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14328358 No.14328358 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons ever taken a year or two off from the rat race? I’m highly debating it I’ve only been in a career job for 2 years come this October and I already want to sit out for a year:
>currently have 38k in crypto
>40k in fiat
>12k in VTI
>car paid off
My only expenses are food, rent utilities and insurances. If I have a family member who will lie and say I work for them am I cool to NEET it up for a year or two or am I being retarded here since I’ll only have 2 years experience as a professional in IT at age 28?Feel free to share experience or humble brag about your net worth.

>> No.14328413

Get back to work wagie

>> No.14328467

I DON’T WANT TO WORK ANYMORE IM SICK OF IT I JUST LEFT A BOARD MEETING WHERE A WOMAN C.O.O SIGHED AND COMPLAINED AND JUST GAVE ME LIKE TWICE AS MANY RESPONSIBILITIES THAT WEREN’T PREVIOUSLY A PART OF MY JOB DESCRIPTION. My job is easy for the most part but I’d much rather sit at home meditating, working out, making art and reading books than sit in an office for 8 hours a day while only doing like 1 hours worth of work.

>> No.14328471

Go back in our cagie

>> No.14328495

>38k in crypto
>40k in fiat

Are you retarded, why don't you put the rest in crypto as well?

70k in crypto right now, in the right shitcoin (QNT), is just about enough to Make It.

Do you not want to take that (strong) chance?

>> No.14328565
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STOP. I’m ready to sign the NEET pledge if I have to hear about sportsball, someone’s fiancé, why I don’t have kids or a wife and how much I’m missing out, or about cleaning the gutters over the weekend of the house they just rented from Jews where they will pay 2-300k in interest I’m gonna go crazy. In the middle of typing this a practice manager just called me I had to stop this post, answer it to setup a phone inbox for a line on the phone tree and when I politely explained for them to explain it to me they started getting a shitty tone of voice and slowly said it in an annoyed way like I was retarded. I’m sick of it all lads all that for like 40k a year? I want just a year or two break to pursue my dreams before giving up on life and going full fresco.

>> No.14328572
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>My job is easy for the most part but I’d much rather sit at home meditating, working out, making art and reading books
Thats just too bad isn’t it?

>> No.14328612
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I probably should put more in crypto, gonna keep DCAing 1-2k in per week the next few months. My goal is 4-5 cones and 40 ETH.

>> No.14328671

No wonder millennials can’t afford to move out of their parents basement, they want to quit before they’ve even been in the work force 2 years. When I was your age I had a house and a second kid on the way. Pathetic.

>> No.14328690

I quit my job to take a year off.
That being said I have am in a pretty good spot
> own house completely, no mortgage or debts
> 180k in traditional investments
> 139k in crypto
Have only been on this for 2 weeks but have made sure every day has been productive / filled with personal growth.
I hope I keep this up for the entire year, feels pretty good so far.

>> No.14328724

Do it OP highly recommend. Especially as you're ok financially if you have no pet/family responsibilities then go to Indonesia
/Sri Lanka for a few months the cost of living is stupid cheap. If you can though do an hour of coding or something a day just to not be a total neet.

>> No.14328743
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>When I was your age

>> No.14328804

Sounds like your job pays well. I know it's tempting to drop out but don't do it yet. Keep grinding and saving up for another couple years. I was in your position several years ago. At a job that paid great but I hated it and wanted to quit. Save up more. You'll thank yourself. Right now you're being an emotional girl

>> No.14328807

Why do you fucking losers glorify sitting around all day doing jack shit in your parents basement? I have a family and household to maintain, what do you have? An anime collection? Gtfo.

>> No.14328813

Mirin hard. How old are you, anon? Do you just draw from your investments for living expenses or do you have cash on hand too?

>> No.14328853

Dont be a fucker. I used to be you. Take a vacation before you get fucked.
Now I have a bullshit job with NO responsibility. I'm miserable this way too. I miss being BUSY and RICH

>> No.14328868
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>I have a family and household to maintain

>> No.14328877

If they are forcing you to perform duties that are clearly outside of your job description why wouldn't you negotiate a raise? Secure another job and then go in to your boss and negotiate something with the leverage you have.

>> No.14328907
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People get burned out man. It's a time when a lot of genxers and older millennials are hitting burnout. You gotta learn new shit and remember why you liked climbing a corporate ladder in the first place because it's easy to forget and fuck yourself by taking some gay travel vacation waiting time and money and not getting laid and getting fat

>> No.14328931

Pay off a house first. Or at least a condo or townhouse or something.

>> No.14329000

Most people without work or a something to wake up for in the morning end up being depressed and prone to substance abuse.

We as humans are wired to strive towards something. If you hate your job, you're just not working towards what you are supposed to. Quitting your job won't fix that problem.

Keep working, save up as much as you can (I would rather invest than save up in a bank) and figure out what you would rather work as/for or towards. Then when you have some sort of plan, start to gradually shift over to what you would rather be doing.

You can of course do a bandage rip-off version by quitting cold turkey, and try to figure it out that way, but keep in mind you are setting yourself up for a potentially huge pitfall that can take months/years to get back out of.

Just some piece of advice, but by all means, don't take my word for it. Take a year off and figure out for yourself.

>> No.14329006

I took a year off and it was awesome but I would wait until maybe 2021 since there typically a huge crypto bull run on the halvenings (next year). If that happens and you're in the right coins you may be able to take life off.

