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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14372772 No.14372772 [Reply] [Original]

Bullish news

>> No.14372829

Wow the only piece of FUD is literally destroyed now. 35$ EOY

>> No.14372843

mega bullish. they tell the master whale to chill and he is happy.

>> No.14372868

whale whisperers

>> No.14373062

hands down, to whomever might still have doubts about this project is legitimately brain dead

>> No.14373094

I was legitimately concerned about this before but this is great news, if that whale received his whole stack at once we would’ve been dumped to oblivion

>> No.14373112
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rip fudders

>> No.14373157

Fuck I'm too late for this shit

>> No.14373293

too late for what?

>> No.14373298

Please do the needful and sell dear sir.

>> No.14373346

Too late at 10miliom mcap? Buy high the biz way

>> No.14373370

where can you trade vidt

>> No.14373381


>> No.14373403

VIDT seems stagnant the last few days... should I sell back to ETH which keeps rising?

>> No.14373428

have you noticed that all shitcoins have dumped? being stagnant when BTC is wrecking havoc is a blessing

>> No.14373431

Risky move, never know when it’ll take off

>> No.14373484

10mil market cap actually gives it legitimate 100x or even 1000x potential

>> No.14373544

100% with you on 100x, but 1000x? c’mon

>> No.14373562

I am bullish as well, no doubt. But please use your brain. 100x would mean a billion marketcap. Set this in perspective.

>> No.14373578

Where do I buy this shit?

>> No.14373621

100x sounds ridiculous but fucking 1000x? I'd be happy for a 10x.

>> No.14373625


>> No.14373648

I can see a 10x.. These people are fucking joking if they think this is going to a 1 bil marketcap, they'll say 'oh but the last bullrun X shitcoin went to 2 bil'. Maybe but its different now.

>> No.14373677

they're completely stupid, x10 or x20 is totally possible but x100 rofl

>> No.14373731

100x is top20, just saying

>> No.14373744

You really think VIDT is gonna be the next stinky?

>> No.14373782

I think it has a solid chance of a 200-300 mc which would be great for a working project. I think the days of ridiculous valuations are over.

>> No.14373824

Should I sell my link and put it into vidt?

>> No.14373931

I just fucking nutted

>> No.14373957

100x is $1billion market cap

How is that possible?

If Bitcoin goes higher than ceiling rises for alt market caps.

1000x is $10billion market cap. Not exactly impossible either

>> No.14374014

>100x would mean a billion marketcap.

> sergay yawns unruffled

>> No.14374017


That's what I did

>> No.14374029

So no 100x? :(

>> No.14374043

I think that 1b mc for a working coin like VID is entirely possible. I mean look at mfing TRX up there, just why? 1000x would put VID in LTC territory, a 100% obsolete coin. Anything can happen really, but with devs like them, I’d go so far and say 100x is almost guaranteed.

>> No.14374051

>I am bullish as well, no doubt. But please use your brain. 100x would mean a billion marketcap. Set this in perspective.
Literal shitcoins currently at 1 bil:


Almost all of these have MASSIVE supplies.

No fren, 1 billion is wholly within the realm of reality for a low supply gem like VIDT.

>> No.14374079

What does supply have to do with valuation? Its meaningless

>> No.14374082


>> No.14374083

You guys are making me want to sell now. Don't try so hard shills, people would be happy with a 10x

>> No.14374117

>Literal shitcoins currently at 1 bil:
Yeah fren, I don't say you're wrong with that. But this fucking market doesn't move like one would expect. Sadly... But who knows. Maybe we can see a 100x from here

>> No.14374139

Same, these retards are ruining this coin with 80iq shilling

>> No.14374154

Token burning will increase its scarcity, which will increase the rate it price moves up. So it is not unreadable to assume 50x-100x because there are more factors influencing the upwards mobility of the price other that market cap alone. I mean for fucks sake there is so much vaporware in the top 20...

>> No.14374164

100000x eoy good sirs. remember this post good sirs. we discord trannies are always honest . REMEMBER THE GAINS. 100000x EOY SIRS

>> No.14374174

>What does supply have to do with valuation? Its meaningless
You have to be trolling or legitimately mentally retarded.
Not shilling, just pointing out corollary examples demonstrating 1 bil MC is wholly realistic. I never said it will happen.
"who knows" indeed.

