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File: 11 KB, 380x250, constellation-labs (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14325744 No.14325744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Constellation bagholders tried doxxing a teenager yesterday and posted personal information on his entire family. Fuck these guys

>> No.14325780

Seriously, what message these kind of actions send to investors? I'm not touching this scam with a 10ft pole

>> No.14325813
File: 2.48 MB, 3739x1320, Insane Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were never doxxed, liar. They have the information, now who you are, but nothing has been released. I have no clue who you are, outside what you yourself have revealed. Pic. Not even close. And calm down with your psychotic VPN abuse.

>> No.14325828

I'm not Raphael and you faggots 100% posted information on his family's address and where they work. Thankfully jannies deleted the thread. You should be ashamed. Fucking disgusting

>> No.14325831
File: 33 KB, 1428x455, Creepy serial killer fudder talking to himself again 2019-01-22_10-55-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are however, concerned about your mental health, when you talk to yourself like a true psycho serial killer, pic, amid your vile lies and false accusations against Constellation (DAG).

>> No.14325856

I, too, am not Raffaello. But I like eating the bonbons

>> No.14325861

Schizophrenia is very treatable these days. Get help.

>> No.14325894 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 761x591, Pscyho DAG fudder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the thread you are talking about. We are even concerned about you and will help you. As clearly stated in the thread. Unlike you, pic. Snake.

>> No.14325917 [DELETED] 

>>14325744 (OP)
Here is the thread you are talking about.
We are even concerned about you and will help you. As clearly stated in the thread. Unlike you, pic. Snake.

>> No.14325930

>I'm not Raphael and you faggots 100% posted information on his family's address and where they work. Thankfully jannies deleted the thread. You should be ashamed. Fucking disgusting
Sure Raphael, and for some weird coincidence you again have NO screenshot, or anything to substantiate your vile claims, hysterical lies and crazy accusations? Right? Like you always do.

>> No.14325938

Like I said, Jannies deleted the thread. Even if I had screenshots I wouldn't post them because that would just be doxxing him again.

>> No.14325941
File: 39 KB, 741x554, DAG 2018-11-22_00-12-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14325744 (OP) (OP)
Here is the thread you are talking about.
We are even concerned about you and will help you. As clearly stated in the thread. Unlike you, pic. Snake

>> No.14325973

>Even if I had screenshots I wouldn't post them because that would just be doxxing him again.
Oh, yes lying snake, it is totally impossible to blur out sensitive information, right. So AGAIN there is no way for you to substantiate your pathological lies. You have NO moral standard whatsoever. You are the most slimy, dishonest and immoral pajeet here on biz. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.14325997

For any third parties reading this thread, take a good look at how rational we each sound and use that to make your judgement call on this.

>> No.14326005

And after learning about your strategic failure and exposed as a liar again, YOU will tomorrow yourself post information and dox yourself, take a screenshot and then blame it on Constellation (DAG). This is how dishonest and psycho you are.

>> No.14326046

Someone should contact the authorities about this. What information can you provide, screenshots, evidence, etc.

>> No.14326054
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 6C81AE2E-3007-4411-837B-AD628A89D146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hes so fucked

>> No.14326057

No evidence, the burden is on jannies to contact the authorities if they choose to.

>> No.14326066

I will do it myself if I have to. These faggots have been shitting up the board and deserve to face the repercussions for their actions.

-t. Nanochad

>> No.14326078

That they won't take shit from a 16 year old kid?

>> No.14326092

I tend to go more towards immaturity. What if I buy into DAG and tommorow my private info is exposed? Fuck that

>> No.14326097 [DELETED] 

Again you are talking to yourself, like here (pic) >>14325831

And of course you have NO screenshot, NOTHING to back up your slimy lies and fabrications. All you have is your VPN abuse supporting yourself with your own retarded comments. Tragic and pathological.

