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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14426636 No.14426636 [Reply] [Original]

I got memed on back in 2017 and bought a lot of LINK and right about now my hands are not so iron. I need someone that knows what they are talking about to convince me to hodl because seriously guys I could do with 360,000 bucks about now.

>> No.14426662

sell right now

>> No.14426699

Would love to have impregnated that thick Amazonian whore.

>> No.14426706

Sell some if you need it. But its like selling ETH at $10 right now

>> No.14426729

Ladder your sells

10% pper month from now

when the staking stops the ponzi collapses

thank me later

>> No.14426749

It's a scam. If you sell now you sell the absolute top. It's gonna go back down to 50 cent when btc tanks.

>> No.14426781

drop it like a nigger rap album

>> No.14427013

pregnant white women are soooooo fucking sexy

>> No.14427689

Is that the new cuckbot you can send money to?

>> No.14428416

Hope the father is a black bull stud. Just thinking about makes me rock hard.

>> No.14428803

Seek help

>> No.14428960


>> No.14428972

sell now

>> No.14429005

2 years

we discussed everything there was to discuss for 2 years
fuck you, fuck redditors, fuck all the newfags
if you don't understand chainlink by now, you are a certified brainlet

>> No.14429011

lmao americans

>> No.14429012 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14429035
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M8 I fucking understand it but my hands are shaking like shit.

>> No.14429038

if you have 360k at this low price point then hodl till a million you will hit it definitely

>> No.14429050


Sell it right now

>> No.14429051

Sell 50%
Hold 50%
Profit no matter what.

>> No.14429060

I repeat:


>> No.14429067

leave your computer. dont even think about touching crypto until 2021, you own enough. just let it ride

>> No.14429072

You wanna know what it feel like to miss out on gains? Sell about 5k LINK. Wait until September. Then when you see how much money you could have had instead for those 5k LINK you will be glad you didn’t sell the rest.

>> No.14429082


>> No.14429108

Sell it all off. Its gonna dump from the CB listing and you can get more for cheap next week.

>> No.14429113

I was thinking on doing this, tbqh.
I'm going to dump something and then I'll need to switch off stuff for a while.
Yeah, I'll come back to /biz/ when we have flags or better yet, mandatory pictures of every anon's hand so the mudskins can be avoided.

>> No.14429122

always save 10% when selling off at a profit. Never know where it might end up a few years down the road.

>> No.14429165

You don't have to sell it all, you dumbass. Sell like 100k or whatever value you need.

>> No.14429183
File: 7 KB, 207x244, 1560117643229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i don't get it
if you actually understand it there is no reason to fear anything
even in the worst case scenario, link can still reach ripple's market cap from 2017 and even beyond due to btc halving. this bull run is going to be wild.

all of the real marines should have adamantium hands by now

>> No.14429213


>> No.14429226

>then i don't get it
I'm a dirt poor Scotsman (the niggers of Europe) and 360,000 USD is 8 times more than all the generations of my family have ever had.

>> No.14429243

Just sell like .25 of your stack what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14429281

It's the Irish, everyone knows that

>> No.14429282

cash out like 70%
diversify the 30% between the current top 10 on coinmarketcap

get pats on the back from your family for making alot of money in 2 years

>> No.14429295

just have some patience, sell only what you need for now, but keep the majority of your stack around for the bull run and beyond, else you will severely regret selling early.

>> No.14429298

The market is just a big bubble created by bitfinex and its tether.

Just sell and invest in real shit. Nobody knows when this can pop.

>> No.14429321

don't listen to this retard, link will outperform every single coin in the top 10. and do not cash out 70% you will unironically neck yourself a few years from now.

>> No.14429358

seriously. on coinbase it's #8 with unde 1 bil mcap. EOS is #5 at 5 bill LOL. this shit is easily hitting $10, once people see double digits and start to take it seriously, it's going to get higher.

>> No.14429373

Sell. It's a good time. It's not going to go up forever. LINK has a great marketing team but no product.

>> No.14429516

it looks like reddit is here

>> No.14429539


>> No.14429548

seriously best advise ive read. link is the next rai blocks. just look at the charts

>> No.14429549

You don't have to sell all of it, anon.

>> No.14429566

don't sell 50%, it's too much.
Sell 10% at max now.
>10% at 10$
>10% at 20$
then hold 10% for the $1000 mark

>> No.14429568

You are weak and undeserving of the riches to come. Sell and live a life of shame and regret.

