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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14448428 No.14448428 [Reply] [Original]

>In total, it's estimated that Psyche's various metals are worth a gargantuan $10,000 quadrillion.

>That means if we carried it back to Earth, it would destroy commodity prices and cause the world's economy – worth $75.5 trillion – to collapse.

>> No.14448455

Kek just go get it faggot

>> No.14448457

Invest in planetoid mining companies

>> No.14448459

How would world economy collapse if we have more gold wouldn't everyone just become millionaires?

>> No.14448470
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>> No.14448488


Mining astroids will reduce the price of precious metals so might as well invest in chainlink for them good ol' supply chain finance gains.

>> No.14448498

It would create enormously amounts of wealth for both the company which mines it and the companies which use the metals. Earth's economy as a whole would grow but the vested interests who currently mine on earth would be in a lot of trouble. Similar to how free trade tends to destroy inefficient industries but causes overall wealth to rise.

>> No.14448508

The value of gold is based on the fact that everyone cant have it here on earth. If we reach a point where everyone can have gold, then precious metals as a store of value goes out the window. We'd unironically have to switch to crypto overnight and a crash would ensue because our crypto networks and protocols are dogshit.

>> No.14448514

Literally just buy btc and silver and short gold into oblivion

>> No.14448530

If they decided to distribute the gold, then yes, everyone would become millionaires. But check this, because we all have a million bucks in the bank, the price of a slice of pizza is not going to remain $3.50. If they did, then someone could come in and buy out the restaurant supplies. So to match it, they'll have to raise the price... to say, $3500. This will extend to virtually every other service or product and so becoming a millionaire would be pointless. To counteract this, people will just kill the source of all the unhealthy amount of wealth, the gold. They'll kill the price of gold and drop it to minuscule amounts so life can proceed as normal, and people who hoarded gold and made a living off its scarcity getting thrown under the bus.

>> No.14448539

unironically this, but don't invest now, the current ones are simply memery and can't possibly develop the techniques necessary to mine anything. currently it's all on paper.
Take a few years, and look at the techniques developed by spaceX or that indian company. the first type will be the processing and shooting back of processed material, so look for any advanced smelting technology patents or large ingot production, they will be the first to arrive on the scene.

>> No.14448562

pretty sure the earth has that many minerals too buddy

>> No.14448579

good luck getting it out of the mantle, retard.

>> No.14448609

Surely it would be worth it to send an unmanned rocket to bring it back and suspend it in orbit. Hell just crash it into the moon. You could spend as much as you could possibly get and still make trillions.

>> No.14448624

This is an IQ test (created by a very low IQ level troll post). Anyone responding seriously fails.


You all have failed. Sub 80 IQ confirmed.

>> No.14448631

t. brainlet

>> No.14448632

How much extra weight can we add to our planet's masse without things getting wobbly?

>> No.14448645
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>> No.14448654

>have a practically infinte abundance of resources
>world goes bankrupt
wtf is wrong with this planet?

>> No.14448661

$75.5 trillion is just abstract number for labour subjected to parasitism. Implying there would be 132.5 million times more labour, if we just mined that asteroid. We don't even have enough workers to mine it. Besides, who needs shitload of rocks?

>> No.14448686


>> No.14448703

Nasa estimated 100 to 300 metric tons of material is added to earth's mass via meteor showers and such, and it has done so for millions of years without a substancial difference in our orbit.

>> No.14448720

oh, forgot to say that number is the daily amount.

>> No.14448748

Wow, an actual retard.

>> No.14448759

nasa also said we went to the moon and are going to mars...


>> No.14448775

>be billionaire
>fly robots to it
>robots use the metal to build a robot factor right there on it
>factory cranks out robots until all metal is used up

>> No.14448788

Short gold

>> No.14448914

wow great economic system you have there that DISCOURAGES human advancement because it's unprofitable hmm real great job

>> No.14448919

Space is fake. Btw, did you notice that when gold went up, they started pushing this asteroid nonsense again? Like clockwork.

>> No.14448953
File: 157 KB, 500x462, tumblr_m3hefsIybv1qm5nqro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your magic internet coins.
My gold stays super stinky.

>> No.14449348
File: 148 KB, 405x349, lc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, your post just made me realize something. Space isnt fake and you're a moron for sugggesting that, but you do have a point regarding timing on news events. Its a fact that we have precious metal containing asteroids in space, but the timing of this news release during a period of economic uncertainty is definitely more than convenient, considering that this asteroid's existence has been known for a fair amount of time. The takeaway is that real, verifiable news can be released at inopportune times with the intent of distracting or misleading the public. People who might be playing a different game (scientific discovery) would challenge your claim of fake news or psyop because they are operating on a different field of thought (R/D and cosmology vs short term economics), thus allowing someone knowledgeable in the field of cosmology to play the role of useful idiot in the field of short term economics. This maximizes the FUD because the FUD is verifiably right, people who dont believe the FUD look crazy, and the FUD itself is hard for the logical thinker to immediately challenge. However, the problem is if you believe the FUD now, you end up dropping valuable short term assets that would have better prepared you for the future.

Makes me wonder how many times this has happened with real news before.

>> No.14449588
File: 73 KB, 736x552, 8d3026a129340cf89a17989eab1212fb--hair-beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're half way there. Space is fake.

>> No.14449620

>is fact
on who's authority?

>> No.14449670

the economy wouldn't collapse, it would just create new industry, jobs and shit.