>> No.14326098

DAG threads on biz are always so fucked up. the raging fag who thinks everyone posting is the same fudder usually dominates the thread with his schizo.

>> No.14326116

You sure seem concerned and even a bit guilty that your trolling has consequences. Hope you can live with that on your conscience, of course we all know its you.

>> No.14326119

We need a way to ban schizophrenics who have an agenda. I am likely the only Nano investor here, the others are just tired of your insane bullshit.

>> No.14326124

Rabid bagholders will do all they can to ruin your life if you say anything critical of their precious erc20 shitcoin. I'm takig a huge risk even posting about this

>> No.14326123

Again you are talking to yourself, like here (pic) >>14325831 (You)

And of course you have NO screenshot, NOTHING to back up your slimy lies and fabrications. All you have is your VPN abuse supporting yourself with your own retarded comments. Tragic and pathological.

>> No.14326136

Hilarious because even if its not Raph he and his family are 100 percent taking the fall. Its a greek tragedy.

>> No.14326147

Well if they are doxxed, the least we can do is provide them with who did the doxxing, so they can take care of the necessary legalities.

>> No.14326165

If anyone has a screenshot of the evidence you can email me and I will forward the information to the interested parties.


>> No.14326168

>Raphael desperately tries to cover his steps

>> No.14326204

wow I never saw that lol

>> No.14326218

Or just read the infograph
Course derailing every DAG thread is your only goal now, Raph

>> No.14326305
File: 260 KB, 1242x2208, EA1B6218-E29E-40BA-8FAF-2D9AEAA9C3D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daggies are already starting to spam Raphaels father's business with negative reviews.

>> No.14326309

Lol at this FUD

>> No.14326318

Time to report your fake thread filled with open lies and fabrications. That and your pathetic VPN abuse in your own threads. SAGE and REPORT.

>> No.14326320
File: 280 KB, 1242x2208, FF926123-E36D-4EC5-B9B7-C81D99CF1B5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14326336
File: 130 KB, 1000x1250, 1557176640669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with iron will, ignore all posts containing the words:
* Scam
* Fund
* Raphael and variants

I hold $DAG and it's shameful I'm surrounded both by aged FUD spreaders as well as paranoid bagholders.


>> No.14326374

lol your shitcoin is getting buried headfirst, get out while you can, we are taking this down. I also work in healthcare, and you can bet your ass people in my field have money and lawyers on hand.

>> No.14326390

The trolls started it and you know it. Ignore them and they have open season to destroy the reputation of a project.

>> No.14326399

I didn't even have to post proof, you deluded retards are outing yourselves once again.

>> No.14326414

>we are taking this down

Good luck :) You're losing so far, you know that right? Your actions havent broken its peg to the broader market whatsoever.

>> No.14326444

probably an honest "no reply" run will make it go away. The problem is well meaning people still replying to FUD.

There's good evidence they lost ETH after the presale at ATH and there's also NO good reason to believe they will run out of money in the next years or that they quit. They have some pitches and prototypes running with credible companies and try to come across credible in their videos.
If you believe that, then there's no reason to discuss it and reply to all those shitfest posts about the personal fate of teens or rivaling coins. Just don't reply, even if you feel like you are "defending" the accusations. We have a year worth of evidence that this just makes the shitfest topics stay relevant

>> No.14326541

>We are bringing this down

Now that you are open in your intentions can you break character a moment and give an honest answer why? Because the amount of effort that you're putting into it (12 months full time) with no financial interest at all is psychopathic shit.

>> No.14326574

kek, you think everyone is a samefag. It is quite hilarious seeing 4 different anons, myself included, all called the same person. It is pathetic and you bunch are dirty kikes. Enjoy being sued for damages and lost wages as well as libel and blackmail involving a minor.

>> No.14326582

Revenge. It's a group of us who lost in the pre-sale, yes Raphael included. We do it for the lulz. Now fuckoff and get buried.

