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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14323999 No.14323999 [Reply] [Original]

bitcoin sv, quant, link or enigma

>> No.14324053

it was so easy in 2013, just buy btc and thats it, now all these shitcoins are a nightmare

>> No.14324075


If you have narrowed down your list, distribute your bags according to your favorite to least favorite.

That's all.

>> No.14324124

bamp, having nearly identical struggles

>> No.14324132


>> No.14324151

If you're considering SV then everything else should be an obvious shitcoin to you.

>> No.14324161
File: 46 KB, 443x547, V-ID vs competitors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the VIDT redshill


Currently only on IDEX and hotbit. A tier 1 exchange listing is confirmed for Q3.

All validation fees (on all blockchains we support) are paid for in VIDT. Clients can choose between a fixed € / $ fee (dynamic VIDT fee) or real-time market price (minimum VIDT fee). 10% of VIDT spent on validations is bought back at exchanges in unequal parts, at random moments. These tokens will be burned each month. Another 10% of VIDT spent on validations is taken from the Validation Wallet and burned as well.

Monthly buybacks and burns starting July '19.

Several major clients including Airbus and Amspec. Amspec, a $500m revenue company have integrated the V-ID verification terminal into their website. There is a direct link from the main navigation bar on their website. http://www.amspecllc.com/verify/ They put an original rembrandt painting onto the blockchain and validated its authenticity: https://youtu.be/Zs17a4cDcU4

V-ID is a working product with numerous major clients currently using it, and here's the proof. Look at this: https://www.stateofthedapps.com/rankings V-ID has already made it into the TOP 50 (!!) of the most used ETH projects. Currently rank 37. It sits among projects like enigma, aelf, golem, decentraland, polymath. Check the marketcap of these projects, then look at V-ID's.

>pic rel
preemptive fud obliteration

>> No.14324191

Thx based anon.
It's either VIDT or NKN from here on

>> No.14324241

literal WHO
a fucking nothing burger
>bitcoin sv
a literal scam

how can you pool link with those pajeet tier shitcoins? link keeps being selected by big corps, google, amazon, microsoft, swift...
the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14324738

All in QNT.

>> No.14324758

QNT has already mooned really well.

>> No.14324764

SV is literally the only choice. Everything else is run by 20-30yo man children

>> No.14324779

Bitcoin, Link and Eth

HOT if you like to gamble

>> No.14324790

Link. Duh.

>> No.14324793

Its over?

>> No.14324861

okay ill buy that one qnt, enigma and link.
i dont like diversifying though since im only going to put in $2000 but i cant make up my mind.

>> No.14324901

And will keep mooning.
This is BTC at 3$ and you're missing out anon

>> No.14324905


i'd buy bsv

>> No.14324906

bitcoin core.

Thank me later.

>> No.14324931

BSV is gonna tank after CSW gets arrested for fraud


>> No.14325773

If you're unironically considering bsv please don't buy link, I don't need dumb fucks on the network

>> No.14325785

enigma can ligma. $6 enigma will haunt me for eternity

>> No.14325951

ive just realize that a thousand dollars will fetch me a measly 500 stinkies or so.
1k for quant $700 enigma and $300 vidt

>> No.14325979

Have link btc and Eth and I looooooove to gamble.

>> No.14326044

non of the above
soon BTC will release the Zion protocol
everything will make sense soon..
the world as we know it will forever change

>> No.14326133

>All in QNT.

The only sensible answer.

>> No.14326169

the thing i dont like quant is that i dont understand it.
i just know its pumping because of some bank partnerships.
whereas i know about enigmas secret contracts and that theyll release a mainnet soon.

>> No.14326229

So fucking take your time and educate yourself, anon. There are helpful people out there who will help you understand. Reach out in Telegram, put some effort in and be a gorillionaire.

>> No.14326247

whats the telegram link?

>> No.14326250


>> No.14326265

Fake news

>> No.14326379

>the thing i dont like quant is that i dont understand it.

I have half a million dollars in QNT right this second and I have never read the whitepaper.

You need to get your head around what things make a project successful in crypto, and what things don't matter. It's not necessarily what you think, or how it "should" be.

>> No.14327007


>> No.14328062

Based and Gilpilled

>> No.14328080

This. Just buy BSV and when it implodes just kys along with all the other sub-80 IQ on here so that the average intelligence of /biz/ improves