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14396793 No.14396793 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Idiots,

This is the only post you ever need to read if you want to "make it" during an actual bull run.

1) As soon as there is a day with multiple 101-300 rank shitcoins going 100% on accessible exchanges, and random idiots begin asking how to buy alts, AND btc dominance slips below 55% that's it. It's alt season. That is your signal. You can get in earlier than this, but that is the sure thing.
2) Immediately split off half your btc (and possibly eth stack), and spread ~500-1000 dollars into several different rank 101-400 shitcoins on accessible exchanges, THAT ARE NOT DEAD ERC20's FROM 2017.
3) Put 200-500 dollars into a collection of rank 401-800 shitcoins that haven't mooned yet
4) Wait for it.
5) Be prepared to condense the eth/btc from low performers into your shitcoins that are pumping. If something pumps once, during alt season this means it will go again. There is no one-and-done with mass fomo. Your objective here is to recognize when something is popping off, and "all in" temporarily with your shitcoin funds, and then exit with your inital x2, while leaving initial x1 to ride.
6) repeat

Advanced tips:

* If BTC/ETH moves upwards hard during the alt season, you have to be ready to move back into BTC, because everyone else is going to and you will sit there with your thumb up your ass waiting for something to happen to your shitcoin

* When you take profit, relegate the appropriate % of that profit for taxes. The ZOG is no joke, and cones are making them increasingly antsy. Just hold onto this amount on the side, so you have the option of complying when the time comes. You may be extremely unpleasantly surprised if you trade hard during the year, and btc dumps leaving you with taxable events but no profit, and your "home exchange" is reporting your trades to the jews.

* Make your shitty exchange accounts now. Spread out and create accounts on like 10+ different garbage exchanges.

>> No.14396813

I want to ride that kawasaki

>> No.14396826

You’re not getting my btc or my linkies, nice try tho

>> No.14396827

No bobs

>> No.14396833
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Of course it shouldn't need to be said but the final and ultimate rule of alt season is: CASH OUT, DUMBFUCK.

The number of people who bagheld through a market cycle last time is astronomical, and they exited in the red or with barely anything. Nothing hurts worse than selling and watching a cone continue to go up....except not selling and watching it go down.

It's like ripping off a bandaid. Just fucking sell hard and fast when the time looks right, and don't look back.

Managing your stacks during an alt season is a time consuming task, and if you aren't stuck in a job/career, you may want to seriously consider taking some "time off" to trade (gamble) on shitcoins. The amount of money you can make by being on top of developments during the golden days of an alt run defies logic and possibility, and you will be fucked up and mentally ill from it so your work quality will suffer anyways.

Imagine missing out on a 400% gain in a day, because you were wage slaving for ~20 dollars an hour. No. Don't make that mistake. If it HAPPENS and you CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE then do so.

>> No.14396843

uh yeah... 20 dollars an hour...

>> No.14396847


nice guide, thx mang

>> No.14396872
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What is ZOG?

>> No.14396879

Thx just bought 100k alts

>> No.14396898
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She will grow them when I breed a white baby into her.


Maybe, maybe not. It may happen in an unexpected way with weird conditions. You need to recognize it for what it is though and jump on it ASAP.

Missing alt season because you stubbornly hold BTC means you miss out on huge gains in SATS or USD depending on your goal. There just isn't anything else to say about it. BTC might go to 100k in a year, but that's only like an 8x.

You CAN and MIGHT ACTUALLY make a 100x on the weirdest, most retarded obscure shit you could possibly imagine, just because you got in early, and you can add that to your btc stack so that seemingly inevitable climb upwards is that much more profitable.

Yes, the purpose of alts is to steal your precious btc, but if you trade in and out quickly and decisively, you can grow your btc stack. That's the game. Good luck.

The zionist occupied government

>> No.14396944

nice writeup desu...how particular are you about what you buy? like, do you narrow down by looking for stuff that has upcoming events or is it just about the chart? how long do you give it to moon before pulling the plug?