>> No.14326604

I never touched CON with a 6 foot stick myself, I just dislike you fags shitting up my board and spamming the Nano thread. So an enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

>> No.14326609

I'm not part of any group but I also do it for the lulz. What these guys did crosses the line though. Don't bring anyone's family into this shit.

>> No.14326620

Its why youre so shaken about Raph is you know were one hundro percent gonna fuck this kids life and his familys business and its your fault.

>> No.14326649

Yea, I don't negotiate with terrorists, bitch.

>> No.14326650

Try and sue me. I'm not even in the US. But Raph and his father Amir are fucked. wait for it.

>> No.14326660

>we're going to fuck this kid's life up
do DAG holders have no concept of free will or agency? You are like cockroaches.

>> No.14326662
File: 40 KB, 500x333, 1560820284238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 12 year old child is more mature than you.

>> No.14326674

Lay off the drugs life aint a quentin tarantino movie fren

>> No.14326681

It ain't you who is getting sued. It is your beloved shitcoin.

>> No.14326689

Aw hes getting scared trying to defend his buddy.

>> No.14326709

Thread saved for evidence. That email address I posted is still up, if anyone has anything additional I can provide to the family.

>> No.14326739

thanks bought 100k

>> No.14326755

Perfect. We found your weak spot. Good luck suing a bunch of anons scattered around the globe.

>> No.14326784

Yikes. Poor old man imagine your son is that much of a fuckup

>> No.14326816
File: 8 KB, 220x152, 668DB329-B49B-4F7C-A36B-451868969762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAH you can't make this shit up.

>> No.14326837

I don't think you get it, retard. I am unaffected in this whole spectacle. The only way it effects me is because I browse and post on this forum. On the contrary however, when your project is sued due to facilitation of libel, damages to a business, blackmail, and lost wages, you WILL be affected.

>> No.14326867

This is the same kind of logic you FUD the project with, how is DAG itself facilitating any of that? Raph lay off the drugs.

>> No.14326891

I saved this thread but we should get it archived so that the pertinent IP addresses are available. How do we get a thread archived?

>> No.14326923

You're so scared Raph this has really shaken you lmao. Afraid of your fathers temper?

>> No.14326954
File: 1.59 MB, 1242x2208, DCF977DB-4B59-4E9E-9760-E0EB912B389F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna give him a phone call this afternoon after his business opens and tell him all about this.

>> No.14326966

Give it up psycho, we know it is you, Raphael, nobody supports you, outside your own multiple personalities disorders abusing your VNP.

>> No.14326979 [DELETED] 

I'll take Raphael out of the picture for 2 btc. Family members .5btc each.

Email me: notahitman@protonmail.com

>> No.14327008

I think he has a couple buddies in telegram who help him as well

I assume you mean youll photoshop him out of the picture. Decent graphic work is hard to come by.

>> No.14327028

This is legitimately scary. I feel sorry for this Raph kid. But I am pretty happy that these CON faggots are going to get JUST'D fucking hard.

>> No.14327029

Damn was about to drop all my savings into this project. Thanks guys

>> No.14327030 [DELETED] 

Raphael hates his family and is more than happy to dox them. Your comment is Raphael or people connected to him just to fabricate evidence against DAG. Amateurs. So transparent.

>> No.14327041

THATS his dad? Can't believe this kid is the one FUDing my precious daggies are this lame.

>> No.14327052 [DELETED] 

Exactly I am a very skilled user of Photoshop. Nobody will even know he was ever in the picture when I am done.

1btc now 1btc when the job is done.

>> No.14327058

Pro-tip: The only real DAGs are Nano and Iota. Nano is best though.

>> No.14327068
File: 473 KB, 1242x2208, F1296E2E-E34A-4E37-BD0A-146D120538EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he's fat too.

>> No.14327239

I have just reported this post for violating US law. As such the post will be archived and user IP addresses saved. Good luck.

