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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 680x350, Craig-Wright-Copy-680x350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14455874 No.14455874 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no sirs

>Wright reportedly began to cry during this section of the hearing. He also “crawled into his lawyer’s arms after the testimony and bawled,” said thatcryptoguyyy, while discussing the case over twitter during a recess before Wright’s cross examination.

>Wright’s emotional state allegedly carried into the cross-examination – lead by attorney Velvel Freedman of Boies Schiller Flexner – when he threw a print out of an email that Kleiman alleges Wright had forged to steal from the estate. Wright also accused the plaintiff’s counsel of misleading the court, though the exhibit was allegedly provided by Wright’s lawyers.

>This is a pattern Wright is reported to have repeated throughout the hearing. When asked about the evidence pertaining to the Tulip Trust submitted to the court, Wright allegedly replied: “You have put forth documents I don’t recognize,” according to Carolina Bolado.

>Freedman again responded that these were documents Wright’s counsel put forward in discovery, who also raised the question, “A company you didn’t buy until 2014 is listed as a beneficiary of a trust you claim to have created in 2012?”

>> No.14455936

Just back out, Creggie. Admit that the whole affair is bogus and maybe pay a little fine. You'll be okay.

>> No.14456004


That's called prescience ya fool, foresight to be clairvoyant to know in advance with sufficient tact of an edge watch the edge boi

>> No.14456006

mere technicalities and trivialities, Sir
Now we have that tiresome 'evidence' stuff out of the way, the case can proceed as it should, on The Word Of creg alone. A masterstroke, his declaring ALL documents to be forged, especially th ones he supplied. Lets see Fraud Kleimans legal team argue their way out of that ! Florida District Courts BTFO
>cries himself to sleep

>> No.14456433

thats when he was presenting, during cross he started throwing papers and chimping out.

there is an old phrase among trial lawyers "you cant cry on the stand and be a dick on the cross"....everyone watches out for it as it obvious tell that this person is a "LIAR"
poor low iq csw, never quite smart enough to pull it off

>> No.14456531

Sir do the needful and delete this comment. Craig Sanjay Right has read over 150000 books and has an IQ of 500. He directly communicates with the Vishnu in the blockchain

>> No.14456562

Hilarious that all the neets on 4chan idolize CSW because they were raised by single moms or didn't have a strong father figure growing up and so they like to see someone just stomp around and be an asshole not caring about anything, yet they don't realize that an overly emotional man that cries in court and acts opposed all the time is the complete opposite of a strong male role model which is what they all truly crave. Craig is such a fucking pussy Jesus Christ

>> No.14456685

also like a craven woman, csw is driven by vanity. he loves loves loves the idea of being the 'brilliant mind behind bitcoin'.
Sometimes i feel unironically sorry for him, like that time his mom said "he continually tells big lies"....you realize this is a broken boy who has never healed and now self-destructing in the most public of possible ways. sad.

>> No.14456791

>all the neets on 4chan idolize CSW
and, which particular board of iniquity practices creg idolatry then ? Not that I want to visit or anything, just, struggling to imagine who you could possibly mean

>> No.14457015
File: 64 KB, 768x663, D-J6sX8UIAA166c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watching his actions, listening to the responses, and the plantiffs are not trying to discredit him as being SN, quiet the opposite. They are just refuting his claim he doesn't have access to the funds. So some of the evidence they presented actual puts him as SN"

>> No.14457362

>the plantiffs are not trying to discredit him as being SN
yeah. When I was young, on Christmas Eve, I didn't diss the concept of Santa either. Wisdom comes like a bastard at times tho

>> No.14457489
File: 26 KB, 427x487, 1513260001526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the plantiffs are not trying to discredit him as being SN
Why would they if he himself is claiming to be SN non-stop?

>> No.14457546

I mean you'd be pretty histerical too if you were being falsely accused and were told you didn't invent something.

>> No.14457633

>you were being falsely accused
what was he being 'falsely accused' of then ? ffs, you'd think he'd provably done enough shit already, without them having to make stuff up. That poor chap, no wonder he sperged around like a krokodil-riddled grommit

>> No.14457660
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>> No.14457795

Like, forging peoples signatures on contracts ?
Presenting forged documents as evidence ?
Making up complete shit as he goes along, all the while under oath ?
Pretending to be other people, and claiming their works as his own, for the purposes of financial gain ?
THIS kind of fraud, you mean, or, some of the other kinds as well ?

>> No.14457837
File: 91 KB, 662x641, CSW about himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW admitted being a fraud himself, see.

>> No.14457854

>Making up complete shit as he goes along, all the while under oath ?
This is my favorite part. I will love it when he said "my version of bitcoin uses no public addresses, thus i cant give them to you"
It such a hysterical, rat-caught-in-the-corner lie that it makes feel delirious to witness.