>> No.14396949

Actually based guide, nice job anon

>> No.14397031

it doesn't fucking matter
you need to be retarded to make money during alt season, since it is pure stupidity
you need to THINK like a low iq fomo monkey and act like one too, to risk the amounts you need to, to make serious gains on shitcoins during an alt run
the difference is that you SELL, unlike the actual morons who marry their shitcoin bags
the mistake a lot of people make is thinking it matters what you buy
it doesn't matter, except for avoiding dead coins from 2017 with too many bagholders to move
you need to be aware of whatever the current meme buzzwords is, and you can get a feel for that from twitter and other crypto circlejerks
they tried to push the STO meme earlier this year, you probably remember that
IF alt season had happened around then, the STO meme might have stuck, and that would have been a good meme to target for your initial buys
2017/18 transactions per second and pos were memes to buy, rebrands were also easy money, anything functional that went through a rebrand to something more slick mooned hard
it won't happen the same way, so putting your money on things you are familiar with and comfortable with will probably be folly

BE RETARDED WITH BUYING. BE SMART WITH CASHING OUT. That's how you make money during an alt run. If it looks dumb as fuck but people are buying, it means it appeals to dumbfucks and there is money there since most people are dumbfucks.

Being really thoughtful and careful with purchasing is only for accumulating micro-caps prior to alt season, which you can be doing right now, but that is another subject entirely.

>> No.14397155

Nice post Op!

>> No.14397236

re ZOG
what is net capital gains and offsetting gains with capital losses

>> No.14397242

One of the few smart posts I've seen on biz in a while. I missed out on so much money in 2017 because I refused to buy into absolute retardation coins like DBC and XVG but those were the biggest gainers. The big wildcard here is whether this shit all occurs before Binance kicks all the burgers out in September.

>> No.14397355

you all might as well ignore op post because there won't be a bull run, only a bear run because the top IS IN

>> No.14397358

in the land of the Free you don't have infinite capital losses with which you can offset your gains, it caps out around 3k per year, with 10k total you can drag out for 4 or 5 year

so yes you can carry forward some capital losses from 2018 if you sold, and you should. look up the exact numbers

however with the amount of money you can make during an alt season, your previous years capital losses probably won't cover it all

>> No.14397387

based anon based thread

>> No.14397422
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>hey guys! find some shitcoins, but not total shitcoins!
>then buy low and sell high!
wow, thanks OP. Now I am gonna make it with your genius plan

>> No.14397440

Have you picked your coins to bet on??

>> No.14397458
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Thanks, based NEET.

>> No.14397476


>> No.14397501

I've accumulated a few microcaps for cheap just to sit on so far, but I'm not a shill so I'm not going to name drop them here.

Right now, today looks like an AMAZING time to scoop up some lowcap coins with careful buy orders. The combined run up to 13.8 + this hard dump means everything is getting raped hard, and a lot of stuff is the lowest in sats it has been this year.

>> No.14397537
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hahahahahaha...20 dollars an hour

>> No.14397542


Making it during the next alt season is easy. Just by BRAP

>> No.14397557

Do you think it's feasible to 100x? I know that's a ridiculous amount but...

>> No.14397582


Isn't shill when you specifically make another post for the coin?

Here it's just information.

>> No.14397598


>> No.14397624
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Very good posts OP. I've held through 2017, didn't sell a sat like a dumbass, and waited through 2018 as a whole flipping shitcoins to make up for lost USD value, with moderate success.

I don't know how relevant it is, but I have this little crypto alert site http://mmst.anons.space
would really appreciate if you gauge its "alt season readiness", as you seem to have 1st hand experience in alt hunting. Even knowing if it's worthless would be useful.

>> No.14397630
File: 2.40 MB, 960x1280, hnnnnnnnngh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding that mythical beast is difficult and mostly a matter of luck, I wouldn't count on it but the way to get it is to accumulate patiently an absolute shitcoin before alt season, and pray that it gets rebranded / picked up by somebody more competent

the examples of antshares -> neo and dogecoindark(lol)->verge made some people who accumulated those coins back when they were dumb as fuck nothing memes, 100x (and more)

otherwise, your 100x's are going to be a multiple year long process as something comes to market and pumps over time and through multiple cycles, like, someone bought ETH for $5 and could have sold it for $1200...if only they had held for a couple years

don't chase the white whale exclusively.

kawasaki aya, you are welcome

>> No.14397663

>patrician taste in thots
>patrician knowledge in crypto
This is LITERALLY the /biz/ thread of the year

>> No.14397715

If that is your website, you should monetize it and fix up the UI, and become a brave publisher. If alt season happens you will get lots of dummies desperately searching for any type of edge to get in.

