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14342666 No.14342666 [Reply] [Original]

You all know the bitcoin time traveler right? The post says:
"Governments tried to stay relevant by buying Bitcoins, this made the problem worse, as it increased the value of Bitcoin further."

Well, I'm from Finland. Finland is small country and the population is only about 5,5M. This means that we know each other quite well and someone always knows someone who knows someone who knows something... You know how it goes.

There has been now some rumours that our government has started to buy bitcoin. There is nothing official about it and the media don't talk about it either. But there is definitely something going on. I've heard this now on several source and one of those works for the government at high level.

I wouldn't be surprised or freaked out but this is exactly what the bitcoin time traveler said would happen. I really don't know how to take all of this. When I read the travelers post I get chills because everything what he said is coming true.

If bitcoin hits 100k or near this year... I.. You know... I really don't know anymore what so say then.

>> No.14342685

You're mentally retarded for actually worrying about this

>> No.14342687


Our government is the dumbest of the dumb. There is no way they would ever do something that smart.

>> No.14342697
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>> No.14342755

There may soon come a time when governments and banks can't afford to take the risk of NOT holding any bitcoin.

>> No.14342772

I'm only worrying because of the time traveler. It can't be true, right?

>> No.14342853

Nyt vittu foliot löysemmäl ja lopetat Janssonin ja Putkosen seuraamisen ja MVn lukemisen

>> No.14342867

You have to be at least 18 to post here, satan

>> No.14342901

>When I read the travelers post I get chills because everything what he said is coming true.
anon that's BS and you know it. come on it was a fucking reddit post ffs

>> No.14342933

Mitä vitun lääkkeitä sä käytät? Vitun nisti

>> No.14343024

John Titor could always own BTC

>> No.14343835


näyttääkö suomen tän hetkinen hallitus siltä että ne tajuais ostaa pitkoa. No vittu ei.

>> No.14343844

Nice try you mongolian faggot

>> No.14343895

you got your priorities straight. time traveling is huge. way more important than fucking internet monies.

>> No.14343926

Voi Jeesus mitä paskaa.
Ei ole mitään huhuja valtion bitcoin ostoista, itse en ainakaan ole kuullut. Lisäksi hallitus on tähän asti koostunut vanhoista patuista jotka eivät varmasti käsitä mikä bitcoin on. Nykyinen hallitus on aika lähellä kommunisteja ja eivät tule laittamaan rahoja internet pyllyrahoihin.

>> No.14343960
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Prasos shills are getting desperate. We all know that you sold soul for Blockstream kikes.

>> No.14344018

>far left cabinet
>buying btc

>> No.14344021
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>> No.14344024
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corrected. Still don't like the "bargaining" part, but there is no clear-cut meme for that.

>> No.14344311

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]

>> No.14344430
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>> No.14344553

Mikä vitun suomilanka täällä on menossa? Kuinka monta suomalaista tälläkin laudalla elää?

>> No.14344620

>Mikä vitun suomilanka täällä on menossa? Kuinka monta suomalaista tälläkin laudalla elää?
this. speak english you subhuman snow apes

>> No.14344640
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>If bitcoin hits 100k or near this year... I.. You know... I really don't know anymore what so say then.

Bitcoin is going to have lower inflation that fiat currencies next year Satan.
Of course we are passing 100k , hell 100k is a very pessimiistic number we are probably going to be at 360k by late 2020.

>> No.14344643

imagine if the us government bought all the bitcoins and paid its debt in bitcoin.
problem solved.

>> No.14344679

Of course the government won't tell that they're buying. But sooner or later this will come out. And if my source is right it's going to be soon. Maybe not this year but the next.

>> No.14344694

Liian monta. Menisivät töihin.

>> No.14344721

Poo in the loo

>> No.14344752
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Imagine not being a Finn.

>> No.14344768

So you mean pension insurance companies are buying or what?

>> No.14344782
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>what is influencer marketing

They already do, mostly for Inbot, paid by Prasos & Blockstream

>> No.14344787
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biz posts on the other hand...

>> No.14344800
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Only the dumb and the super smart succeed

>> No.14344959


>> No.14344995

Nice nice... ei sulla ois vippaa parikymppii?

>> No.14345007

Sillä rahalla vois avata Rinteelle bitcoin tilin ja pistää alkupääoman

>> No.14345120

Fuck im 122 iq
Am i never gonna make it anon?

>> No.14345196

Soome, miks?

>> No.14345700

Se on lomille lompsis ny.

>> No.14345717

Finnish government buys chainlink
t. knower

>> No.14345759

>Only the dumb and the super smart
Basically 4chan

>> No.14346164
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>> No.14346182

chainlink is owned by idiots.

>> No.14346394



>> No.14346455

Imagine the shock and outrage when people realise BTC is a scam and BSV is the real bitcoin

>> No.14346643


This, they absolutely don't understand crypto and do their best to ruin everything with regulations and taxes, which is why I moved the hell away from that shithole

>> No.14346717

nice LARP fin. Anyone who's ever lived in Finland will know the finnish govt (who is very conservative) would never do something like buy up BTC lol

>> No.14346795

Jofa is darkness Ossi is light
Long live Joopii

>> No.14346813


>> No.14346939

>finnish govt (who is very conservative)
Lmao dude Helsinki became a brown territory in a 4 year period.

>> No.14347039

I realize the fin is likely a larp, however I honestly do think eventually an arms race will start between central banks in acquiring BTC.
The stakes for them being to "grow out of debt crises" by investing in BTC is too strong to pass up...moreover it will become 'prisoners dilemma' where they all suspect the other of doing it, so do it first so they dont miss out.

>> No.14347242

We have a socialist/communist government now. So in other words: In your fucking dreams.
Suomen nykyinen hallitus tulee kestämään max 1.v ennen kuin paska osuu tuulettimeen, sitten voidaan alkaa puhua bitcoinin ostamisesta hallituksen tasolla.

>> No.14347544
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>he thinks the current, borderline communist government has the capacity for such foresight