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File: 79 KB, 720x954, CF24BDB4-D7D6-4751-85B7-D721E2247FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14343051 No.14343051 [Reply] [Original]

Because you didn’t get the $6000 of free airdrop tokens from nuke. Imagine not buying below $10 before the team changes deflationary coins as we know them. I have been in just about every one of these deflation shitcoins. The only ones with a future are bomb (first mover, but not coded well, flawed) and nuke (bomb v2). The nuke community is too fucking strong to fail. You’d have to be braindead not to hold a suicide stack.
I know half of biz is already on board. Get in the fucking airdrop and get your nuke. Don’t say you didn’t have a heads up.

>it’s a scam
Free airdrop, devs still sending large amounts out to supporters
>it will never be anything
Has been out for 3 weeks and hit a 6m mcap and early supporters made 40+ eth for free. Now on the up-trend again
>buy my other deflationary shitcoin with no community and 0 volume b-because it’s next
Wait for the next announcements and you’ll be glad you listened. How do you profit from this? By getting the fuck in. I’ll be back when we hit $10.

>> No.14343102
File: 799 KB, 2048x1536, 64697507-F566-4275-B2A5-A56FF920B6AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever told me about this a few weeks back, send me your eth address. I made 26 eth from the first airdrop. If you missed out then I feel bad but they’re still doing an airdrop but smaller amounts. Still early desu. Also, only green ID’s will make it

>> No.14343111

i shilled this but i missed out so badly didnt make a single eth, help a brother out

>> No.14343122


ill take some


thanks fren

>> No.14343152

That's it. I'm done hating. I DO like free money. I don't care about the fud anymore. Nuke tested support and it's pumping again. I should have bought at 0.005, gonna market buy 100 and wait to see if it retests to get 1000.

Thanks anon. I'm a nuker now. Fuck the haters.

>> No.14343153

Checked. You have to sign up for the airdrop. This isn’t a giveaway thread, just go to their twitter for socials.

>> No.14343160


>> No.14343170


>> No.14343185


cozy thread nice to have u frens

>> No.14343199

This is absolute pathetic, garbage tier shilling. KYS seriously Even Reddit wouldn't fall for this.I can't believe you typed this and a actually believed anyone would think it was real lul.

>> No.14343210


Unironically was me, but I'm too poor to have bought myself some.

No need to send me anything though - give it to charity or something.

Wouldn't say no to a few Nukes though, as I'm still convinced it'll go to $10+ this week


>> No.14343229

Nice trips. I sold near the top and doubled my position. You get in the airdrop?

>> No.14343238

Kek whether he’s shilling or not. If he didn’t believe the fud and went in when it first started, he’d be in a much better place financially, with 0 risk too. Can’t beat it.

>> No.14343246
File: 984 KB, 2550x4200, MemeMagic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being in the best meme coin of the decade.

Your shirty nuke scam will be forgotten soon

>> No.14343254
File: 166 KB, 720x960, 64679013_2422069771407861_6478919167712952320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it was me.
I'm the nuke anon. Remember?

>> No.14343256

Got in the DDEX airdrop for only 200 nuke, gonna kms since i also sold too early

>> No.14343309

Bomb fag mad and BTFOOO

>> No.14343357

>shitty scam
Made early supporters $1000’s
>best meme coin
Literal pajeet garbage with no future. Neck yourself you dumbfuck. Nuke has a pizza dapp and that’s just a meme to early btc days. Wait til they drop bombs with their real dapps. You’re going to be seething.

Keep an eye out, atleast get in for the next airdrop. Devs have no quit in them from what I’ve seen.

>> No.14343380

Please fren

>> No.14343430

Frens just join the free airdrop

>> No.14343485
File: 46 KB, 354x609, 1398980D-0548-41F3-B8D7-336BE9BB3DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Easy money

>> No.14343663


>> No.14343678

am I green?

>> No.14343686

Brainlet here where do I set up a wallet?

>> No.14343689


>> No.14343720

fuck nuke. they kicked me from the telegram because I told them that giving nuke out for nudes is embarrassing. biggest scam yet.

>> No.14344570
File: 88 KB, 800x600, BB_508_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW when missed this shit

>> No.14344604

the pajeets are regrouping for a second shill attempt
is anyone retarded enough to actually buy this crap though?

>> No.14345232

>early supporters made 40+ eth for free.
What was the original airdrop size? I find this difficult to believe.

>> No.14345247

Maybe if the guy made 30+ accounts. I only got 98 nukes and sold them for around $140.

>> No.14345254

That's not even 0.5 eth. I mean, not bad for free but come on....40 eth is bullshit.

>> No.14345293

It's a scam, but it made me 0.5 eth for 15 seconds of work so hey i'm not complaining

>> No.14345325

Sadly Nuke had good momentum, but scared everyone away because they are run by literal retards.They threw away selling their dev stacks for hundreds of k because they wanted to hold nude competitions in the discord/telegram.Possibly the most retarded and self destructive thing ive seen a coin do.

>> No.14345334

Faggot bomb clones fuck off

>> No.14345369

you mad bruh? got no VOID?

>> No.14345798

>26 eth from the first airdrop
no you did not you lying shit
first of all there was no airdrop to begin with
and second the entire fucking never had 26 eth in total volume