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File: 60 KB, 1200x630, chainlink-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14368043 No.14368043 [Reply] [Original]

The more you fud, the smaller the group that controls the price of Link.

>> No.14368078

Fuck off. We /shill/ now.

>> No.14368089

Nice reading comprehension.

The smaller the group that controls the price of Link, the easier it is for them to manipulate it.

>> No.14368094

told my grandpa about the mad gains in link, he went all in with whats left of his retirement. he has a bad heart and might not make it. he wants me to be happy so he told me he put the link in his will for me.

>> No.14368097

Fuck off. We /shill/ now.

>> No.14368102

see >>14368089

>> No.14368103

Frens will shill, whales will fud to dump on us

>> No.14368105

Fuck off. We /fud/ now.

>> No.14368124

Fuck shill. We /fuck/ now.

>> No.14368125

>He thinks the whales don't shill in order to increase the volume so they can swing link
>how cute

>> No.14368143

You do know the Chinese whales are accumulating chainlink. They literally have vaults full of link you know like scrooge mcduck

>> No.14368179
File: 93 KB, 596x650, 1554256816965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn in hell

>> No.14368189

Totally, lets keep fudding the token that by its very nature is supposed to be decentralized. That will keep new buyers out for sure! Adoption and usage is overrated anyway

>> No.14368192

The group is small enough. It's exactly one person: Sergey with over 60% of the total supply under his control.

>> No.14368202

>2/3 of supply is held by team
anon i....

>> No.14368209

Choke on a dick retard, you had 2 years.

>> No.14368212

This narrative makes no sense when 65% of the link is out of circulation. Ill never shill you fucking pajeets.

>> No.14368244

>lets keep fudding the token that by its very nature is supposed to be decentralized
>He thinks companies care about memes and won't use the network/run nodes because of them
Retard, just admit that you bought link in 2019 and you're nervous it'll dump you filthy impatient cockroach.

>> No.14368253

The Link token is the lifeblood of the network, selling it all to people outside of the network would be retarded. Retards.

>This narrative makes no sense when 65% of the link is out of circulation
Why not?

>> No.14368282

Based and redpilled grandpa.

Hope he makes it anon.

>> No.14368301

may your soul burn in hell. we don't need this shit.

>> No.14368315
File: 107 KB, 677x530, 1558693209582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


https://imgur.com/a/GnW0DmO - Over 1.4k Chainlink Memes
https://imgur.com/a/HS9hIfr - Connections & Breadcrumbs
https://imgur.com/a/bklfSCi - Positive & Bullish Thoughts

>> No.14368427

Nice compilation, unironically /screenshotted/ and will send it to the mods as evidence for coordinated shilling when someone posts anything about chainlink in the plebbit crypto page.


>> No.14368489
File: 3.48 MB, 320x240, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14368500

Started buying 16 months ago, not that its relevant at all. Im not nervous about dumping, im nervous about whales killing off the token by fudding so much that all the supply end up in a few wallets, killing off adoption and decentralization. Also, are companies supposed to both use the service AND run nodes? What happened to your neet node fantasy? Retard

>> No.14368525
File: 436 KB, 1831x1028, PEAK FORM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in crypto group +250 members
>they are having LINK fomo


>> No.14368616

You're the nigger screaming decentralization while the team owns 70% of the supply, not me. Neet nodes are stupid, like you.

>im nervous about whales killing off the token by fudding so much that all the supply end up in a few wallets, killing off adoption and decentralization
You see? You're stupid, how the fuck are whales gonna "fud so much" that the token ends up centralized, when the team already owns 70% of the supply???

Absolute stupidity... you know what, I'm not even gonna bother replying to you anymore, you stupid.

>> No.14368662

You're retarded.

The 70% of the supply is going to be DISTRIBUTED among future users of the network, further decentralizing token ownership.
Plus, the price of Link is settled at the exchanges, not in the network.
Stop being this brain't.

>> No.14368770

Start feeding reddit about what adoption will bring ie oracles are the new miners, data is the new oil etc

>> No.14368813
File: 461 KB, 1500x1071, oracles are the new miners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oracles are the new miners

>> No.14369076

after all the fud, the shilling will probably just come across as scammy.

i wish all you fucking autistic mental patients would just calm down and stop fudding or shilling. just be happy you hold link and close your mouth. the wheels are already in motion.

strong silent type ftw

>> No.14369131

You do not know SHIT about what LINK needs.