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14414738 No.14414738 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else fucking nervous right now? We just lost a MAJOR usecase for Bitcoin. As much as we like to say it, we are not a store of value, and I think most of us know inside the only reason for the bullrun and recent run up in price was people realized you could buy Chainlink with Bitcoin, and it was an almost exclusive Bitcoin use case. Now that is no longer true. Fucking Kikebase is denying us a Link pairing. Link will be traded directly for USD and the mETH token, Binance is removing US in 2 months. It's fucking over for us. Buying Link was literally Bitcoins biggest usecase. Think about it, we can't buy a cup of coffee, even blockstream devs tell us to use fiat for that, because it reduces network strain by getting rid of small transactions. We can't buy drugs because Monero stole that usecase from us. We aren't a store of value because we have mega crashes all the time. We aren't a long term hold since Craig is gonna fuck us on Jan 1st. Think about it, the only fucking usecase this coin has had for over a year now is buying Chainlink, and they've taken it from us. People are waking up and realizing this, that Bitcoin now has no use case at all, and the market is reacting. What the fuck are we going to do. We can't just say go into BSV either because they have it even worse, they never had the "it buys Chainlink" usecase and they never will. There is absolutely no hope for BSV either even if Craig is Satoshi. We're fucked. We are all unironically fucked. Bitcoin, Cashies and even BSV Pajeets, we're all fucked. The ability to buy Link was the only thing holding us up, and now it's gone. I guess the real first mover advantage belonged to USD afterall.

>> No.14414771

You're wrong. Bitcoin is still a store of value. The fact that you don't understand that yet doesn't make it any less true. It's a deflationary asset and has a strong use case. It is and will continue to go up.

>> No.14414779

GAS urself

>> No.14414861

True. Blockstream coin’s only purpose is to be converted into Chainlink tokens.

>> No.14414862
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You mean to tell me that you honestly think the only real use for bitcoin was so that you could use it to buy link? You think that link was the only thing that was holding all of this together but now because the jews are denying us a pairing it's all over? Do yourself, and us, a favor and go give all your worldly possessions to the nearest hobo you can find and set yourself on fire just before you enter a giant dynamite factory so that we never again have to endure your particular brand of idiocy. I'm sure the hobo with his new homemade sock/electrical tape/trash bag fleshlight and collection of piss bottles you bestow upon him will be thankful as well.

>> No.14414881

Zoom out faggot

>> No.14414928

Give up. He's right. Is a shitty store of value, and useless as currency.

How the mempool?

>> No.14414945
File: 318 KB, 2207x1896, Link Gains Updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you don't understand, Chainlink is a BETTER store of value than us. Who the fuck is gonna use our boomer stocks tier blockchain when the stinky Linkies are consistently holding and GAINING value better than us. Not to mention Linkturds now have a bonus usecase of being a pseudo security giving out dividends on top of their value being stored in an ever appreciating asset, and you don't need a Security's license to invest and the SEC is fine with it. It's not fair! It's not fucking fair lads! The linkies are gonna leave us in the dust and take the normies and institutions with them.

It's not fucking fair, why did they have to take away the "it buys chainlink" usecase from us lads. With that gone, there will no longer be any buying pressure on Bitcoin, as people stop buying Bitcoin to get Chainlink, and now directly buy Chainlink with USD. This means Bitcoin will start depreciating fast as the only people left interested in it are bagholders like you or me, and what's worse is we no longer have the BSV lifeboat to hedge into either. Craig tried to cuck the Linkies but he failed and now you can't buy Chainlink with BSV either, and look how far that's fallen. Without the ability to buy Chainlink, Bitcoin will cease to be a store of value.

>> No.14414947
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>> No.14414991

This is the greatest post (aside from the scams and doxxing) that I've ever seen on Biz, anon. I salute you, Marine