A couple affiliate marketing links and a way to collect BAT is free money, if you push the link out there with a few testimonials.

Those tools are pretty useful for getting a feel for what people are jumping on, and I think the volume spike tool especially could be an amazing and fast way to identify trends if fomo alt season happens again.

Seriously though, consider monetizing your site. You have no idea what could happen if crypto "goes mainstream" and popular traders stumble across your tools and mention them. The number of people who build useful shit is so low, and even less of them understand that their effort can reap huge rewards.

>> No.14397772

OP is right and right now deflationaries are the start of this run. I shit you not I threw in $100 usd into BOMB at 1.20 and sold it at 13$ making 1k, I then put this all into NUKE at like 40cent and got 98 airdropped and I sold my nuke at 5$ making fucking $10k in a week (I have a bit in VOID atm now). I’m going to now find out where to put these profits into either idex gems or something but fucking lmao alt season is already starting

>> No.14397799

>and even less of them understand that their effort can reap huge rewards.
Yeah that sounds about right. I also write smart contracts for myself for fun.
I'll look into this brave publisher thing.
Pumping market really got me motivated to dust off my neglected crypto projects.

>> No.14397848

This right here. The deflationaries are a meme right now and could get absolutely retarded if normies discover them.
They are total scams and pure bullshit, but there is money there. Accumulating them as they come out might turn into something completely unexpected later on.
Imagine, for example, if one of these deflationary scam tokens is properly designed and sticks around and actually gets onto an exchange with volume?
Now imagine if it gets rebranded and has new and attractive features added?

Yeah buddy....these things might be a contributing factor to popping off a real alt season. Good post.

Good luck to you in that case. Crypto is full of dumb money, so making something that makes dumb money feel smart, can be monetized bigly. In case you ever feel demotivated, just realize that you are one of like maybe ~50,000 people in the world(if that) that knows how to write a smart contract. You are a tiny minority positioned to take advantage of the most wildly speculative asset class in recent human history. Right now, you are wizard-tier that webdevs used to be back in the very beginning of the public internet.

>> No.14397859

>BE RETARDED WITH BUYING. BE SMART WITH CASHING OUT. That's how you make money during an alt run. If it looks dumb as fuck but people are buying, it means it appeals to dumbfucks and there is money there since most people are dumbfucks.

ngl if I thought like this I would have made good money off of bsv and bomb but I was like 'man this shit is retarded' and then they mooned hard

>> No.14397880

Sorry, buddy. $zbux is probably the only 100-200x left in the space now that Link's compound gain value has left for orbit.

>> No.14397919

>BE RETARDED WITH BUYING. BE SMART WITH CASHING OUT. That's how you make money during an alt run. If it looks dumb as fuck but people are buying, it means it appeals to dumbfucks and there is money there since most people are dumbfucks.
this is the single best financial advice anyone could ever give, and it applies to everything

>> No.14397964

good example of something fucking retarded that people are buying, might look into it later

>> No.14398152

Especially for the fact ddex exists. You can literally download it on your phone, once normies learn to transfer eth from coinbase to an address they’ll be buying up everything on shit like ddex due to the mobile app, idex will be harder for them since it’s not on mobile but still check out ddex gems cause having a mobile app is a HUGE + for normies

>> No.14398162

Most of the deflationaries are being listed on ddex so again when normie FOMO comes they’ll be looking at cheap shit on dexs and the easiest accessible dex will be the best one, so far ddex has an app so it’ll be easiest for them to use

>> No.14398186

1. Buy LINK
2. Profit


>> No.14398565
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>> No.14398680

ILU Aya but you are getting too muscular.

>> No.14398750

This is seriously legit. I can tell you are oldfag also since you post these fine asians. My single biggest mistake was being too smart to buy the absolute shitcoins. I have now finally learned that you need to think like a normie, and I have been in since 2013.