>> No.14457888

he should sue himself for that
i dunno, 'gonna gib all ma moneys muh starving africuns' was fairly off the wall as well. fucking banjo, the cunt

>> No.14458027

can you legitly document a smoking gun? not believing any of this without proper sauces

>> No.14458130

You fucking morons. They’re forcing Craig to denounce himself as Satoshi or end up in prison with billions in debt to the Kleimans. If you’re not a shill then you better wake the fuck up

>> No.14458175

>this much projecting
anon do you have something you want to share about yourself?

>> No.14458190

it might just all be enough to force creg to run away and live on the lam in the islands with calvin
what a loss for kyc coin having a fugitive as its leader

>> No.14458365

i think really he's a fucking idiot by now. seriously considering selling my bsv and exiting crypto alltogether. this was like my last hope in a market full of man children and faggots.

also pisses me completely off that he's apparently so "turbo correct and with the law" in everything he does but his iq seems not to be enough then to not piss of a judge and land behind bars.

>> No.14458416
File: 88 KB, 834x819, MasterForger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an old favorite, as yet unexplained
- dude, no offense, but we all been over this a million times now. If you STILL think this idiot is, in any way, shape or form legit ? good luck to you. Because, you'll fucking need it. I will leave you with one, final thought on the matter. He is now unironically arguing, the evidence PRESENTED BY HIS OWN DEFENSE is 'forgeries'. I mean, where do you go from here ?

>> No.14458474
File: 264 KB, 557x569, 0Jn1LKjlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be creg
>turn in contract to court signed in comic sans

>> No.14458510
File: 49 KB, 725x498, CSW_on_nick_szabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid liars get their monthly checks from Blockstream.

>> No.14458616
File: 196 KB, 600x670, 1490392596021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last paragraph is obviously about Craig Wright. Nick Szabo is based and redpilled.

>> No.14458716

What's the difference between stand and cross?

>> No.14458801

well the implication in this phrase is:
stand = own attorney asking you questions
cross = cross examination from opposing side

>> No.14458856


>> No.14458977

So he got emotional when talking about the fact that he feels guilty about creating a system that was used to spread (and incentivize the creation of) literal child pornography. I'm not saying it's a good look, but Jesus, it's pretty weird to expect strangers to be made of stone.

>> No.14459024
File: 200 KB, 1600x900, casting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 20/20 vision. Craig is Satoshi and Trump will win by a landslide.

>> No.14459151

This isn’t /pol/ and even if it was, /pol/ wouldn’t support craig or bsv

>> No.14459194

Accept all the dates were off for when hydra, Silk Road and Satoshi stepping away happened.

>> No.14459244

casting for what? did he get dicked? how can I join the biz?

>> No.14459314

Craig's working on getting BSV to outcompete BIS. (((Kleinman)))'s lawyers are Jewish Black Cube-associates. (((Blockstream))) is a BIS/Bilderberg-front.

CSW is a Methodist christian pastor. A believer, confirmed as late as last month.

It's time to wake up.

>> No.14459450

Nah. craig’s gay and a habitual liar. Blockstream is most certain pieces of shit also.

>> No.14459487
File: 96 KB, 700x835, isis propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /pol/ have to do with what i said?

>> No.14459525

What does trump have to do with craig?

>> No.14459608
File: 94 KB, 1175x429, A23E18935F2748A6A3176835618CDAD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Craig I wish the best for him. He will be known in history as the founder and savior of crypto

>> No.14459679
File: 122 KB, 630x630, fishbowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just one of the two sure-thing events happening in 2020. did you direct everybody that mentioned obama to /pol/ too? what gives?

>> No.14459718

one of the badly constructed forced memes the bsv shills are using now is "csw is based like trump"
its emblematic of paki-style thinking which totally misses the fundamental zeitgeist of american culture. its like saying in a group "come on boys lets go celebrate...how about some Oscar Mayer hot dogs for everyone?!"

>> No.14459725


He's part of the sect of christianity that let's gays in leadership roles, you cant make this shit up

>> No.14459912

Is there any video of this?
Are court hearings recorded?
I’d really like to see this fucker cry.

>> No.14460165

no satoshi = no gibs

>> No.14460611

It’s fake you retard. Just anti Craig propaganda. SV is being suppressed by (((them))) so they can accumulate

>> No.14461281

Trump & Craig Wright are third cousins, which explains why they are both Baste and stiffpilled.

>> No.14461546
File: 40 KB, 850x510, Graph-depicting-Water-Demand-vs-Water-Supply-in-India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao you know what MIT license is?
bitcoin has been registered since the beginning you stupid nigger
not that it matters to you, you're going to die of starvation