>> No.14329021
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*finishes jacking off to asuka*
yeah well your wife is gonna get old and unfuckable 100% and will divorce you 50% and your children will hate you and you will lose your house and maybe be able to afford another wife if you wagecuck 99% of your time

>> No.14329121

Congrats anon that’s awesome, you deserve the break with a stack like that.
>I think I am being a big whiny little girl brainwashed by too many NEET threads. My job only pays like 40k a year tho which goes a decent distance in the Midwest. I made most of that money via trade work while in college and crypto. Hypothetically speaking say someone in my position has friends very well connected in the weed game in a state with medicinal and extremely relaxed laws because of decriminalization. Now say said friends offered someone the chance to make 1-3k a week for them by handing them a franchise sort of deal that allows you to still live a NEET lifestyle as they are. Yes risks are involved but it’s a chance to make 2-3x as much money as wage cucking while living the NEET lifestyle, would you consider it if you were a type that doesn’t scare easily?
Man it’s not even that big a deal it’s related to IT since it’s setting up accounts but it’s def additional stuff that wasn’t in my original hiring duties I can think of. I’m just sick of sitting in an office 40 hours a week Doing like 8 hours worth of actual “work” during the week.

>> No.14329130

Quit after three years with less than you currently have and and am now in the second year working for myself. Keep your FIAT as a safety stack, that way you'll know for sure how long it's sustainable.
I didn't cash out when I quit and that's caused a ton of stress, you'll also not have to fuck around with taxes with the 40k you have right now, if you cash out crypto every month you will.
Have a plan before you quit and it will be a good decision for your well-being. I don't regret it one bit, would've gone insane otherwise.

>> No.14329163

Green text was accidental sorry lads. >>14329130
See I’m tied between the 2 year mark which still makes me “entry level” or trying to shoot for closer to 3 years to make the resume look better for when I finally give in and go back to a full fledged wage cuck career till retirement.

>> No.14329216

Do it, bur actually i wouldnt be neeting. For aprox 8k$ ive been travelling around the world for almost 2 years. 8 months of that was working semi traveling time, china and domicana but rest was raw backpacking. If u r not to that type of fun, go for some volunteering (looks good at cv also) which is nice, u can bang some leftist volunteers, travel a bit..the year will probably pass by extra fast and u will just party, do drugs, play vidja which is not worth whole year to pay for it.

>> No.14329253

shut the fuck up boomer lol

>> No.14329265

I have 0 interest in partying or drugs my man been completely sober a month. I want to spend the time sharpening may art skills and maybe even turn it into a business painting murals.

>> No.14329336
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>> No.14329360

I did, it was best time of my life. See if you can live with someone to save on rent.

>> No.14329386

register a company name and tell employers you set up your own company. make a biscuit trail that shows your company doing decently over a few years, maybe pay a few bloggers to write a few fake articles about it. afterwards say it was an interesting experience and you decided to sell it or abandon it with a profit since you're looking for something more stable.

>> No.14329394

Never quit in anger, it will be picked up on and obvious in interviews no matter how much you twist it. Only 20yr+ wagecuck veterans have that privilege bc they have nothing else and never will. You still have a shot op

>> No.14329395

OP, how did you get into IT? My dream job is as an IT technician, and I'm working on getting my Comptia + certification... Where did you apply, and what qualifications did you have?

>> No.14329418

discuss more anon. what kind of trail would you make? most local small companies dont have blogs or articles so why would you need to do that? that draws attention when you could just claim remote

>> No.14329438

because employers will be interested in it and want to know more. if you have a few articles out there you look far more impressive other than some dude potentially shitposting that he's done nothing for the past 2 years. or, tell a half truth and say you were travelling for 2 years while trading, that normally comes across decently. i would go with the former though.

>> No.14329447

Apply now and learn on the job if you've studied more than 3 hrs. Find a mentor/apprenticeship type of deal in your area. Find small businesses/contractors doing this in your area and call them up or at least start a dialogue. Have a car & some basic tools

>> No.14329489

for the first part of your post, just a few bullshit reviews or whatever. it all depends on what your company does. you don't even need to get it registered. i said i started up a cryptocurrency trading firm and was placed in a few crypto blogs (if you contact them they'll normally write whatever for like $20 if you have a site set up). i went back after 3 years and both interviewers went crazy over it. only problem is that if you get caught you could be blacklisted - which is why I'd recommend actually doing a part of it, and then exaggerating how successful you were.

>> No.14329498

Cant jack off to this.

Can you make her getting raped by a monster or something??

>> No.14329505

hmm and would they dare ask about clients and other references? a few tech articles may not suffice

>> No.14329532

>clients and other references
i listed my best friend who lived with me and a friend i had in canada. they didn't contact either, but i'd briefed both of them and told them i'll give them $100 if they played along. also if the company is still trading (if you say you sold it to someone else) it's unlikely they'd contact them as they could still be active clients.

>> No.14329561

also keep in mind if you're confident enough the interviewer won't give enough of a fuck to chase up about it. they'll most likely only contact your former employer. worst case give them the number of your friend who knows what's up and tell them he's the co-founder who now runs the company.

>> No.14329991 [DELETED] 

I got a 4 year degree from a state school in info sys. Which may have helped some but I probably could have got the job without it with just certs. I interviewed at like 9 different places and filled out like 300+ applications within a 1 year period before landing my current gig which is why I’m slightly hesitant to leave. Landing your first job sucks.

>> No.14330163

If u have things to fullfil ur free time which wont draw u down go for it, u seems like a reasonable person, and u have craft which will be only needed more in the future so.
After next bullrun i am going to set up my local football club for kids and try to fight with them in some national Leagues
Cheers and gl

>> No.14330491
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been to work like 3 times in past few weeks, maybe longer
def not rich and have bills coming up
its just my boss is really really fucking annoying
job has some perks but hes just a cocksucker

>> No.14331283

Isnt it almost impossible to get back into the workforce if you just take a several year gap?