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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 497 KB, 1664x1578, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at 10.05.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14400953 No.14400953 [Reply] [Original]

Just learn to code bros. Bullshit your way through the interviews and just Google/Stack Overflow everything else on the job

>> No.14400970

I'm a neet loser without education

>> No.14400986

I'm afraid of a job

>> No.14400990

>making someone else money

>> No.14401001


also this

>> No.14401014

CFA > Coding

>> No.14401027

probably has something to do with starting in 2002 when we're trying to start in 2019

>> No.14401053

Whoever that is, they might not say it or whatever, but they're really fucking talented probably and most people could never get hired and survive at a FAANG as a developer. I'm trying to do this right now.

>> No.14401235

there are more resources and opportunities than ever now though

>> No.14401283


There are also more pajeets and competition now. It's much harder to enter the space (get a job) now then it was back in 2002.

>> No.14401382
File: 415 KB, 960x720, EB0RrGu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAANG has 5000 well qualified applicants for 1 130k starting salary coding job includes there is a catch behind every well paying "job"

>> No.14401397

>Muh I'm depressed
>Muh I dropped out
>But whoops I've got a master's, and am working at a big internet tech company

>> No.14401440
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1527724012861s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ thread

>> No.14402314

Code monkeys are overrated

>> No.14402391

Any alternative to microverse.org?

>> No.14402486

if you can get in to these tech jobs when the timing is right, like they are blowing VC money on a hiring spree or they are in a fast growing market and spending on hiring.. you can definitely fake it till you make it. you might not last if you cant adapt and learn but if u are good like me you can fake your way almost to the top

>> No.14402497

I like to pretend it's because I'm not lucky enough to be American
but the truth of it is that being in the vicinity of the average overpaid citycuck, especially tech industry fags, makes me depressed
the way they behave feels like an insult to life itself
I tried to play that game, even secured some funding for my project but I've been sitting here doing nothing for the last 6 months because the experience left me hollow

>> No.14402610

I'm making more money faster than this person and I don't know a single line of code or really anything that usefull. #learntosell

>> No.14402634

Probably true, so if you do get as far as FAANG then it might be good to quit after a few years and live in a van. That is, unless you get a super hot girlfriend and a group of hot smart friends, which is possible.

>> No.14402690

This is literally the top few % though so honestly most of us stand no chance

>> No.14402900