>> No.14327301

You reported my OP post? I'm legitimately not with these guys

>> No.14327330

I reported the whole thread, I believe when a post is reported for violating US law it causes the post to be archived in case 4chan is subpoena'd for the pertinent IP addresses.

The saved version I have on my local machine will be forwarded to the family so they can initiate a case if they so choose.

>> No.14327374

You're doing the right thing I just don't want ti get caught up in this

>> No.14327410
File: 140 KB, 679x960, 49998250_1465218586941544_402990643875414016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have nothing to worry about. My IP will be logged as well. We didn't do anything illegal.

Btw, it is fun to watch these lowlife's abandon ship. CON (DAG) is dumping as we speak.

Karma is a bitch, no?

>> No.14327425

Im archiving this thread as well for your future FUD to show what a scared little kid you are. I feel bad for you because you really are afraid of your dad and thought you were invincible.

>> No.14327445

>Btw, it is fun to watch these lowlife's abandon ship. CON (DAG) is dumping as we speak

See continually you expose yourself with thoughts no sane person can possibly have. You have no idea how people think and behave so when you disguise yourself its a fuckin joke Raphael.

>> No.14327477

t. schizo

>> No.14327494

It's him and he's scared shitless. Doxing him has broke his brain for real. Am calling his dad this afternoon and will record it for /biz/.

>> No.14327695 [DELETED] 

God teenagers are such pieces of shit. Think how this kid was 13 in 2014. Just fuckoff already.

>> No.14327846 [DELETED] 

except one of the redpills here is that this guy

is Raphael as well. notice how they always show up together. hmm

>> No.14328525

I now understand all the false FUD against a great project like Constellation.

>> No.14329337

The Raphael dude is truly one sick individual.

>> No.14329384

For the long term mental health of his son, the father should be informed. Raphael's behaviour is pathological and out of control.

>> No.14329580

You are one sick fucking degenerate

>> No.14329630 [DELETED] 

I already contacted his father and am going to call him this afternoon.

>> No.14330109

>You are one sick fucking degenerate
Unfounded accusation. Psychological projection. Go to bed Raphael and seek mental help.

>> No.14330527

Good, for the mental and health and future good of Rapheal, this is the best thing to do. I am sure he is not aware of his son's obvious pathological behavior.

>> No.14330574

I've never heard of this worthless shitcoin before but sure as hell not gonna bother after reading through this thread...

>> No.14330606

LMFAO what the fuck is going on in here, war of the pajeets.

>> No.14330653

should we buy DAG?

I can't tell if the FUD is because of saltiness or if the team actually day traded and the CEO was a stupid cuck?.

>> No.14330777

This is typical Raphael and Nano rambling.
>sure as hell not gonna bother after reading through this thread...
If this is real, you must be the worst investor ever, with the analytical skills of a child, here, have a look >>14305392 and tell me why Constellation (DAG) is a bad investment, unless, of course, you are (most likely) Raphael and operates as one of his many split personalities

>> No.14330789 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 1242x2208, B469AA5E-56AF-492E-ACA8-1A12A3830BF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on? He is 4Chan's resident psychopath, stalker and sadist. At just 19 years old posts on the racist anime board 4chan to stalk and terrorize projects he loses money in to get revenge. Today he vowed he's going to 'bring Constellation down' and dared us to stop him, threatening lawsuits if we contact his father

>> No.14330949

Are you seriously a 14 year old bouncing around with a VPN? These posts all seem similar and slightly immature. You should chill out from the internet for a week or something, if you really are doing this.

>> No.14331006

He's been doing it for a year straight 7 days a week. He's a teenage rich kid and Constellation was his first ever loss. It broke his fragile little mind.

The way he defaults to lawsuits just screams trustfundie.

Only got in the presale by putting his fathers name down too.

>> No.14331029

Thats his house? A literal mcmansion? God this just gets more and more pathetic.