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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 1000x750, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14317465 No.14317465 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on my crypto battle station?

>> No.14317487

Your mom should clean up more often

>> No.14317489

imagine the

>> No.14317491

That extra hanging screen is electric factory, sauce?

>> No.14317501

what's the point of the vertical tv screen? also way too cluttered buy a bookshelf to put other shit on keep your desk clean

>> No.14317503

put some art on the walls ffs

>> No.14317505

Is your price list leaning against the wall?

>> No.14317507

4/10 and that's being nice. Hang your shit decorate manage your cords...fuck man that's sad.

>> No.14317516


>> No.14317524

Mega fucking gay
Would be slightly better if that unnecessarily bigass screen was mounted to the wall

>> No.14317536


>> No.14317556

youre not even using /biz/ properly.
>0 filtered threads

stop being a newfag and use 4chanX and get with the fucking program retard

>> No.14317562
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coinmarketcap so you're always half an hour behind the market
>messy desk because cleaning is for women
>fan pointed up to keep the corner of your ceiling cool
>mechanical keyboard so mom can hear you shitpost when she's trying to sleep


>> No.14317581

why not just dualmonitor. your neck must hurt turning every second looking at shitcoins

>> No.14317656
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x3024, 93328590-5D9F-4AF8-BE57-1EDDEA7CA596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my /comfy/ crypto station

Who can guess the chart?

>> No.14317672

your rooms too clean to be a stinkie anon btfo

>> No.14317678

anon your chair has no back support don't miss out on back gains

>> No.14317683

Buy a mount you goof

>> No.14317685
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1560640035877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice. Chainlink 1D chart

>> No.14317686


This looks like one of those "day trading workstations" except substantially more autistic

>> No.14317708

If the bonsai is real then very nice
If fake then cringe

>> No.14317719

patrician taste in film anon

>> No.14317744

Seems like an uncomfortable chair desu. Can’t lean back to jerk off sitting on those.

>> No.14317773

Not a real trader if you’re using CoinMarketCap for info lol it’s not even live .

>> No.14317782

>90 degree rotated TV as 2nd monitor
>CMC up, which is basically useless in day trading
>kleenex for frequent porn breaks
>always misses the trade because he's too busy about to nut to lena paul
>disgusting absolutely DISGUSTING aesthetics
fuck get your life together

>> No.14317824
File: 72 KB, 657x527, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in that box fren?

>> No.14317825

this is MUCH nicer than OP. He could use some pointers from you.
Also, you men and OP have same keyboard.

>> No.14317850


>> No.14317866


I’ve seen nicer jail cells...

Thing you need to not be sooo NEET:

Essential oil diffuser/humidifier (use lavender, it will keep you relaxed and smell good.

Indoor plant for aesthetics and oxygen regeneration/natural air purifier

Some art or photography hanging.

Ceiling fan, get rid of that shit in the corner.

20-30lbs salt lamp (the key to a clear mind)

Are those toiletries? Remove those please, they belong in the bathroom.

Zip tie those fucking cables man. Giving me anxiety.

Don’t smoke weed inside nig nog, unless you’re black then it’s OK.

Follow this advice and women will be begging you to let them sleep with you in your nice room with so much vibe.

Why you NEETs don’t use your free time to make your space comfortable is beyond me.

>> No.14317873


>owns an iPad
>reads books by established and respected businessmen instead of relying on advice from /biz/ and Reddit
>no fleshlight
>place looks hygienic

3/10 wouldn't invite to my discord chat

>> No.14317911

Looks like a fucking mess and non sensical. Did you serious take this picture, look at it, and think anyone would be impressed?

>> No.14317965
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, degeneration station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got something that looks like this?

>> No.14317998

degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.14318004

>muh games
back to rebbit

>> No.14318013

One day you will wake up with 0.00 showing in all your wallets.

>> No.14318019

This is a known battlestation from /g/, years ago you new retard.

>> No.14318027

back to /g/ with you

>> No.14318074


>> No.14318207


>> No.14318326

finally a nonlarp post,

>> No.14318439
File: 405 KB, 998x393, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14318651

I made one of the memes on your screen. Feels kinda cool. Can I put this on my resume?

>> No.14318716

>only one monitor

>> No.14318819

>Fooled by Randomness
A man of culture I see. quite well done lad. yes yes bravo