To give you an example, my mom wanted to buy ripple when it was worth a few cents, and I told her no, don't buy that worthless shitcoin, buy something good like btc instead. Guess which coin made 5x gains and which one made 200x+ gains

>> No.14398761

What do you consider microcaps?

>> No.14398874


Learn to code faggot

>> No.14399005

God bless you OP, may your gains be mountainous and your days be filled with joy

>> No.14399137

newfag here.
Where do you people buy shitcoins like panda, starcoin, INCO, Noir etc? binance doesnt have them

>> No.14399484

You can offset capital gains with an infinite amount of capital loss. But you can only do 3k for income. If it was they way you are saying, most people would be completely rektd if they held through the bear.

>> No.14399488

If binance add them easy 200%

>> No.14399650

You can offset gains with losses within one tax year but if you lose $100k in 2018 you can only carry forward $3k of losses to 2019 and another $3k per year after. It's fucking gay.

OP, question of the day: how much LINK you got?

>> No.14399829

haha, yea, no

>> No.14399853

but im asking where i can buy them.

>> No.14399892

>fucking with the IRS
Yeah, no

Unless youre a euro, then do whatever

>> No.14399968

brainlet here:
how to spot a dead 2017 shitcoin?

>> No.14400007

Good guide OP. Highly recommended reading for noobs. I used the same strategy last time. Went in with $26K.. Cashed out around $930K.

Every $hitcoin on a decent exchange will moon in alt season.

Another idea: Buy the cheapest priced coins on the frontpage of coinmarketcap.

1) Goto coinmarketcap
2) Sort PRICE column.
3) Find the cheapest top 10 and snatch them up.

Newbies always fall for the cheap coin meme because they lack marketcap/circulating supply understanding.

>> No.14400075

This is the only reason I'm holding HOT. It's a scam but it's super cheap and the newfags on this board eat it up so you know it's a normie magnet.

>> No.14400089

Yeah I'm telling you that when dinance adds them it's an easy 200% retard pay attention

>> No.14400199
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wut ef i telled u linkies gonna absorb all yer altz liquidiytitties this season, fren?

>> No.14400394
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>the mistake a lot of people make is thinking it matters what you buy
>it doesn't matter, except for avoiding dead coins from 2017 with too many bagholders to move
>it doesn't matter, except if you choose wrong - ie. something that didn't pump later - you are fucked
>the entire wall of text in 10 posts can be summarized as buy low sell high

>> No.14400455


>> No.14400634

>Just thrust erself bruh

Like those crazy 2017 pumps are going to happen again

Dont be delusional

>> No.14400885

unironically this

>> No.14400912

I think those pumps were in most cases money laundering. ICOs were kycless.
No easier way to launder money than to launch an ico in the caymans and buy most of the supply with your own coins.
Then since you own 95%+ you can pump by wash trading because you know exactly who the real buyers are, at absolute worst you rebuy their tokens at a slight loss of few percent total, but most likely you create a pump that allows you to dump even more tokens on the masses, in effect you laundered your money while making 2-3x on it, lmao

>> No.14401217

Are you joking? Ripple is a shitcoin. In fact I know not of a single early adopter who considered ripple to be anything else than a non-crypto shitcoin.

>> No.14401260

Good post OP. The problem here is that you’re genuinely trying to help a bunch of manbabies who are retarded

>> No.14401281

Nice anon, what was the tax bill like? I had to pay like 30% in my socialist shithole

>> No.14401799

this is solid and based advice

I was investing like an absolute idiot in 2017 and made serious bank off of bandwagoning XRP and DBC. That was the wild west of Kucoin days - but anons, be warned. What OP said about knowing when to dump, this is sage. When the bullrun stops, don't be left holding bags... I was one of the unfortunate few who continued to invest like an idiot and was stuck holding CANYA (all the other idiots like me were saying it was an easy x10) I bagheld and lost pretty much everything. Take profits, don't be a dummy.

>> No.14402471
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h-haha yeh 20dollars an hour
like who w-would even g-get out of bed for that r-right? heh

>> No.14402546

Newfag here, thank you for all the info, OP.

But how do I cash out? Should I put my gains back into BTC or ETH and sell them for fiat?