>> No.14374184
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Fuck guaranteed to be dumped on now

>> No.14374189

I don't care about any of that, I care about the influx of new speculators after a Q3 major exchange listing.

Currently about 3,500 people are invested -- upon listing on Binance that would likely jump to 30,000+ and if each throws an ETH or two in there....

Look what happened to link after the listing, it's at ~35,000 address holders.

>> No.14374256
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>> No.14374258


You see, last year all the range was high supply coins, now its low supply coins. There is no logic, but if you follow the pattern there is money to make.

>> No.14374271

No, he's right you are all the retarded ones. Supply doesn't mean shit for valuation. The only way supply effects valuation is inflation of circulating supply. The marketcap won't magically be 10 times higher for a coin with 10m supply vs a coin with 100m supply.

>> No.14374310

why would he not be taking about CIRCULATING supply? Who cares about total supply?

>> No.14374323

VIDT will moon regardless. What's bullish about the VIDT supply is it's almost fully diluted already, and this new lockup period. The total supply being "low" doesn't mean shit.

>> No.14374347

Because he replied to someone referring to VIDT as a "low supply gem" as if the supply being low has any impact. The supply is bullish because it's almost fully diluted already, and the new lockup terms.

>> No.14374364

whats the new low for the next dip. i want to buy a comfy stack. dont tell me 'this is the lowest it will go' see you at 5 because i think it has some more dips to do.

>> No.14374369

It is in fact a low supply gem. 28mish circ supply with a token burn.

>> No.14374394

The people who can predict that kind of shit with accuracy are already on yachts getting brapped on by dozens of whores.

>> No.14374409

LOL you retards just repeat the same vacuous words. WHY would 28m be more bullish than 280m? Everything related like token burns, price etc. would just scale accordingly.

>> No.14374432

90k minimum

>> No.14374448

you’re right

>> No.14374458

They are retarded, same as people buying tron and ripple because muh low price when they were worth mutiple billions

>> No.14374471

based humility. I'm sorry i called you a retard and vacuous

>> No.14374497

>small market cap
>Low supply
>uncirculating can be ignored as permanently locked to validation
>all European team
>Based in Europe tether than some dodgy tax haven or lawless hellhole
>currently below ICO price
>whales getting bought out
>Token burns
>Actual usage by actual companies
>soon to be shareholders
>Coming to Tier 1 exchange soon
>Currently difficult to buy so no normies

Feels amazing to be holding this gem

>> No.14374528

>trading on IDEX
are normies really this fucking useless? Have they learned nothing?

>> No.14374559

>Low supply

>> No.14374561

Most won't touch it as they think it can't be trusted or simply have no clue how to use Metamask.
Unironically true

>> No.14374566

Idex is very easy to use but normies only use coinbase and binance

>> No.14374581


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor.

>> No.14374613

no worries, mans gotta admit his stupid

>> No.14374636

why tf would you shill this and not just keep it to yourself

>> No.14374662

most people are lazy or don't know how to use dex so they dont bother

>> No.14374725


Any guidance on learning to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you would suggest?

>> No.14374740

Don't hotbit is full of fake volume and your order will never fill.

>> No.14374777

its on hitbtc and okex too

>> No.14374805

We moon soon
Thanks anon

>> No.14374893

When this was shilled back in March (Thank you anon) it was easy to think it was a PnD like most of the other altcoins because there was so little out there on it. So if you didn't buy in, or you swing traded instead of holding, it's totally understandable you may not be comfortable with that kind of risk. Yes you missed a ton of those early adopter gains, but don't beat yourself up over it.

Put it in perspective though -- the only reputible exchange it's on right now is IDEX and there are only around 3,500 address holders. Compare that to Link (which is listed on bigger exchanges) that has more like 35,000 address holders. That means a couple of things -- yes, one person can dip the price significantly by selling off their stack (it's happened by anons here on /biz and they've generally warned you), but that also means it's relatively easy to pump the price as well. Volitility is the nature of the beast with low marketcap coins in the early exchanges, and that's why you can make significant gains.

