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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14436615 No.14436615 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile, on female /biz/...

>> No.14436637

The left one is a jew

>> No.14436650

teehee should I invest,ummmm no sweaty I think I will spend all my money on makeup instead teehee I am so broke bitcoin went down 1% OMG

>> No.14436674
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Most definitely

>> No.14436675

Still pretty

>> No.14436744

confirmed. it scares me sometimes when I realize how finely tuned my jewdar is

>> No.14436780

hey guys just pretending im poor while i pull in 3k per day in donations + ad revenue + my compression sleeve esports startup sponsorship

>> No.14436836
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How do i get my employees to take me seriously without being a bitch?

>> No.14436923

Honestly, all women set my jewdar off these days, the pleasure they can give is far outweighed by their many negative qualities. SAGE

>> No.14436960

actually all 3 are

>> No.14437002

Hey /biz/, female here
Have sex, pathetic incels

>> No.14437021

femanon here, shut up bitch

>> No.14437050

femanon here
tits or gtfo

>> No.14437051

Hire a man as your COO and have him lay down the law for you