainlink is. It's hooked up out of the box. The only difference is Google can't clickbait me in a blog post to promote their services.

>> No.14473507

Are you retarded? Why would you ever stop improving the physical and cryptographic security of your data networks?
>t.boomer from plebbit

>> No.14473545

Unfortunately not fren. I can’t tell if this is bait or not anymore tho so just research the oracle problem and buy link or don’t. I don’t give a shit. I’m done arguing with brainlets.

>> No.14473563

>when you don't have an actual argument so you feign exasperation
Classic non-technical brainlet.

>> No.14473600

holy shit anon... I recommend you try to gain some self awareness about how technically illiterate you are

>> No.14473682

Why are there 40 startups chock full of ex Google and Amazon executives then, mong? Absolute retard

>> No.14473698

You know what doesn't remind me of req? The price

>> No.14473815

>cyber-techno machinations company

>> No.14473848
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Actual valid criticism of the memecoin?!

>> No.14474014

I want you to screen cap this post to read later.

>> No.14474775