Understand that with 3,500 address holders, even if you missed those early gains, you are still an early adopter right up until it hits a major exchange. Once it's listed on a major exchange in Q3, the exposure and ease of access will skyrocket likely by an order of magnitude before the unlocking of the main account later in December, that gives you 3-5 months to reap the rewards before reassessing whether to hold or alter your position.

You want to be able to tell people you liked linkin park before it was mainstream...

>> No.14374931

i have eth stack stuck in cuckbase for 5 more days, you think ill still be able to buy at 100k range?

>> No.14374954

>You want to be able to tell people you liked linkin park before it was mainstream...
Anon, I...

>> No.14375015

really depends on if there's any announcements this week

>> No.14375027


>> No.14375054

can’t you just withdraw by paying their 3.8%?

>> No.14375065

i have swung vidt for the last time. i recovered my whole stack but it cost me more money. too good of a project to swing anymore

>> No.14375071

>liking linkin park
Holy fuck I made a mistake investing.

>> No.14375125

You fucking retards. Those are not the same coins. Look up the contract address. And you people did invest in my lovely VIDT. I am shocked. A bunch of RETARDS. You greedy motherfucker should have learned the hard way. But I have a good day, so I warned you. But anyway, I hope you lose all your coins one day for being such suckers.

I can't blame you. Good job anon. Sorry that I told them. Think about a better scam

>> No.14375168

i used bank transfer instead of debit and its all gay they changed their cukbase to cukbase pro rules without announcing too. ill just hope that eth goes up and this trades sideways for a few more days i guess.

>> No.14375278

doesn’t it merely ask for a fee when trying to withdraw from cb pro in this case?

>> No.14375333

it just shows the 10 eth as on hold

>> No.14375455

If you buy through your bank account and not a debit card, they put a 3 day hold on when you can transfer it off coinbase.

>> No.14375481

You better start believing in moonshots, cause you’re in one

>> No.14375487

i did, im verified level 3, and the "why cant i see all my funds" button shows me that i originally had 7 days before transfer. idk man its fucking bs, i only used cuckbase because i already had funds there

>> No.14375634


My normie friend that used IDEX during the last bull run is afraid to use it this year???

He is smart and makes like $80k/year but blue collar

>> No.14375645
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>> No.14375781

>He is smart and makes like $80k/year
Why do you mention his salary? Do you want to brag that your wagecuck friend earns 80k. Wow. That's nothing. And when he's too dumb to fucking figure out IDEX then he isn't smart at all.

>> No.14375887

I won't be happy until we pass pinky linkies MC

>> No.14375924

Just cancelled my sell order we're all going to the moon see you guys on lambo meetup sunday

>> No.14376020

Just imagine that there’s people that didn’t buy the 85-90k vits dump, that was the most obvious reaccumulation period of all time. Already up 40%

>> No.14376146


The amount of token for sale on IDEX went from 550k last night to 350k today

t. 20k vidt

>> No.14376193

Bought at 88, but also a little at the top, is just matter of time

>> No.14376291


i texted my normie friends, they didn't respond

>> No.14376421

stop. they will never learn. you can't save them

>> No.14376532

my normie friends keep trading BTC on forex exchanges with a 10x leverage instead of just buying it like a man. I don’t even expect them to get into alts and shit, but please just don’t be a nocoiner. They won’t even take a few minutes out of their days to learn about the fundamentals of bitcoin. They couldn’t even set up a wallet, yet they keep telling me about their 200 EUR trading profits.

>imagine if I told them to use DEX

>> No.14376563

It's about to drop. Have fun holding lads.

>> No.14376599


>> No.14376613

Would now be a good time to buy

>> No.14376657


>> No.14376658

I bought at 24k with a plan to swing at 29k. Ended up going in vacation and wanted to cancel the sell order but had no way to get into idex from my phone. Dont be like me.

>> No.14376817

This aged poorly.

>> No.14376823

i was considering to buy this, but shilling is too much. better i stay away

>> No.14376863

Stay away from this pedo coin and stay away from pedo devs

>> No.14376878

Sweet, stay away

>> No.14376960
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Just DYOR...

>> No.14377105

Yes stay away. Go buy link bro