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14316330 No.14316330 [Reply] [Original]

What is the minimum liquid net worth needed in your mid 20s to be secure from then on out?

And don’t give lame $10,000,000 minimum, wage cuck answers.

I’m talking the bare minimum for a nice upper middle class life style, house, $80,000 car, etc, single, etc...

And I would assume decent investment savvy and proper fund allocation

>> No.14316350

5 mil

>> No.14316380

>wasting money on a car that immediately loses 50% of its value when you drive away from the car dealership

>> No.14316391

Could be used you brainlet


>> No.14316413
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>> No.14316419

I was guessing just under $1m

>> No.14316423

>80.000$ used car
What are you buying? A fucking used Ferrari?

>> No.14316433

Paying 80k for a used car? Middle class?

>> No.14316451

Bout 10,000,000

>> No.14316479

probably 2 million to never have to work again a day in your life and live off dividends and rent

>> No.14316496
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>savings account
$0 because I'm not braindead. It's in investments

>> No.14316511

>$80,000 car

Jesus. Imagine paying that much for a cuckmobile you mostly use for the daily commute.

>> No.14316541

maybe in 1970. Its way above now. 5m is fairly safe.
You're cant expect to make 10% every year in extremely low risk assets. Maybe 5/6%
Taking 2,5% for taxes and shit leaves you 125k. Thats barely above the poverty line in some places, enough to live a decent middleclass life in others. Not enough flare out and be 'rich' if you don't want to lose everything that is. Regardless if your goal is to be "rich" your mindset is already fucked up.

Money should always be a means to an end. Having enough money to not be forced to work allows you to pursue and or find your passions, enjoy life, without wagecucking your life away and "hope for retirement" when you can barely fucking walk, your tastebuds will have gone to shit and you're too tired to do anything.

>> No.14316569

I’m not going to google what cars fall in that category for you betas. As a single mail man it beats blowing money on a kid.

Let’s get off this topic though and back to the discussion

>> No.14316575

2.5 million if you want to work Zero amount and afford a house, wife, and a couple kids going to school while livig off interest

>> No.14316596

Here is the redpill bros. If you don't have this type of mentality then you won't make it unless you get incredibly lucky or find a sugar mama


>> No.14316604

$3.5 mil = $50k/yr for 70 years. Almost $4200 a month for the rest of your life.
*Age 30 to age 100.
Any money you make from "work" or personal projects wouldn't have to go towards living expenses at all.
That's where youd get your $80k car, jet skis, twink slaves, etc...

>> No.14316605

$125k on yield alone is pretty fucking solid considering a literal part time McDonald’s job would push you to like $165,000 annual. A lower end, full time job puts you closer to $185,000

>> No.14316610

>what is an emergency fund
I use my saving as a manual DRIP account. Everything dumps into it and i use divvies for whatever my next investment is.
Also 2.5% isn’t bad for a savings account

>> No.14316626

What if you remove the roasty and mini roasties from the equation? Just single.

>> No.14316628 [DELETED] 

>what are liquid investments and a diversified portfolio
emergency fund is a meme

>> No.14316631

Jesus people really suck at finances. I’m a 22 yo college dropout and I have over 20k saved. How do people fail this hard?

>> No.14316651

>what are liquid investments and a diversified portfolio
emergency fund is a meme

>> No.14316675

The only people that are going to be impressed by your car are other dudes. I guess that makes sense if you don't want kids.

>> No.14316695

>clearly never had an even moderately decent car

>> No.14316712

He said mid 20's tho, it's quite unrealistic to accumulate 2 million by the time you are 24-26. OP is delusional tho, no way someone with that age could afford everything he listed unless he was born in a rich family and/or have very good contacts that can land him a high paying job straight out of college.
The average person at 24-26 is usually fresh out of uni and either trying to get their first promotion or still learning the ropes.

>> No.14316716


>> No.14316728

>built and exited a company
>got into crypto’s early
>learned any element of trading young

>> No.14316750

>lame car’ers cope
>”I...I am super impressed... buy....but my wife won’t be! Won’t be... w-w-will you honey?”

>> No.14316752
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OP confirmed for massive faggot

Seriously OP why do you even give a fuck about your car? The quality of your car won't make your little stack any bigger

>> No.14316757

As time goes on you’ll see shit pop up and you’ll need a lot of money in a short period. Having an emergency fund can greatly come in handy. I understand seeing it as waste when you cant afford it and investing. I keep almost all my money in investments and what cash i do have is just enough to pad various bank accounts and my emergency fund(+6 months). I see anything past that waste. I use CC for as much as possible but you cant always pay for something on credit hence the need of an emergency fund.
If you have a house and family medical stuff and the need house improvements can come out of knowhere.

>> No.14316773



>> No.14316783

Probably about the same because of all the bitches and blow

>> No.14316789

Manchild spotted. At a certain point (well below 80k) expensive cars are literally just toys. Don't act like your preference of hobby makes you superior you fuckin nerd.

>> No.14316811

Yah anon, I’m sure your lint and postage stamp collection will get them dripping all the same

>> No.14316817

And what would that make you do? Work. a. fucking. job. What does that job do? Take the one thing that is invaluable: your time.

>> No.14316845

Liquud is honestly pretty irrelevant

So a guy with 5k in his savings is the same as 500k in an illiquid investment? Lol

>> No.14316851

>he wants to attract gold digger

You never show bitches that you're rich.

>> No.14316852

You should have sticked with the company because you clearly didn't get into crypto early enough to be making this thread

>> No.14316876

Not exactly, you could work with zero fucks for 5 to 10 years make extra money and be extra set by late 30s.

>> No.14316904

He thinks women EVER enter asymmetrical value relationships against their favor


>> No.14316928

That doesn't explain why you would want to have a car worth over $10K. You do realize you come across as that retard that wins the lottery and goes broke a year later before killing himself, right?

If you want a serious answer though I saw one anon answer this exact same question (again) in some other thread. He said "remaining life expectancy * annual expenditure * 1.2".. For me this is slightly less than $2.7M assuming you don't re-invest any of your income and simply live off the gains themselves for the rest of your life. The biggest factor is that you have a majority of your life where you don't work. Realistically there's no way in hell even with this figure you can just live off your gains alone for the next 50-70 years because who knows what would happen. I doubt the US will collapse but if there's something akin to a major depression or a recession how will that affect you? You might have visited an Australian gator fucking forum in the early days of the next revolutionary technology but the fact that you're asking a bunch of shitposters why you wouldn't blow 80 grand on a car suggest you'll be the first to go in any major event.

>> No.14316932

So you're an ugly, dumb manlet or what? OMEGALUL

>> No.14316955

Cope harder

>> No.14316974

>because the only alternative to nerding out on depreciating toy "assets" is to collect baseball cards or some other aspie shit
Your 12 year old brain literally cannot comprehend how early most adults mentally mature past the need to get nigger rich and impress thots.

>> No.14316984

I hope you will become really rich otherwise you will did along.


>> No.14317002


>> No.14317013

W/e different thought process

>> No.14317028

QQ mate. Projecting your cuckold fears of abandonment a tad.

What are your chad homies then

>> No.14317232

How much of that did you work for and how much did daddy give you