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14466982 No.14466982 [Reply] [Original]

Medium stack marine here. Also a programmerfag. I've been reading up on their dev docs and it seems like offering real-world data to smart contracts could end up being a game-changer in a lot of industries. I am not a massive company but I have 5 devs that work for me. What should we build? What sort of projects will represent the middle-market of oracle apis? What do you want to see built?

>> No.14467145
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Decentralized assassination market.

I am not even joking.

>> No.14467159

PayPal crypto transfer

>> No.14467174

get in touch with these guys under #development

>> No.14467196

forgot to mention that they are in an ecosystem partnership with link...they held a joint ama a couple days ago...seems like a lot going on behind the scenes

>> No.14467271

parcel tracking/notification
realtime availability of carparks by location
realtime retail gas prices by service station/location
racing/sports outcomes
I can think of a few illicit ones too

>> No.14467319

I’d like to see something just completely outside the box, that would be fun for people to fuck around with. First thing that comes to mind is gambling or something like that, make it cool and fun

>> No.14467334


>> No.14467365

Realtime inventory stock, notifies when something is running low and then places an order for it

>> No.14467368

How would you confirm the kill / take credit for the kill?

>> No.14467402

>fish and wild life survey data
>census data
>fleshlight resale data

>> No.14467424
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Yeah, patreon but for thots.

Smartcontract for nudes, with paypal/usd/crypto exchanger...and some outside calls for the reverse image search.

Maybe with option to consensus veto/refund if they're shitty.

>> No.14467479

What could be done with satellite data?

>> No.14468470

Can't confirm real world events on chain trustlessly.

>> No.14468492

Won't be able to get sellers to do it when Paypal can/will dispute or reverse transactions.

Exchanges already exist and they're cheaper/better.

>> No.14468506

iExec RLC can with the PoCo algorithm, it can do it with robots :)

>> No.14468573

It’s possible.

The solution is to commit an encrypted message stating the time and method of assasination, and then submit a key to decrypt the information once the assasination occurs. then a decentralized oracle network will confirm that was indeed the way and the time the kill occurred. All of this will be encrypted through stuff like bulletproof and zksnarks so it all happens anonymously and trustlessly. Also if the smart contract network requires a severe cost to upload a time/date package, that will make it robust to Sybil spam attacks

>> No.14468594

That would never work.

>> No.14468598

>parcel tracking
why would you validate this system outside of the parcel company's tracking system
>carpark location
why would you validate this system outside of the carpark company's tracking system
>real time gas prices
why would you need to validate this information with link, the info is just coming from the gas station's corporate office
>racing sports outcomes
why would you trust what some people report vs the actual sport association
There's an unusually high overlap between oracle believers and sucking cock, as I'm sure you're well aware.

>> No.14468618

Oh so like a database. Why the fuck would you use chainlink for that.

>> No.14468677

Except the news reports it as a stabbing and your contract said shooting and you're fucked.

>> No.14468718

What many smart contracts require is a true random number generator. If you can do it then you can pretty much guarantee that every new smart contract built requiring this (which is a fucking lot) will use Chainlink and cement it as the standard. You should work on that.

>> No.14468741

a decentralized prostitution ring good idea?

>> No.14468762

Providing tamper-proof data feed to an energy company for their billing, allowing them to cut costs from manual reading or their inferior automated reading system.

>> No.14468838

Financial derivatives

>> No.14469037

Smart contracts are not deterministic. You'd need an actual programming language for that. It's almost like link is redundant middleware that adds complication rather than solving it.

>> No.14469071

What if the whores start pocketing fees and saying they're not doing stuff.

>> No.14469090

smart contract it?
put a sensor in their vagene, each time it moves, you take $1, whore take $1, simple

>> No.14469125

Decentralized sports betting.

>> No.14469532

Make a service to verify game inventories and rewards.

Solve the problem thatll lead to decentralized MMOs that will never shut down and can have permanence in their item economies.

>> No.14469945

before making the kill, the hitman stakes a large pot of monero with a smart contract, the smart contract holds his coins for a period of time before giving them back to a preferred address .
After staking these coins, the hitman has a limited amount of time before he can submit a confirm signature (he submits his signature after making the kill) to the same smart contract.

so it goes like this:
>put an amount of monero into a smart contact's address; this is the signal that he has accepted the job
>after making the kill, sign the smart contract, locking his monero, now the smart contract won't give the monero back.

anyone can do those steps, but an oracle will take the timestamp of the signature and compare it to morgue/ police/ news data
if it confirms that the signature was made at the time of the target's death, then the contract is fulfilled and it will automatically send monero to the address contained in the signature + the monero that was locked from the hitman's stake.

This way, nobody can just take credit for the kill, only the hitman

>> No.14469977

you can also set to make the bounty cround-funded, that way, people can send money into the smart contract to add up to the payout
imagine a 400BTC bounty on somebody

>> No.14470007
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>> No.14470011

Also an interesting idea. Anyways I think it’s definitely possible

>> No.14470029

Basically recreate enjin

>> No.14470046

>Piece of Crap obviously

>> No.14470062

Design a secure voting system that uses TEE's at the voting machine itself, to write to a voting contract, and that allows you to vote using your national voter id, which is your private key

>> No.14470086

I was thinking about this. The data needs to be less reliant on real world.
I was thinking of doing a node that all it offers is truly seeded random numbers.

>> No.14470109

Yeah Enjin already got a monopoly on this almost. It’s the only other coin beside link and Eth that I hold