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14327906 No.14327906 [Reply] [Original]

male here,
I have no gf and the only thing that keeps me from suicide are some internet tokens

>> No.14327921

We know you're a roastie, post tits right now

>> No.14327937

Good try Roastie. You'll find a linkie boyfriend one day.

>> No.14327953
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Unironically the same, only even worse - im All in Link & only want to make it & have serious money so I can try and get my ex back. I should just kms

>> No.14327971

short usa stocks and girls

>> No.14328969

im in the same boat.

>> No.14328985

This is unironically me

>> No.14329707

Preaching to the choir

>> No.14329830

sharpie in pooper

>> No.14330558

Don’t kys, ai waifus are on their way.

>> No.14330580
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i hate my gf and hold 230k chainlink tokens

>> No.14330665

Male here
I just proposed to my girlfriend last night (she said yes) and today I got a job offer with a 40% increase in pay.

Dress well
Get some confidence, if you can’t than just pretend to be confident (seriously)
Work on your personality, no woman wants to date a shy sperglord whose only interests are anime, video games, and capeshit.

>> No.14330701
File: 27 KB, 281x241, 95894D34-B348-4F76-9228-A4AEA1E6AFD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbit spacing
Fuck off with your bluepilled cliche bullshit plebbit faggot

>> No.14330731

Kill yourself
You're some master of the universe now because some fat whore decided to let you give her your money?
I hate people like you, you were born attractive and all these things come to you, and you think "oh wow, this is totally because of what I'm doing...well im not really doing anything except being myself...so that must be the secret to life! be confident!"

>> No.14330747

I have had more happiness in my life than you ever will. I’ve already made it, bintch.

>> No.14330752

tfw want to make it to have 5+ kids with a blonde woman, plus start a business.
My bloodline will be strong and become elite anti jews.

>> No.14330772

>born attractive

Stop projecting

>> No.14330833

What in the fuck? Do you even know what projecting is? Why would you accuse me of projecting as someone who is attractive and has an easy life? You think I'm secretly some chad normie just pretending to be an ugly loser? Oh that's right, you're just a fucking braindead normalfaggot that doesn't understand the words he uses.

>> No.14330957

You sound mad. Enjoy dying alone without a single accomplishment, your parents must be so proud.

>> No.14331016

Get a gf.

>> No.14331043

This whole conversation must be going over your head.

>> No.14331995 [DELETED] 

Time to sell gold, just got my self into some puts.

>> No.14332140


>pretend to be confident

Cringe, bluepilled and low IQ.

>> No.14332554

male here
born attractive, never really had to work hard for sth. success just always flew by and I grabbed it by the pussy. Always could choose what to fuck. Life is pretty much awesome. Not kidding, totally serious. I love it

>> No.14332681


How do get normie interests if im not a normie?

>> No.14332744
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>Enjoy dying alone without a single accomplishment
topkek, imagine someone that just proposed to his gf and has a nice job talking like that

>> No.14332756

Stop fapping faggot

>> No.14332789

enjoy dying after stacy cheated on you your whole marriage and then took half your shit