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File: 57 KB, 182x282, Ethereum Classic Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14469849 No.14469849 [Reply] [Original]

tldr; Ethereum Classic is smart contracts with planned Oracle funcion integrated

>Why do we have faith in Ethereum Classic?
Besides the upgrades coming in September in which it will be fully compatible with Ethereum and all of its upgrades, Ethereum Classic is planning to adopting oracle functions on top of its smart contract platform

>What about Chainlink?
Think about it, Ethereum Classic is the computer hardware and the command prompt. Most people struggle to use the command prompt.

Now imagine the oracle function of Ethereum Classic as a built in OS. Why do you think people use Microsoft Windows or Mac OS? It is built in.

Don't forget that Ethereum Classic also can create ERC-20 tokens like Ethereum. So image the Ethereum Classic oracle acting as an operating system for these ERC-20 tokens

>What is Ethereum Classic?
It is the original Ethereum blockchain that did not fork. Think of Ethereum Classic as BTC. Think of ETH as BCH

>Why Oracles for Ethereum Classic but not ETH?
ETH is going to proof of stake for its innovation. However, ETC wants to keep the original blockchain as much possible. By adopting oracles in its code, it can better accept correct information for its smart contract functions. Think of lightening network, but for smart contracts

>Ethereum Classic Upgrade News

>> No.14469865

Im not here for the tech, Im here for the moonshot

>> No.14469878

are you one of those cucktards who bought BSV at the top?

>> No.14469894
File: 77 KB, 725x483, ETC Trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me there won't be adoption if there is smart contracts platform with Oracle functions? It's obvious that something like this is going to be its niche and get huge adoption

>> No.14469924
File: 517 KB, 600x338, Energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My holdings are all in Ethereum Classic since hearing about the new upgrades in September. They are going to give Ethereum Classic full capability with ETH and its upgrades.

It only took me second to get that money to invest...a second mortgage