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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1443147 No.1443147 [Reply] [Original]

i have12 thousand dollars
is it dumb to invest in stocks or should i just buy the car ive been wanting?

>> No.1443152
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yeah, planning for the future is dumb! spend it all on drugs.

>> No.1443157

How much is the car anon?

>> No.1443164
File: 32 KB, 300x269, 2-Women-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in a New Car.

>> No.1443166

>throwing 12k into a car
kill yourself

>> No.1443178
File: 35 KB, 600x449, laughing_tito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in a liability
10/10 great idea

>> No.1443283

Dump all of it in forex.

>> No.1443290

holy fuck you gunna tell us who those girls are?

>> No.1443385

Get a used POS car that's a solid runner. It's still generally a buyer's market so it won't cost too much.

Then put the rest of the money in a CD ladder while you read up on stocks and decide what you can do with actual knowledge of the stock market.

Since you're young though, it wouldn't hurt to fire up a robinhod account and pay with a few hundred bones. Spread it out among some stocks for fun and use that along with reading to learn the market.

>> No.1443387

play with a few hundred bones, not pay.

>> No.1443512



>> No.1443963

Yeah this.

>> No.1443981
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>> No.1443993
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>> No.1443999
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delete this before the biocunt above me reports you

>> No.1444063

She looks legal cuz she has those concert bracelets and most concerts these days are 18+

>> No.1444098
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Sell drugs and profit.

>> No.1444100

if you buy the car, you become poorer 100% of the time

if you buy stocks and are smart you can become richer

>> No.1444172

going 2 need sauce

>> No.1444244
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12k is fucking nothing

Just get the fucking car. Be happy, fuck bitches, feel good.

At the end of the day, the only reason you want more money is so you can experience those feelings. So why wait?

>> No.1444247

Stay poor wagecuck

>> No.1444264

buy the car and be a cuckpleb

>> No.1444293
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Fucking 10 year old crown vic /10. Best damn car i ever had. Can get 2-5 grand all day long depending on quality. Cant beat a reliable v8 with air ride. Even if it is a fucking ford.

Invest in personal finance books, audiobooks, affordable seminars. Get a book on stock options. You won't buy stocks on purpose after that anon.

>> No.1444296


joke's on you Ima neet

>> No.1444302

Are Americans really unable to enjoy the beauty of a woman below the age of 18?

That is quite sad.

>> No.1444305

She looks 18 and I believe she is 18, thus, I do not think you are correct in assuming she is under the legal age. She is legal

>> No.1444311


looks like volley ball chicks
right one kind of looks liek the one who got her boobs grabbed by another when when she fell over.

>> No.1444465
File: 276 KB, 1440x960, HAND-RANDERS-HK-TEAM-ESBJERG-04032015-0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


after some investigating I think the right one is sofie strangholt a danish handball player
instagram /sofiestrangholt

>> No.1444604

Don't think so anon

>> No.1444736

The most underrated fucking post. Everything down to the whip.

>> No.1444757

Not sure how much 12k burger coins is worth compared to great britbong pound but here you could get a deposit on a small house for that much in a medium density area. Buy, rent, rinse repeat.

>> No.1445276

good try, anon - but that isn't her

we really need sauce

>> No.1445294


shit bros we need to find them. if only we knew what the girl on the left's sweater says. it looks like a lacrosse team for a college team.

>> No.1445427

it's definitely a starting point

>> No.1445589

Lets do this. I'll work on it tommorow.

>> No.1445655

Would nail chick on right, and left too.

>> No.1446009


TPB has more free finance books and audiobooks than you could possibly read in a lifetime, no need to ever spend money on them

>> No.1446236

just invest in some dividend paying blue chip stock m8

>> No.1446307

Invest 12k and expect to pay off bills = NO
Buy a car to drive around = NO
Buy a car and run an Uber bussiness = YES

>> No.1446312

I drove Uber Black for charity and netted ~$100 for about 5 hours of driving, not counting unseen wear on the car. Not worth it.

(1) Pay off ALL loans you have, period.
(2) Make sure you have a reasonable amount of savings to cover your ass. 3 months of rent + food + utilities + related expenses should be preserved in savings and not touched. If that's the full $12k, so be it.
(3) If $12k is a lot to you, don't spend it all on a car. Get a reasonably nice car for ~$5k or so.
(4) Then, if you have anything left, consider dropping a SMALL amount into stocks. Don't throw a bunch in until you know what you're doing.