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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14325489 No.14325489 [Reply] [Original]

So sirs I'm looking for some of them low caps or just under the radar coins or tokens that will soon make me big moonings

>> No.14325727

XCM and TAO. Two exchange tokens ready to blast off.

QNT isn't hidden persay but isn't chilled too much anymore. It's certain to have a billion dollar mcap soon

>> No.14325750
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Hello sirs, gud time, gud time. Aergo is the way to go, partnered with Hyundai autoever, and got 23+ partnerships coming through Blocko. Hybrid blockchain is the future imo

>> No.14325854
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>> No.14325873



>> No.14325874

still Lition

>> No.14325919

Psst, delete this!

>> No.14325960

Fortuna, tackling OTC derivatives market

>> No.14325978
File: 1.02 MB, 2256x4513, E7E93F75-3DDE-4A7D-8E76-6D8B922527DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now the best diamond tier moonshot gem is NEXT. Here’s a little info to help you get pilled

>> No.14325990

Qtrade.io, literally anything listed on there

>> No.14326498

What's the deal with this? Why

>> No.14326561

Sold XCM bags at a loss fucking mistake reeeee Thinking about buyingback in. What is TAO?


Aware me

>> No.14326565

TAO is my moonshot for the next little bit

I feel like they are getting ready to launch another IAO while the market is hot and all the normies have fomo'd in

>> No.14326594
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Still in private sale... IEO soon.

>> No.14326900

Google it faggot

>> No.14327167

I love this level of helpfulhes a. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.14327181

Banano. Based team and just recently added private transactions. 1M market cap nano fork

>> No.14327207

This guy liked to wear that gold jacket and go out on walks. Got killed and robbed along with his bodyguards.

>> No.14327218

sirs, DADI coin very good, very cheap.

Pajeet talk aside, it does decentralized hosting and actually has decent business-adoption and two of the biggest milestones (self-onboarding and rebranding) are coming next month.

>> No.14327254
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>> No.14327281

Zuck Bucks


>> No.14327306

There were only about 50 addresses early yesterday now there are 3,487

>> No.14327338

Check spectrecoin!

Only staking private coin

>> No.14327844

Veil, launched around the same time as grin/beam, but flying under the radar still. Created new gpu algo for their coin and have better privacy than grin/beam.

Their wallet has some problems which I think is holding them back, but looking at their github commits many seem to be fixed on the current master build.

I think it’s only a matter of time until it’s running smooth and blows up. So imo perfect time to get a position.

>> No.14327901


>> No.14327994
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if you like privacy coins you should definitely check this gem out

>> No.14328035
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Sir just give me ur social credit number and I will get u these sick gains u seek bro

>> No.14328120


I like TAO, VIDT, LIT and maybe litecoin as next up. I saw a video last night which explained the technical work behind why these ones are likely to really start moving in price this week or next week

>> No.14328460

xspec is the most technological privacy coin, implemented the first PoAS. At the moment, it flies under the radar as the team is focused on technology (Swiss developers), but I think they will soar in the near future (the desk already did something like an article about them). www.spectreproject.io
Learn ...

>> No.14329010

^^woah, thanks for introducing me to xspec. Never heard of it before. Its very cheap and seems to have massive potential. where can I purchase this coin?

>> No.14329084

Lols "joshau" where can i buy some shilled coins?

I've read about TAO and really like the tokenomics of how it is both the base pair for an exchange as well as it can drive pretty quickly as its both a utility for an artist's fan grp and how it can be used for speculating on an artists success

>> No.14329137

livecoin is good. or citex but thats a chink exchange

or you visit the discord server theres an OTC channel where you can buy directly from other community members (most anonymous way)

>> No.14329201

VIDT. The volume is half the mcap and the only thing holding it back is IDEX. Once this lands on any regular exchange it'll take off into the stratosphere.

>> No.14329215


>> No.14329248
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already strapped in
ready for take off


>> No.14330255

VIDT, TAO and XCM are ready for fucking liftoff boys


>> No.14330811


>> No.14330841

UBT for the win mayne

>> No.14330868

Buy ZIL Sir

>> No.14330999

If you like Monero, you will love XSPEC. check out their white paper.

>> No.14331034


>> No.14331059

BSV obviously.

>> No.14331446

this, unironically... the ROI on hosts is retarded right now.

6 million worth of new customers being added to the network too, plus rebrand. Only smart chads know about this.

They also might be migrating to Binance Chain or making their own Chain.

>> No.14331492

What is bsv?

Which project are you referring to ^^^^?

TAO is getting ready to update the matching engine of their exchange, this must mean they have some marketing or a big announcement planned

>> No.14331706
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I wrote this for another topic, I'll paste here to shill you this fantastic project.

Some normies from Amsterdam had the brilliant idea to create a descentralized APP to manage events, sell tickets and do some features. TIX pretend to be a solution, too, for the secondary market of tickets. They made an ICO, got a good amount of money, and developed the APP (already available). They already tested in three events at Amsterdam. Things is going well, but the guys don’t spend time (and money) doing marketing, cause we have some things to do yet.

What are you doing now? Developing some features, like to use smart contract to maximize stock or price in event (in the future an Oracle can help this to do in different currencies) and developing a white label.

It’s important to say too that it’s little difficult to find information about this project. I know all of this because I’m close to the team. If you want that, I think that the guys has a discord group.

Also, only has 60KK of tokens the max supply. It's the chance to make it, guys.

>> No.14331782

Fuck off rankesh

>> No.14332018

Jup, and the rebrand is literally handled by the same guy (Chris Mair) who handled the rebrand from raiblocks to Nano and made it pump 100x. But biz wont buy in before it has 10xed because of "hurrr durr they didn't cite three sentences in their whitepaper correctly" lmao.

>> No.14332608

how much of this pajeetcoin to make it ?

>> No.14332657

The dynamic peg is gonna revolution the crypto industry. No one but BAY has this tech in hand, ready to be released.

>> No.14332796

They removed it from bittrex?