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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 743x960, 60146F8E-E37A-4E67-8566-F0E3304AB4E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14463503 No.14463503 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly imagine missing this. You linkfags think your gains are nice? This will be right up there with Link soon. It’s not going to take long at all for it to happen.

>> No.14463534


is that real?
where can buy?

>> No.14463563

> 160 BTC needed to break 200 sats
anon I..

>> No.14463587

That’s nothing

>> No.14463616


This cover was literally made by the Harmony team to market their article featured in Forbes. Fucking pajeets. Plus the main net launch vid was maximum cringe.

>> No.14463617


They literally photoshoped a cover of Forbes magazine with their crypto on the front...

>> No.14463619

I'm looking forward to never hearing about this shitcoin again. I bet by September at the latest it will be gone.

>> No.14464026

cant wait to see all the biz retards fomo into ONE in 3-4 months when it'll reach 30cents

>> No.14464248
File: 1.38 MB, 1541x944, harmony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus the main net launch vid was maximum cringe.
>he didn't enjoy the chink playing the keyboard at the end

>> No.14464308

Just sold all my ONE and bought LINK.
Fuck this China hustle project, fuck CZ all hail Sergey!
>CHAINLINK for the win

>> No.14464416

Aw man, seems like every token is going to be as good as or better than LINK today!

Best of luck guys!

>> No.14464430

the more autist the team, the bigger the pump. haven’t you learned anything in crypto? eth eos link

>> No.14464660
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Short answer, yes.

>> No.14464672


>> No.14464736

> Imagine falling for the fucking "main net" meme in 2019.

hahahahahaha I told you harmony brainlets 3 weeks ago there will be no main net pump and that instead it would bleed, bleed, bleed.

Really wish I screen capped it to laugh at you ONE brainlets.

You brainlets are living in the wrong year. Go back to early 2018!

>> No.14465581

comfiest feeling i've ever had desu

>> No.14466008
File: 728 KB, 1200x673, (-__-).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chink is in formation. 9 chinks remaining for the next meme to come. THEN, we moon

>> No.14466781
File: 20 KB, 621x420, goliha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope...can't believe so many anons fail to understand how ecosystem partnerships work. this is the summer of one

>> No.14466849

Ready for the real gains. This is too easy

>> No.14466879

God damnit can you assholes wait a few days for the next shit? Why is all this happening when all my money is tied up? I hate my life.

>> No.14467252

Where the fuck do you buy Harmony?

>> No.14467275

binance and crypto.com, so far

>> No.14467283

Not even fucking shilling my ref code so you know it's genuine good vibrations shilling bro

>> No.14467289

Bought 2.7btc worth at 170 will I make it? Is 2500 the plan?

>> No.14467304
File: 54 KB, 56x56, HE DOESNT KNOW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14467353

Should’ve bought when it bottomed out around 120 sats when btc was pumping but that’s a nice stack and solid buy in so good job anon

>> No.14467382

I mean what actually happened was I got just got shaken out of link but whatever gimme my money

>> No.14467418
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>> No.14467549
File: 362 KB, 550x535, 87654576545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, ONE and a few others re pegged in the ass by BTC and LINK atm. There are decent pumps here and there but harmony's fluctuations don't make it worthy of riding if you're a poorfag, but it's a good time to accumulate. If you have spent above $10k on this then I see reasons for riding this pnd. In conclusion, this might turn out to be a mid-to-long term hodl. I personally will throw a few bucks every now and then hoping for a 2.5k ath

>> No.14467670

It will dip even more in the next few weeks/months. I feel that the longer we hodl, the intensity of the release will be glorious. I was getting anxious and even thought about selling, but I won't. I have ignored my gut feeling going in LINK but the same fucktard tells me to hodl on ONE and dca between these two in the coming months.
CZ and his team alone could make it 10x. Imagine if the LINK partnership is real, ONE is one of the very few currently being shilled while sucking LINK's cock, and yet the only one that hasn't pumped yet. My sentiment is that the chinks may have plans for it but they could also fail. My point is that it may be worth accumulating as the chinks alone could moon it but don't throw money you can't afford to lose

>> No.14467708

chances are it will pump until Friday if Bitcoin doesn't go up

>> No.14467875
File: 538 KB, 912x772, 1516911194938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely. ONE had 10-20% pumps when BTC dumped when its bullrun started. I was hoping to get to 50k before it moons. I just need a few weeks/months. I don't want to sound like a heavily invested "muh tech" retard but 2.5k sats eoy is reasonable with the right product and marketing

>> No.14467957

I skimmed a little about harmony but it seems like yet and attempt to make a fast blockchain, again with a small amount of tokens sold up front and the majority locked up and kind of scary in the future.

Did I miss something really big about this project? I haven't seen anyone drop any breadcrumbs about it.

>> No.14468028

To continue, it sounds like folks here like ONE a lot but people were really excited about JNT and posted much more solid stuff about it.... And I lost over $100k on JNT, including half my 401k.

And yet .. I see the excitement, but none of the crumbs that jnt had, let alone link.

Am I just dumb? What am I missing?

Is this supposed to make money due to legitimate adoption like link or like how we thought jnt would work? Or are we hoping it will be hypeable for a 10x by the end of the year, like another holochain? Because the hype about ONE sort of reminds me of holo.

>> No.14468140

Goddamn anon, why throw that much on alts? You're right tho. JNT and ONE seem to follow similar path. It's a different time now. People are debating whether there will be an altseason an yet you see a lot of x2 around. Swingtraders are either having a field day or posting pink wojaks on /biz/. We're in for a hot summer anon

>> No.14468210

My point is, throw money you can afford to lose but from what you said you went in like a retard. I'm a newfag brainlet and I'm already dca'ing my savings, working minimum wage ffs. Don't get emotionally invested, DYOR and stop being a degenerate gambler
t. degenerate gambler

>> No.14468276

Man I didn't even think I was gambling with jnt, it seemed like such a sure thing

Luckily link ended up being a sure thing and I picked up a decent amount with the scraps I didn't lose to jnt, but I'm looking more for another link than another jnt lol

Thanks for the insight!

>> No.14468528

idk anon, I was on /fit/ and /g/ newfag and pretty agnostic to crypto at the time. I can't be arsed to go through what happened with JNT but the cmc page alone says a lot and the charts seem to follow a similar trend. MUH TECH is the copium of ONE bagholders and some of them may be right. It won't replace ETH, but it could get a seat on the table, even briefly.
I got in LINK VERY late (end of may bought my first 50 with my poorfag wagecucking savings @ $2). I'm still accumulating LINK, but above $3 even a suicide stack is unattainable.
Your spacing and financial decisions reek of a boomer redditfugee. Even if you are, don't bring your bad habits here

>> No.14468711

ah shit, here we go again

>> No.14468728

"""universal basic income"""