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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 590x649, photo_2019-06-22_13-18-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14313755 No.14313755 [Reply] [Original]

10K LINK is the absolute minimum to make it. Don't believe in the 1000 EOY meme. You need at least 20k to be comfy, but it's highly recommended to have 30k or more. Don't expect to make it before 2021!

Don't be deluded to think you can make it with just a small stack. You need large amounts to invest to actually make it. Almost no one makes it from one investment alone. Just accept it and your life will be much better.

BTC, ETH, and Link are all you need to make it. Linkpool shares are highly recommended to have.

3LP is the absolute minimum to make it. Don't believe in the 0.04LP EOY meme. You need at least 4LP to be comfy, but it's highly recommended to have 5LP or more. Don't expect to make it before 2021!

*Making it is pretty much having a clean 1 million dollars (This is done with 0% tax in mind).
Comfy means having over a million dollars or being able to DCA sell your way, so you won’t need to fear missing gains.
*Ath of Link of this bull run will probably be between 50$ and 150$.
* If you can't make it with one million, you'll never make it.
*Paying tax is fucking cucked.

>> No.14313835

wars will be fought over just 1 link

there will exist people who said "fuck i wish i bought link in 2019"

they will at max hold 0.3 of one link and they will still just represent a population that is just one tier above normie

>> No.14313844

So no answers? Are there that many Linklets here on this board, kek.

>> No.14313916
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, B878649A-909F-4EA7-90AE-561AA3A39C1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p-please respond g-guys
How pathetic do you have to be to beg for (you)s on 4chan on Sunday?

>> No.14313970

Seething linklet

>> No.14314004
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1035, 93F5CB73-A808-41E5-BDE6-AA8C930299FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But according to this meme, Chainlink will capture the quadrillion derivative and will he valued at $1M per token by 2023

>> No.14314325

Only 37% of LINK addresses hold more than 1,000 LINK.
371 hold exactly 1,000.
Only 11% hold over 9,000.
To be in the top 1% of holders you need to have at least 176,019 LINK.

>> No.14314363

What means make it? For some people $1m is enought

>> No.14314377
File: 37 KB, 251x242, 1431160337181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14314507


So how does this work for Americans now? On the site they made it seem like they wouldn't do business with me, but I hit "no" and seemed to have access to every feature that I needed.

Any US bros in linkpool? Anything I need to know? Tried researching but no luck.

>> No.14314546

Under 10k link might as well sell, once the big boys cash out you're all going to get fucking raped