>> No.14429573

>Hope the father is a black bull stud. Just thinking about makes me rock hard.
Jew porn at work gentlemen.

>> No.14429582

Sell. This is the top. Link is still a minimum a year out from doing anything meaningful

>> No.14429591

Sell 10% at certain points. I'm selling that at $4, 8, 16, 32 and so on.

It's good psychologically to take profit.

>> No.14429604
File: 1.61 MB, 1287x858, 1556983557989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell some now and take a profit then sell some later. Don't be a greedy Jew fag.

>> No.14429612

Do that and you're triggering capital gains. The first 20% reduction in price is a wash, as that went to Uncle Sam. Assuming burger.

>> No.14429638

>(the niggers of Europe)
I've always heard that was the Irish.

>> No.14429667

>The market is just a big bubble created by bitfinex and its tether.
>Just sell and invest in real shit. Nobody knows when this can pop.

>has no idea what's happening in the market.
>thinks it's all unpredictable magic

We need guys like you around, anon. Thanks for being here.

>> No.14429682
File: 16 KB, 308x375, 1561496676139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, all these people saying to sell

>mfw nulinkers will unironically not make it, even if they have sizeable stacks

>> No.14429717

The father is a strong white alpha
Check her insta

>> No.14429744

Get your initial investment out.
And make a exit plan, and stick to it.

>> No.14429745

How do STINKIES keep forgetting the target price for LINK is a cup of coffee? This shit will never reach $50 bucks let alone $100 or $1000.

>> No.14429779

You might as well smell your whole stack right now because you are a faggot with weak hands that will never make

>> No.14429826

>LINK has a great marketing team but no product.
am I living in bizarro workd

>> No.14429842


If it's life changing money to you should probably sell. Remember the poor anons who had 500k in 2017 but it dumped to 10k in 2018. Do you want to be like them?

>> No.14429879

I have a blowjob vid of her

>> No.14429928

>I got memed on back in 2017 and bought a lot of LINK and right about now my hands are not so iron. I need someone that knows what they are talking about to convince me to hodl because seriously guys I could do with 360,000 bucks about now.
Look anon, I'm gonna give you real advice.
Dump some of your linkes. At least secure your initial investment plus a nice profit. Then you can hold the rest and sell chunks of it when it seems apropriate.
There are some pretty obvious risk factors that the shills are deliberately ignoring.
But all i'm telling you is to hedge.

>> No.14429940

never ever

>> No.14430631

breeder coin ?

>> No.14430947

Ever heard of scaling out nigger?

>> No.14430995

Hold for 2 years and you have 1000x that.

>> No.14431118
File: 316 KB, 996x966, 1546655904380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your wife looks like your picture, OP, that should be reason enough to hold on to it. Also, under no circumstances do you tell your wife about Chainlink.
Not even if you're both Christians.

>> No.14431625

>being this psyop'd

>> No.14431646

Sell it all right now. This is the peak hype and you'll regret that you did not.

>> No.14432004
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>> No.14432055

Sell half

>> No.14432098

why the fuck do you need all the money right now. Just take a little bit out and live comfy for a few months

>> No.14432113

LOL this guy is gonna sell. Gonna blow it all on bullshit, then neck himself in 2 years when he sees link at $1000 (minimum)

>> No.14432155

Don't want to be the guy that bought BTC at $100 adn sold at $800 either.

>> No.14432372
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 1561331821815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's her name

>> No.14432403

A good cup of coffee is worth well over 1k, anon.

>> No.14432405

sell, btc is pumping pretty hard and people will dump link for it

>> No.14432433


>> No.14432468

> lol niggre insecurities

>> No.14432546


>> No.14432696
File: 110 KB, 720x1072, _20190629_005735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it sfw

>> No.14433174


Link isn't far-off being 8x since 2017.
Are you seriously telling us you invested 100% of all the generations of your family in an internet meme with no product in 2017?

>> No.14433197

It's only like that if Eth only ever got to $12.

>> No.14433244

Mate don't listen to the yanks. Sell right now, use the money. Even if you sell half, and hold the rest for a little longer. Link is going no where besides a few meme-tier pumps. Don't lose your chance to cash this out because a load of burgers on biz told you it'll hit $1000

>> No.14433686

Sell half incrementally and hodl the other half

>> No.14433731

Sauce? What's her name