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File: 380 KB, 1080x2220, 23583972-2C03-43A1-AF51-9C21C71AD0B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14332175 No.14332175 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people are starting to inquery about the wonderful investment that is Bitcoin. Here is strong evidence that the latest market is not from organic growth of interest at all. It's most likely people no longer selling anticipating Bitcoin to just keep busting up and up causing very low volatility waiting for a good exit price.

You have been warned.

>> No.14332222

Even if it isn't what you call "organic," then how the fuck is it possible for me to sell a bitcoin for $11,000 or whatever it is right now. Numbers are numbers.

>> No.14332275

People don't need to google "bitcoin" anymore they just go to coinbase or whatever.

>> No.14332320

you can't sell

>> No.14332325

Any asset that grow 400% in a few months is going to garner interest from people. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14332327

you literally just go to coinbase.com and click the sell button you doublekike.

>> No.14332331

>trusting Google in 2019
>having a three-digit IQ and using Google in 2019

>> No.14332339

This is just insiders moving from securities to coins that pass the Howey test. Word got out last week and is just now coming out

>> No.14332342

>numbers are numbers
And you got four of em

>> No.14332343

>missing his point entirely
The image is showing that nobody is googling the term bitcoin, moron

>> No.14332349

not true
average people still don't know where to buy bitcoins
confirmed with my family and friends

>> No.14332368

also my boomer parents unironically felt surprised when I told them last week bitcoin is being traded 24/7
you have no idea how early we are

>> No.14332371

This is true. Actual normies, despite BTC hype in 2017/2018, still have no idea what's up. You are still in the very early stages of this.

>> No.14332383

The bots have been turned on and are back at work. Plus tether printing. Normies will get btfo. Sell before it's too late...

>> No.14332401

My friend's boomer dad got into it in 2017 but only because he was a Palm Beach subscriber and was into trading stocks to begin with.

>> No.14332416

Even if we are early, I don't have $11,000 to fork out. If you made the boat, happy for you anon.

>> No.14332417
File: 72 KB, 640x907, 31EC9382-4B18-4FF8-90BF-8370AE877346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain pic related ?

>> No.14332445

google trends is a lagging indicator

>> No.14332462

>lagging indicator
>"I said it again!"

>> No.14332479

I was you three/four years ago. Get that cash together.

>> No.14332480
File: 44 KB, 300x313, thumb_pink-wojak-know-your-meme-53344800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14332499

I sold a coin on saturday but coinbase won't give me my money until thrusday if they even send it at all

>> No.14332529

My wife was given 3 bitcoins by her father when it was a few hundred each. If bitcoin does ever go astronomical I guess it'll be somewhat cool cause she has 3. I have 0 and am in debt by the tens of thousands. My wife has more money than me, yet I try harder and harder to not be a poor loser. Shit sucks so bad.

>> No.14332570

Oh it's not organic so I can't make money hurr durr
You sound like a hippie vegan

>> No.14332583
File: 30 KB, 365x298, B9021F92-6851-415A-8B84-F1770F0236EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you don’t need to buy a whole bitcoin all at once right? R..right?

>> No.14332650

Everything is manipulated, stocks, gold, even fucking ebay auctions. You have to play the game instead of crying about the rules or lack of.

>> No.14332652

yea i do but owning less than a whole bitcoin seems like poorfag behavior and i'd rather not be one.

>> No.14332706

sounds like a better investment would be to focus on giving your wife a proper dicking on the regular

>> No.14332736
File: 396 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190621-151726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this.

>> No.14332763

Believe it or not you're right.

>> No.14332826

You only search bitcoin when you are a newfag, then you search coinbase, kraken or Binance. You don't know how to read Google trends, but that's ok cause you are a fucking retard.

>> No.14332831

So you're going to wait until they cost 20,000 each?

>> No.14332837

from all the shit Boomers buy, crypto is the least manipulated. Not even CME was really able to do with it what they planned. That is why they want the SEC to approve more, if that happens, Bitcoin can be forgotten, and primordial whales move on to the next one, destroying bitcoin

>> No.14332840

No I'm just gonna not give a shit about bitcoin unless it hits stupid high numbers since my wife has a few of the fuckers

>> No.14332867

Google trends is a lagging indicator not a leading indicator, and who the fuck is googleing bitcoin.

Shove your shitcoin chink scams in your niggerass.

>> No.14332888

you don't understand normies
they will just search "buy bitcoin" as they never memorize website names

>> No.14332957

>You only search bitcoin when you are a newfag
that's literally what normalfags are

>> No.14332969

check the tx highway. mempool is already clogging again. just like last time. no one ever learns.

>> No.14332980
File: 215 KB, 2048x1255, E25563FF-8142-4C25-93CA-76537483E236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want organic goto a farmers market

>> No.14333007

> put in chainlink
guys we pumpin to 1k

>> No.14333083

Thank you for advice. 100% of depo, LONG. always the opposite of what biz says.