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File: 597 KB, 2500x1529, ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14320909 No.14320909 [Reply] [Original]

I have literally been visited by God himself. He has foretold ETH 330 overnight. What you choose to do with this information, is up to you.

>> No.14320948

Highly likely

>> No.14320984

How'd you speak to him

>> No.14321139

I was in a dream-like state from staying up for 33 hours watching crypto charts and checking biz.

The computer monitor dimmed and then filled with colors I have never conceived of before. I felt warm. God spoke directly into my brain.

"$330ETH by 3:30AM"


He spoke no further

>> No.14321170

I am in central time zone in case anyone is wondering. I am sure you are all wondering.


>> No.14321202

Must be fun being schitzo

>> No.14321224

Don't be fucking jealous because I have a close personal relationship with the Lord and you do not.

I have tranced out into this connection in the past and it has always been true.

I share this gift with you my friends, in exchange the advice and entertainment.

God bless all of you.

>> No.14321241

if you have enough time to be awake for 33 hours you have enough time to get some fucking sleep

>> No.14321261

Sleep is for the weak and the unfaithful.

When you are operating at optimal efficiency, as I am, you forego the need of slumber.

One day you will all know this. It will be revealed.

>> No.14321264
File: 343 KB, 1200x630, 1557882300811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekd, really wish you got some digits here

>> No.14321286

I am sure that I should not even speak of it now. It is only because I enjoy this board that I even bother to share with you guys and your tripcodes.

I feel as if I am a world class crypto like ETH or BTC and all of you are shitbags like COSS or ICX. I pity you, and we will all benefit if we work together for a common cause.

You guys seriously just don't get it.

>> No.14321307

>14321139 (You)

14+3+2+1+1+3+9 = 33.0

>> No.14321797

It's not

>> No.14321954

I believe it.

>> No.14321955

Don't listen to the unenlightened.

What they call "mental disorder" is a state of higher being. I can see above the stars.

>> No.14321968

Ether and other ERC-20 tokens are a godsend. I am glad I hold them. My bags are lit!

>> No.14321990
File: 77 KB, 613x612, dbf48d601acb45e3e54d941cbdf43c59666602aaabdcf16ec1ba8d4b4f855541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone check if the math is correct?
where did you learn this?

>> No.14322014

The addition looks about right from what my Casio Databank watch saying. double check my answers some one because i did it quick

>> No.14322019

I just see the patterns. They visualize very quickly when I focus my mind.

By the way, your post:

1-4-3+21+9+9+0 = 33.0

>> No.14322027

God bless, my friend.

Your post:

14-3-2+1+9+6+8 = 33.0

>> No.14322069


-1+43-2-2+0-1-4 = 33.0

>> No.14322373
File: 22 KB, 351x480, nuntalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the angel of the Lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber, and took me on high, and higher still, until we moved through the spaces betwixt the air itself.
And he brought me unto a vast farmland of our own Midwest, and, as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil.
One thousand, nay, a million voices full of fear!
And terror possessed me then, and I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?"
And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots." The cries of the carrots!
"You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."
And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat, like the tears of one million terrified brothers, and roared, "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul!"
Damn you, let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah?
Thank you, Jesus.

>> No.14322416

>He spoke no further