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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14306741 No.14306741 [Reply] [Original]

dunno why the faggots there annoy me so much

>> No.14306747

You hate 'em coz you ain't 'em

>> No.14306750

>water is wet
>all whamen are whores
>LINK is a scam

>> No.14306759

It’s a combination of their pseudo intellectual comments and their arrogance. They are literally legends in their own minds and think the utter bullshit they spew has any relevance past their retarded echo chamber.

>> No.14306761

You wanna buy some VeChain?
Its totally going to the moon... Anyday now..

>> No.14306763

It's a leftist echo-chamber full of the sort of people who were incredibly unpopular in high school.

They were all humiliated and socially dominated by jocks, so they all went quietly insane with their growing hatred of men and the white race.

>> No.14306768


Reddit is herpes.

>> No.14306778
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careful with icons m8

>> No.14306780

and what is 4chan then

>> No.14306784

>go to reddit
>hate it
>come back to /biz/ to talk about reddit
Go back again and stay there this time.

>> No.14306793

triggered reddit tranny detected

>> No.14306795

They are the type of person who brags about donating to charity or helping refugees but wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. Fucking fake nice hypocritical fucks

>> No.14306802

I'm a reddit tranny because you went to reddit?

>> No.14306812

there are some pretty based subreddits like r/wallstreetbets. r/cryptocurrency is the worst of the worst though

>> No.14306833

r/bitcoinmarkets is worst. Moonbois with 0 knowledge

>> No.14306863

The main difference between 4chan and Reddit is that 4chan is "anonymous" (you're not, really, but to other users on the website you are) whereas on Reddit you have a specific username and profile that each post is linked to. Therefore, when using Reddit and getting involved in any particular communuty, you always have an image to uphold because every post you make can be tied back to you and as such you might be unwilling to say certain things due to the impact it might have on your image.

4chan, on the other hand, is "anonymous" and as such, each post is evaluated based on it's own merit and people are more open to speaking their minds freely since whatever they say can't be used against them in any other threads. This generally lead to more right-wing ideas propegating since 1) most other forums are generally left-leaning and as such 4chan has become a sort of "safe haven" and 2) leftists can't use their regular tactics of using co-ordinated attacks on individuals to get them banned like they do on, say, Twitter or Youtube

>> No.14306865

Aint a scam u tard

>> No.14306892

This this and this. 4chan is place where people can be themselves and tell you what they really think, not what will give them upboats

>> No.14306931

Man, I'll tell you one thing. Whenever I google something like a problem with something I'm setting up on my computer, or for help in a video game, or something of that nature, I'll inevitably get linked to r*ddit.
Let me tell you. That site is fucking useless for info. Every post is just some fucking pseud trying to jerk off his own ego. The way people dress up their posts is disingenuous at best. Every other post is either some faggot trying to make a witty pun or some faggot just trying to make you think he's smart.

>> No.14306936

Reddit is full of off-topic spamming trash that makes shitty drama threads.
Kinda reminds me of someone.

>> No.14307169

the puns and wordplay, all PC

It's like being in a corporate office

>> No.14307205

Its fucking shit and terrible to read any thread on there. Everything is either [removed] or filled with stupid puns or pop culture references.

In one topic someone made the mistake of using the words dental plan. And the following 98 comments were Lisa needs braces, dental plan etc.

>> No.14307219
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>> No.14307261
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Reddit was great about a decade ago but look at the current state of it now. They're absolutely terrified of Apu because of his green skin. Unironically the most wholesome meme to come out of this place.

>Good, fuck those nazis and their gaslighting tactics
>Lets see where these basement dwellers crawl to next.
>Can't wait to see what new ridiculous method Nazis will use to spread propaganda.

>> No.14307761

lisa needs braces

>> No.14307792
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>> No.14307828
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those people are even worse than jannies ffs

>> No.14307937

tell me a shittier subreddit than lgbt.
I'll wait.

>> No.14307956

fuck you nigger

>> No.14307968


>> No.14308006

>every post you make can be tied back to you and as such you might be unwilling to say certain things due to the impact it might have on your image
lmao at redditards using post history as an argument when it's often completely irrelevant to whatever comment or post they're trying to refute

>> No.14308018
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They're the most gullible bunch I saw online. Here at least you know 90% are shills/nsa/neets, but there there are real boomers who play with their spare money.

>> No.14308065

People become hyperaware of every other viewpoint and all other competing interest and thus want to mirror back a bland, accepting persona to not risk attack
Its the logical progression of the "last man" - they no longer have any ability to exert their will upon the world, so hiding and comfort safety becomes the ultimate goal.
The good thing biologically, is eventually these societies are toppled...so the future we will again see bold men who are willing to force the world to bend its knee to their view. Unfortunately it doesnt look like it will be based on euro genetics....unless of course we are successful with our little money experiment

>> No.14308079

Redditors are the lowest lifeform on the internet.

>> No.14308189

Reddit appeals to the "safe" comment and the lowest common denominator type of interaction, where the only form of extremism is the extreme view of the mainstream, of what is already accepted, and the only form of "hatred" or extreme antagonism allowed is that which goes against those who go against the mainstream.

>> No.14308258

Wut, I'm so far off mainstream I don't get the reference

>> No.14308295

r/drugcirclejerk used to be a good place

>> No.14308334

apu originated from ylilauta (finnish board) you newfag

>> No.14308950

Anybody who uses 'This' is a telling sign of a redditor.

>> No.14308986

This. And I don't even use reddit

>> No.14308991
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>> No.14309226

probably cause they know LINK is a scam and you're a stinky

>> No.14309278

How do i make money from reddit if i own a fairly large subreddit? Can i just sticky an affiliate link and have these idiots all click it?

>> No.14309410

r\cryptomoonshots dump their bags on biz regularly

>> No.14309412



>> No.14309420
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>> No.14310100
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>Decide to join "free speech" subreddit
>Get banned for making a dumb Jew joke
Never went back after that. I realized that 4chan has always been the only place for me. I'll have nowhere to go if/when this place gets shoa'd.